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  1. Pogothulu

    Thursday ROOKERY

    [ QUOTE ]
    Gratz to you Pogo, maybe I'll hop on red side and join you with my lvl 22 MM tonight?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    sounds like a plan
  2. Pogothulu

    Thursday ROOKERY

    also..my dm/nin stalker dinged 21 last night.
  3. Pogothulu

    Thursday ROOKERY

    they ran it Monday for memorial day from 8am to 4am
    I love it cause they had great sci-fi writers on it, it had darker undertones for a kids show at that time..even for most kids shows today..but remember it was made in 1974-1976..so low-budget, 70's special effects FTW!!! and yhey still had awesome dinosaur action!! bring it on!! Im ready for you Sleestaks!!
  4. Pogothulu

    Thursday ROOKERY

    morning all!! not much to say today except, if the scifi website is right on June 4th and 5th from 8am to 6pm both days...2-DAY LAND OF THE LOST MARATHON!!! OMG!!!
  5. Pogothulu

    Thursday ROOKERY


    *staggers downstairs from the attic lab mumbling about muscle relaxants about to kick in. Notices the place is not open yet and picks up his pace, hitting buttons activating the breakfast-making machines and servobots and donutbot.*

    Coffee..pamcakes..turkey bacon...why the hell does my scale say I put on five pounds?? maybe its the heavy-[censored] sweatpants im wearing?...water, lots of water today..ok Im mumbling to myself, great.

    Morning all..dont mind me..

    *grabs coffee and pamcakes and stuff and plops down in his MCTDFBBC without spilling or dropping anything.*
  6. I didnt even know I had ones of dem!!

    hmm..Ill have to do inventory of the lab this weekend...
  7. *knocks on the supersekrit sofa*

    psst..can i comes in too?
  8. Pogothulu

    Airship Rookery

    Bullocks I say!! Bullocks!!
  9. Pogothulu

    Airship Rookery

    much better!!

    but, hes NO relation to the Chi-KHAAAAAAAAAN!!!!
  10. Pogothulu

    Airship Rookery

    lmao Dr Kahn..you spelt it wrong puppeh!!
  11. Pogothulu

    Airship Rookery

    ok i15 IS live on test server!! blueside new tf starts in FF..min of 4 people..maybe we could do a rookery tf to try it out (lvls 45-50) sometime this week?..
  12. im a very dark green for some reason
  13. wait!!! so were frisking Mdisen and going after GrandInquisitor?

    *frisks Madisen*
  14. Pogothulu

    Airship Rookery

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    didnt someone say earlier that i15 was on test server? I just logged onto test and I dont see anything about it...

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Maybe it's only for the Euro-peons.

    [/ QUOTE ]

  15. Pogothulu

    Airship Rookery

    didnt someone say earlier that i15 was on test server? I just logged onto test and I dont see anything about it...
  16. Pogothulu

    Airship Rookery

    Rachel!! Im sowwy you tooth hurt....
  17. Pogothulu

    Airship Rookery

    lvl 22 i get stamina, then itll be 3 slotted w enhances but yeah cant wait for SO's...ok off for 20 minute stationay bike ride. going nowhere fast!
  18. hey!! no astronauts with ducks allowed!! hand that duck over!!
  19. Pogothulu

    Airship Rookery

    got lvl 20 on my stalker
  20. Pogothulu

    Airship Rookery

    no more Fedor?...NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
  21. Pogothulu

    Airship Rookery

    this looks like a job for...Alan Pogomain!!!
  22. Pogothulu

    Airship Rookery

    Did someone mention we're off to...adventure? O.o
  23. Pogothulu

    Airship Rookery

    [ QUOTE ]
    *Flies by in the D00MSHIP-9000*

    Muahahahaha Good morning Peasants! Prepare to be annihilated in a confluence of Space age weaponry!

    *Fires a broadsides of aforementioned Space-Age weaponry....and 18th century cannons...cuz they're cool like that*

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Prepare to return fire! Load some o' them puppehs in! We'll get him with cuteness!!
  24. Happy Birthdat Kegan!!

    *Hands out Guinness to all of legal age.*

    what? guinness goes good with the cupca-...everything.
  25. Pogothulu

    Airship Rookery

    *Walks out of the attic lab. right before he plummets 15,000 feet he catches the door*

    GAAAHHHH!!!! what the helll????? oh! an airship!!

    *ducks back into the room and leaps out onto the deck wearing a pirate captains costume*

    Avast me heartys!! set course fer treasure!! by days end we'll have the gold!! AAARRR!!!