995 -
I keep toying with other games but I get annoyed and come back to Icon, I mean COH
Hey Lodestar - good to hear you are keeping well and still around!!
I am still doing them... kinda. Been a lot going on in real life so hardly had a spare moment to sit down and go through the request list (but there is still a request list!)
I will attempt to update the list over the next few days and post it here... would be good to check that some of the people that signed up for cutes a few months back are even still playing the game!
oh and I can possibly resize avatars if they are not fitting so well in the new 100 x 100 square. Just ask via PM if you want me to. -
Double xp was good here
Actually found myself playing again after a couple of months of inactivity. Got my pain corruptor to 32 and finally made a VEAT and got her to 24. All is good
I just hope they come up with a good way of getting rid of the name clashes...
Overall I like the new forums but I don't like the _EU next to my name
Heya Psygon, could you make me one of my main, Effy On Malibu
Would really appreiciate it
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Effy on Malibu
Small Version -
So? What happens if your EU handle is taken by someone US side? It was back when I had a run there so probably still is.
Would annoy me to hell if I had to change it.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah... I want to know this as well. There appears to be a poster on the US forums with the same name as me :O
Do we get to keep the forum titles we have now as well - or are they going too?? -
On the subject of Plushies:
Found in the recent PCFormat, they seem to do animé and WoW characters but also do commission stuff too.
[/ QUOTE ]
they are actually pretty cool... if only I had the spare cash to order one -
Could I possibly have one? No rush or anything.
Using my current avatar as a basis with a couple of changes. DM/Regen (so no sword) and her eyes are blue in reality (game).
Link to orginal of my avatar.
[/ QUOTE ]
Hope this is OK!
Cute Lost Ninja (tho that pic you linked was already cute!)
The small version -
Hi Psygon
Would it be possible to add Uther Dracus to your list to be cutified please?
I do hope that you have had a good holiday.
[/ QUOTE ]
Seems to have taken me ages to get this one done :O
Cute Uther
Uther small version -
All these people saying TA is good and I just can't seem to get anywhere with mine :S
I think it must be my dark blast secondary that just doesn't seem to work for me
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The problem is it's TA/Dark and not Dark/Dark... now feel free to go and re-roll
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My dark is dark/elec! I play her as frequently as the ta/dark :O -
hey Psygon
Would you make a cutie of Mac please?? Their ace!
Mac 1
Mac 2
Mac 3
[/ QUOTE ]
Here is Mr Mac
and a small version -
All these people saying TA is good and I just can't seem to get anywhere with mine :S
I think it must be my dark blast secondary that just doesn't seem to work for me -
heh... well, mine wasn't a totally accurate representation of one anyway
Hi Psygon! I'd really appreciate if you could make a cute version of Searing Empress for me please. See below for two screenshots of her.
Hope you all have a good weekend!
- Searing Empress
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Could I also have her with a happy expression please, one similar to Psygon's City of Cute version.
Thanks very much!
- Searing Empress
[/ QUOTE ]
Yep, you can have a happy face :P
Searing Empress
and the small version -
Or just a Cutifed Greater Devoured.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm not sure what the difference is between the look of the greater and the lesser devoured...
but I've had a go at a cute one
Lesser Devoured
Gonna try and make a cute background for it too :P -
and just because I was feeling silly last night... I modified a couple of already done cutes to make..
Free your inner elf... -
Badumph! *falls from the sky*
Someone brought my attention to the thread, that and I saw everyones avatars.
Absolutely Fabulous work as usual!
If you fancy doing one of Catz the link is heeor: Look it's a Link!
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Catz Cute
small version -
Hoo and Rah!
Screenie for you.....
Linky to Knightingale
And THANKS in advance!
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Knightingale Cute
Small version