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  1. The last encounter involves a) put cane or snowstorm on LR followed by B) 3300 hit points sustained - DEAD. Rinse repeat. Battles last 5 seconds.
  2. I rate the TF a 10 up to and including the Arachnos flier. After that it's all Statesman/tank being the healer's pet fighting an overly powerful AV. I rate it a 1 out of 10. My mind can't comprehend 3300 hit points from a single shot. Tohit debuff, Defense debuff, defenses, resistances, knockback, repel, all meaningless, when 1 out of 10 times a +4 archvillain is hitting for 3300 hits points. I feel like the Devs totally scorned defenders on this. I can see why Illusion controllers are so coveted. Pets that can't die tanking the AV that can't lose while the peons use the pitchforks and hoes against the towers.

    So now I am here with a hero that is worthless against Hamidon, worthless in the Sewer Trial, minimally useful against the Eden trial, and again totally titsonaboar for the Statesman TF. I really like to play my storm defender but he will always get picked last for kickball and the big raids since he isn't one of Statesman's cool kids.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Anyway - I still don't understand your complaints about GW and Mako... The 2 AV's are easily dealt with as long as your team is a well balanced team. 1 rad should be enough to make Mako, along with a few +acc buffs from Tactics or Emps to hit him constantly and kill him. GW is just about damage output. Same with the Towers.

    Life's absurd events deserve absurd reactions.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Bold quote is wrong, it takes more than 1 rad, 2 storm defenders, a kinetic and multiple leaderships. It took 3 shivans, a snowbeast, an amy, and a warwolf to finish Mako off. That's crazy talk.
  4. The Triumphant Defenders is an all-defender SG which has been active since the fall of 2004.

    <ul type="square">Website:

    Leader or Recruiting Officers: @psylenz, @accelerator ray, @duncan storm

    Preferred Method of contact: Global Tell, In-Game Email, Forum Post, CoX Forum PM,

    SuperGroup Description:
    Rebuilding but growing group of fairly mature, casual players with a lot of alts that aren't defenders. We team with alts, coalition members, and any player that has something to offer to team play. We like to do task forces, badge missions, and help with giant monsters whenever we get the call to take one down. Coming soon we are planning an exciting Triumph server event.[/list]
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Ok, here is my strategy.

    Step 1: get a kinetic who knows how to debuff.
    Step 2: have the kin pop 8 sturdies, 1 breakfree, and 4 lucks
    Step 3: kin goes in, spamming fulcrum and siphon power
    Step 4: team waits until second siphon power, and then moves in
    Step 5: kill all the normal clocks while the kin keeps the clock king debuffed
    Step 6: kill the clock king at your leisure, as long as the kin doesn't get mezzed and can keep debuffing and spamming transfusion for the -regen (and the heal is nice too)

    Kinetics can duo the clock king with any other AT. Trivially. Rad is great at debuffing spawns...but kinetics owns them at single target debuffing.

    As long as you have enough sturdies and lucks to take the alpha (which should be about 50% debuffed before you take it anyway), you are good to go (as long as you don't get mezzed).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I appreciate the debuffs of both the Rad and Kin sets, but I wouldn't say that a Kin has bigger or better debuffs than a Rad, especially when it comes to -regen

    Kin debuffs damage potential, endurance, speed and regeneration quite well.

    Rad debuffs accuracy, resistance, regeneration, damage potential, endurance and speed very nicely.

    On a really good team you should have one of each
  6. I know this horse has been kicked long since it went to the glue factory. May I make a suggestion regarding Clear Mind and empathy. In light of _Castle_'s pronouncement that Clear Mind was to be a quick fix not a long term buff (and I will completely ignore the supposition that this is why it needs to have a 4 second, could be four hours, too darn long activation). There are TWO possible defender powers that could be just copied over to the empaths' Clear Mind power: Clarity (which would admittedly look funny for an empathy defender to use) and Increase Density. I vote for increase density. I don't think the empaths would mind the subtle changes in the attributes of the powers if it were to reduce the activation time substantially. The usual artistic application of the purple effect instead of the kinetic orange-yellow shouldn't take too much adaptation. In my amateur opinion, this could be done with a patch before a complete Issue of revisions were released. Yay? Nay?
  7. Eventually the devs/_Castle_ may make a pronouncement on -speed. What do you think -fly, -jump, and -tp qualify as? Are they controls or debuffs?
  8. Powers that slow:

    Snowstorm: -speed, -recharge, -fly
    Lingering Radiation: -speed, -recharge, -regen
    Freezing Rain: -speed, -def, -res, knockdown
    Tar Patch: -speed, -res
    Siphon Speen: -speed, (self +speed, +recharge)

    Arctic Air: -speed, -stealth, confuse
    Quicksand: -speed, -defense, -jump(?)
    Hot Feet: -speed, (also has DoT component)

    I am not familiar enough with the other controller slows. Anyway, my point is to show there are a significant number of powers that have -speed without -recharge.
  9. First, thank you so much for spending the time to investigate the Defender Issues.

    My first issue with the reply is:
    [ QUOTE ]
    Knockback is not a Debuff, and Controllers have the same modifier as Defenders for this.


    * Balance: Force Bubble has the exact same effect for Controllers as Defenders.


    Knockback and Repel are not debuffs, and Controllers have the same modifier as Defenders for this.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    To me there could be much discussion as to what is and what is not a debuff, or what or what is not a control for that matter. To me kb and repel could be control, control where your foe is, but a level 32 'signature power' like Force Bubble (coff coff, hairball) should NOT be more effectively used by a controller, because it's NOT a hold, mez, or immobilize.

    Saying that Defenders with the Forcefield set have more damage in Forcebolt and Repulsion Bomb and should enjoy their inferior control is akin to passing flatulence and telling the defender that passing gas has no smell. Yes, that's a perfect comparison, insult with injury.

    A hold is a control, a 'phase' like detention field' is a control, mezzes, too, an immobilize is a control, and slow is... harder to define. By the in-game description it is designated as -speed, "-" as in minus, speed as in buff. At the same time, I could conceive of the argument that immobilize is just a 100% -speed debuff. Where does this leave siphon speed? It seems like a clear debuff. Along this line, the antonym of a slow would be: speed boost. NOBODY I have heard has said that speed boost is a control. Clearly, the defender powers such as snowstorm, siphon speed, lingering radiation should be defender debuffs in my mind. I would think certain powers have slow which do seem controllerish. Tarpatch has -speed, but not -recharge with a side of -damage resistance. On the controller side, I would compare it to a power such as quicksand although the side dish there is -defense. There is a feature to snowstorm which seems controllerish, the -fly portion. I have no opinion where caltrops should go, but I am glad Controllers don't get them since they do damage and therefore 'smell' to most defenders.


    Thanks to all the posters with the demorecords of the hurricane bug. I just wonder how it was investigated in the first place. The situation invariably occurs with my Ice/radiation controller teammate.
  10. Hey! That's my route! The presents on the four corners of the small island respawn quite quickly.