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  1. also I got my stalker to 30 last night

    and for those who missed the E3 coverage yesterday, the trailer for Star Wars The Old Republic MMO looks phenomenal.
  2. *Pops up out of the water in the hottub and looks around*

    I shoulda turned right at Alberquerque (sp??)!!

    Nice speech Emmi! Except...ya didnt mention me!!! After everthing we've been through!! After all I've done here!! I'm not even mentioned in an acceptance speech!! waaahhh!!

    *bawls and cries his eyes out, overfilling the hottub*

    (psst think this'll get me nominated for an academy award?)
  3. just meh..stuff to do and not getting it done..and no motivation...busy day tomorrow and wednesday I guess...
  4. *secretly replaces puppeh with Neko, and Neko with puppeh*
  5. me agian..feeling bleh today...no clue why.
  6. I'm soooooo sure!! Who put the kitteh in the cow outfit to begin with? O.o
  7. Happy Birthday!!!!

    *hands out Guinness to all of legal age*
  8. hi all who came in after me..
    *flops down on his MCTDFBBC* simple job to do- mow the lawn and then weedwhack the edges..someone moved the weedwhacker standing it up and caused the fuel mix to leak out!! had to go to hmedepot and buy more..then i noticed these 6 bags of leaves my stepbrother filled months ago never got taken out..so id ecide to move em..every bag is falling apart bu just touching them so im rebaggin em- get halfway through em and i flip out

    so im inside now watching E3 coverage on G4..I think theyre showing the Beatles expansion for RockBand
  9. *Comes downstairs notices the bars on all the windows*

    what the..??

    and no that god awful movie opens this weekend on the 5th...I might go only cause I got a free ticket to see it...its god awful cause Will Farrell is in it..
  10. so cap has a cow fetish now? O.o oh my!
  11. how long would oro 1 take? O.o

    Ive never done the oro tfs..but sadly 3-4,4:30pm have stuff to do. eastern time I mean.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    This is what happens when u let morons run the world

    [/ QUOTE ]

    NO NO NO NO!!!!! These people MUST be shot!! ANti-smoking in a movie cause ITS BAD FOR YOUR HEALTH???? Did they bother to watch how KILLING PEOPLE IS BAD FOR THIER HEALTH TOO!!??!!

    Its just a group trying to get publicity by attacking a popular medium..
    I remember, well Ill never forget this, back wehn I was 15 the local library let us play D&D there once wekk for 3 hours. Born again christians in the area just opened a new church/ building/ shack thing (really it was a very small place). So theyd show up EVERY week protesting us, handing out pamphelets to people 'quoting; the rulebooks showing the 'demonic worshipping' of the game. I took a pamphelet home, had the exact copy of the books the referrenced and lo and behold!! those quotes WERE NOT there!!
    Needless to say, the pansy-[censored] library caved in, even after our parents showed up protesting the protestors. But, this was at the time the media was saying D&D'ers were devil worshippers. (End note to that 'witch hunt'- a year later it was released by the media that the people who had perfermed 'satanic rituals' were in fact already Satanic worshippers BEFORE they even started playing the game!)
    But, if they want to be morons about it, please fell free! I swear, there should be an uprising of intelligent people and just put down to rest the idiots in the world.
    Darwin ok'd this years ago..We're just weeding out the weak is all, in this case the mentally weak.
  13. Pogothulu


    oh there it goes!! 234 mph..heehee
  14. Pogothulu


    ok..all I see is a plastic monkey and a giant hand, I can move the hand around and let it go but nothing else happens...
  15. I dunt think forever but...her schedule will be greatly askewed as far as CoX goes...

    but look at how cool her job is!!
    in the long run that counts more..trust me on that one! better than working in a completely suck job for TEN YEARS and almost 2 years later still trying to forget about it!
  16. well, I was going to jump in the pool but it seems that someone has secretly replaced all the water with puppehs!!
  17. 45 mins til redside SF Saturday! RAWR!!! *flexes stalker ninja-like assassin muscles*
  18. wait a minute Detra!! Neko already started a thread for today...
  19. oops! morning to all I missed! sorry.
  20. mmm cold pizzahs!!!
    *grabs two big slices of the sicillian style with everything on it and a big glass of diet coke.*

    coffee and cold pizzahs dont mix.

    *picks up the kitteh and hugs her*

    mornin' Neko!! how goes the day so far?
  21. Pogothulu

    Friday Rookery.

    poucny huggle pile!!!!

    *jumps in and joins in the fun*
  22. Oh, also for tomorrow, Saturday- redside sf's?
  23. ill double check which shard ones I need on pogoman..He did two of them already. Maybe Ill join in on some of those oro tf's lemme see what my schedule is like though first.
  24. two words:

    Say whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa???!!!!???