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  1. Pogothulu

    Friday Rookery.

    *is grabbed by dental assistants*
    Now see here! gah I don't hmmph mmrf mmffmmhmmnmm affamminmaffinframmin!!!!


    so there!!

    *stands there blinking for 5 minutes*

    what the hell was that!!??!!
  2. Pogothulu

    Friday Rookery.

    *sighs* well..at least someones bodily pain(s) have been healed.... gratz Rachel. glad you're feeling better
  3. *hands out pooper scoopers to everyone* yeah its a crappy job but someone's gotta do it..

    I don't believe I went there!!
  4. Um..lets call him and find out?...
    fine lets round up the litle buggers

    ((why the hell am I doing the british thing again?? Im from Long Island, New York))
  5. Alive my [censored]!! Save yerselves!!!!!!

    *runs around flailing arms in panicky mode*
  6. wooohh!!! I have that one too still sealed in its original shipping bag!!!!

    *runs to put it on epay* ( yes epay to avoid copyright infringements etc, etc, etc and so on! )
  7. Pogothulu

    Friday Rookery.

    and on a lighter note: just dinged 23 on my stalker!! 3-slotted stamina finally!! MUAHAHAHAHA!!!

  8. Pogothulu

    Friday Rookery.

    WHy does that not sound good?? Im sorry...
  9. Pogothulu

    Friday Rookery.

    and Bora Bora (sp?) too.
  10. Pogothulu

    Friday Rookery.

    ggrr..was just playing my stalker... 1.5 bubs to 23 and diviner wont give me missions til25...hopefullt sf's tomorrow...
  11. Pogothulu

    Friday Rookery.

    *reappears wearing hawaiin shirt, shorts and sandals, white wide brim straw hat and sunglasses. carrying two suitcases and his VIP first class ticket.*

    lovely day for a cruise I say!
  12. Pogothulu

    Friday Rookery.

    Yes much fun indeed!! I cant wait for the redside tf's this weekend puppeh is running!
  13. Pogothulu

    Friday Rookery.

    I couldnt tell..There was too much rain coming down.
  14. Pogothulu

    Friday Rookery.

    Morning all..We're having a mon soon on Long Island..I just returned from picking my dad up...I think I saw some old guy with a long beard building some kind of boat and a bunch of animals were walking towards him in two lines...
  15. Double Zoinks!!!! and a Jinkies!!! too!
  16. Pogothulu

    Thursday ROOKERY

    Im not that argumentive and noise and chaos is ok to an extent..otherwise spot on...and im not that harsh, if at all.
  17. Pogothulu

    Thursday ROOKERY

    wait!! what time tonight for redside emmi?
  18. Hey there were THREE of us under there!! Hey whered the couch go? eep!!

    *sees the black/green hole*
    dont know if I should be worried or not. *shrugs*
  19. Pogothulu

    Thursday ROOKERY

    1. horoscopes- Im a Virgo...
    2. was in the other room. friend called on his lunch. we were talking about Land of the Lost for half an hour, lol I know. So mom overhears me and shes goes , 'wow you really loved that show as a kid.' I said well I was 4 when it came out and what little boy doesnt like dinosaurs and hello, to me, the looked real!
    'so she says something like too bad ya cant get them on dvd. i said yeah you can- the whole series in one set for like 45 bucks.
    where she asks
    well, Best Buy for one...
    Ok, take our joint card and go get it for yourself.
    Huhbuhwha???!!!??? :gin:
    Im back from bestbuy now!! (dvd set in hand, so to speak)
    My mom's the coolest sometimes
  20. Pogothulu

    Thursday ROOKERY

    I still haven't seen WALL-E