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  1. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    Originally Posted by Scootertwo View Post
    I hope Psygon is okay it's been a while since they were seen.

    anyone seen Psygon?

    am still here - just been mega busy with work the last week or so (got a temporary promotion today whoop!).

    Hopefully should calm down a little now that's out the way And I havent forgotten the cutes :P

    Thanks for noticing tho!!
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkEther View Post
    Claws/Stone Brute doing an Eviscerate attack - soaring stone ftw!

    Sone/Claws Eviscerate
    that just seems wrong somehow...
  3. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    Originally Posted by Landrig View Post
    Hi was just wondering if Lykofos was on the list.
    I've just been checking who is on the list for before I closed it to make sure I hadn't missed anyone... I've not been doing them in order :O

    Anyway, you're actually top of the list at the moment
  4. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    Thanks for all the comments folks

    And here are some more!

    (I had to kinda guess some of the costume on this as wasn't sure exactly which items you were wearing based on the image you sent so hope it's ok! Tried to make some enforcer boots... whew, harder than I thought! )

    Darc Ranger

    Noble Intent

    ... and not really attached to city of cute but I made a pic of some of my other toons over the weekend which I put in my DA Gallery:
  5. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    Just one today... made a new toon this weekend and got distracted playing her. Although one thing I noticed when I was making her costume... all these great pics I have been sent have turned me into a costume thief by accident :O Gonk was looking over my shoulder and pointing out the bits I was stealing heheh

    Anyways here is:

    Gray Huntress
  6. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    Originally Posted by Kai View Post
    Ooh, ooh! I have a Q for you for a friend who would *die* for the cuteness. Quana, the Love Ninja If you need a better screenshot I will sneak around and try to obtain one
    Oooh, that's a great looking toon Added to my list
  7. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    Done a couple more


    Mr Apollo

    Lord Porkluse
    I hope this kinda matches the requirements :P

    And one I did for fun

    Mutate Gunner
  8. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    Here are just a couple of new ones (alcohol got the better of me last night!)

    First up:

    Dakota Sunrise

    And then a super cute...

    Hubba Bubbles

    (as a quick aside - thanks for the X character that really helps me out... still after that Y character and also a Q... )
  9. wow :O Clearly I wasn't too late - I'm Psygon again, whoop whoop!

    thanks to whoever changed it over so quick!!
  10. man, missed this thread and the instructions. Hope I'm not too late to hold on to Psygon
  11. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    Originally Posted by Scootertwo View Post
    Okay I have to ask...

    Whats the deal with the wanting a specific letter?

    Are you doing a cute alphabit?
    ... yeah
  12. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    SO I had a fairly bad day at work today, the only glimmer of enjoyment coming from the new cutes I created

    And here they are!!

    First up:

    Typo Cop (a very cute policeman!)

    Then we have (I hope...)

    Grey Mathias (a quite cute yet serious looking mobster)

    Next up we have two that are yet again some of my favourites...

    A King ... Hope I got the name right

    And finally... the most awesome cute zombie girl:

  13. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    Originally Posted by Ozmosis View Post
    If I have a toon thaty starts with Y, can I submit?
    yes! please do!
  14. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    Originally Posted by Scootertwo View Post
    I have no idea how long the que is or isn't but just want to know if I'm on it?
    yep you are
  15. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    As the eagle eyed amongst you may have spotted I said I wasn't taking any more requests at the moment... however, not wanting to backtrack too much I find myself actually wanting to request some more requests for cutes... but only if you have a toon that happens to begin with Y or X

    So if you do and you have some nice screenshots (and you fancy a cute!) please let me know!
  16. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    Originally Posted by westfallen View Post
    So I'm assuming mine, (( Grey mathias)) is still on the list? D:
    yep you are!
  17. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    Ok, so the next few are ready!

    First up we have:


    Next is Doctor Noire:

    Doctor Noire

    Then we have a cute ickle fairy:

    Snap Play

    And finally one of my faves of this bunch

  18. Psygon

    Laters all

    Hope things go well for you out there in the wide world Omega - thanks for arranging some very fun Hamidon raids and the robot rampages - I reckon they are going to be missed!
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Generalissimo View Post
    Plus your connection wasn't the best so that slowed things down too
    not to mention the fact that after the first TF all of us began to feel suicidal and no one could admit that we were on a crazy foolhardy mission :P
  20. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    Originally Posted by Vivace View Post

    Pleased you like her!
  21. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    Originally Posted by tuter_king View Post
    oh i forgot about that keep the king on then hehe :d
    ok :d
  22. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    Originally Posted by TheMaskedShrike View Post
    Heavens to Betsy, Psygon, that's so adorable! *girly squee*

    After my day of frustration, this really brightened my afternoon. Thank you *so* much! You rock
    Am pleased you like it

    Really think that your character allowed for a very cute rendition
  23. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    You are actually on the list as far as I can make out with, er, a King - you can swap it to rainbow jester if you like although I had some ideas for making that king cute

    As for others wanting on the list... until I can clear a few more the list is, unfortunatly, closed.

    Anyone that has requested one up to this point is safely on the list and I will get there eventually - promise!
  24. Psygon

    City of Cute...

    Well I finally did it :O

    I went through the requests and started to try and pull together some sort of list. But I started losing count sometime after 10 and just before I hit 40... so I decided to just make a stab at those that were there. Apologies if you have been waiting some time for these... and here's hoping you like them

    click any image for a larger version!

    First up, one of my favourites... really like how this turned out:


    One featuring some of the magic pack options:

    Aquarian Draconum

    One that required a sword and a gun!


    A really cute one!



    Volt Sentinal

    And probably my favourite cute to date... so needs to be on a tshirt!!!!

    Masked Shrike
  25. DB you are crackers :P

    Um, I think you'd have to count Gonk and I out on this one. Doing it once was... an experience. Doing it twice would just be crackers