5 -
Also, I would REALLY like to a selection of hats for the Full Helmet Detail 1 category. Why can't I have a full helmet with a hat on top of it like Colonel Karl Kroenen?
[/ QUOTE ]
While we're discussing Full Helmets, howabout giving them a few more options? We've had the same Detail 3 options for years; in fact, I don't think there's been any added since the game came out. Compare to all the Detail 2 options a normal head has. Yeah, Full Helmet shouldn't be getting facial hair, but why not Breathers 1-6 or all the other masks?
And other things...why are horns in the same category as eyeware? In a similar vein, why are Full Helmet crests in the same category as side-mounted comms and filters?
Why can't you add anything but wings and horns to Medieval Helms?
Couldn't the 'Helmets' category go under 'Hats'? Helmet-wearing characters deserve different ears! -
Okay, so we know that heroes can get the Villain/Reformed badge on Live by being confused in a PVP zone and defeating Longbow...
Will the same logic hold true for the badges for defeating signature heroes in RV?
I'm not sure I want to know the answer to that...
[/ QUOTE ]
Just a few days after getting Reformed on my Blaster, I saw these new badges and immediately wondered the same thing.
If we do 10% of the damage while confused, would we get the badge if other side brought them down? Do we have to be confused when the signature villain/hero gets put down to get the badge?
We'll definitely have to try this out on Test at some point, when the server population isn't too high (try getting 60 gank-happy heroes to not attack the 3 Plant Dominators helping 8 heroes attacking Synapse!). -
I just did the respec earlier today.
L34 En/? Stalker, who got auto-exemped down to 30.
L27 Necro/Dark MM, SK'd to 29.
L29 Dark/Dark Cor
L24 Rob/Poison MM, SK'd to 28. (Me)
We had four deaths the entire TF. Twice from the Corrupter, who admitted she was doing stupid things (one wasn't her fault, as there was an elite boss on the other side of the door the Stalker opened, and she got caught) in the Elite Boss mission. Once from me, when a pull for Howling Twilight didn't go very well. Once from the Stalker, who got a little too close to the Tree before we were ready.
The respec was, generally, easy. We cleared out the CoT, then worked our way around, attacking the vines. Robots are great for this, since they can attack vines closer to the Tree than the rest of the team could.
We gathered and buffed up for the AV. I sent my robots on ahead, then the /Darks laid down their debuffs, as did I (-Res, -Acc, and -speed debuffs. No idea if they worked or even hit). After the initial aggro, which killed all three of my minion bots, the ONLY trouble we had was from the CoT ambush. I was the only one to go into orange, at least before the Tree died. I moved closer to the Corruptor, and that solved that. My resummoned minions didn't even take damage before the Tree went down. I'm not sure the Necro lost any pets at all.
Of course, once the AV went down and the AoE debuffs vanished, the Corruptor and I died in about 15 seconds. The Stalker and Necro exited before they were overrun.
So, yes, healing was somewhat useful. I would've been fine with just a couple respites. Good debuffing, though, make healing essentially moot. As always. -
Close. The crate in Raiders is 9906753.
So maybe the 5th just grabbed the wrong one?
[/ QUOTE ]
...Please tell me you know that because you went and looked it up.
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Of course. 3 seconds on Google. -
Possible Spoilers Contained Within
My personal favorite is from the early (read Lowbie) missions for natural origin heroes. The mission to retrieve crate # 9906769 from the 5th Council. I wonder if this could be a reference to Raiders of the Lost Ark and the crate in which the Ark is stored at the end of the film?
[/ QUOTE ]
Close. The crate in Raiders is 9906753.
So maybe the 5th just grabbed the wrong one?