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  1. Psamtik

    Issue 9

    Speaking as newb I feel qualified to comment on this. Apologies for lack of text speak, but I prefer the Queens English

    Totally agree with Standoff, you don't have to learn it all at once. I think they've pitched the Inventions system at the right point. You don't have to worry about it until later levels which gives newbs a chance to concentrate on learning the basics first. By level 10 you should have a decent grasp on Enhancement use, even if your inexperience means you didn't slot wisely. Lets face it though, at lvl 10 how much damage can you really have done to your future build?

    So by the time you're able to take the tutorial and start inventing, you should have enough background to 'move on' and I personally thought the tutorial explained things pretty well.

    My only critisism as a newb is the effect of ED isn't very clearly explained, although I'm not at a level where its really an issue yet so perhaps I'm jumping the gun on that one.

    Otherwise I think most newbs that just start playing the game will cope just fine with I9's gifts. TBH, I was more confused coming on here and trying to understand the acronymns and jargon you vets were throwing around!
  2. .....I would like to say thank you for a wonderful weekend.

    Having purchased the game just a few weeks ago and having had little time to play it since, I finally had an opportunity to immerse myself in Paragon City and I had an absolute blast (if you'll pardon the pun). I have played quite a few MMO's and I've never found such an overwhelming sense of acceptance, community and teamwork as I did on Defiant. You guys made a newbie feel very welcome and helped me learn the ropes.

    Thanks to everyone who teamed with The Darksteel Avenger, Mass Driver and Jagarra. You guys were great and I made a few friends I think. I won't be on much in the coming weeks but I look forward to teaming again and kicking some Circle of Thorn or Council behind!

    Oh, and Panda on the Loose, get some bloody sleep mate!