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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    Umm, I clicked Reply by your post. And then used the URL link on the create post page.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    But...but I used the URL thingamajig!! Why does it hate me so!!??!!
  2. Anyway, I have to go mow the lawn. Ill be back in about 90 mins or so. Lemme know what you guys think of the costume- ok or change it a bit?
  3. I hate you sackboy.......Ok howd ya do that??....
  4. Ok...what am I doing wrong?...
  5. NO!!! dammit it aint time lord technology!! whaddya want from me??
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    Emmi - Tabby Steele inv/DB tank
    Pulc - Nurse Delight, empathy/energy defender
    Wendy - Mai"Kesh Gysse -Arch/MM Blaster
    Neko - Iron Kitteh - Force Field/Energy Defender
    Emgro - Genshiro - Illusion/Radiation Controller
    Painful - Llamas Keeper Broad sword/WillPower Scrapper(tentative, thats alot of KB after all, but i will definately be there)
    Pogo- Dr Arcanus Grav/Thermal Controller

    [/ QUOTE ]

    To keep the list official, somone didnt copy and paste from where I put mine down originally . im going to post a pic here of my toon. Please let me know if you think itll be genericed, I can change it up a bit before tonight.
  7. Drink a lot of water. that helps with weight loss. Also more green veggies- brocoli I find to be my favorite. Also switch from processed 'white' starches to whole grains. If you eat rice, switch to bron rice. try whole wheat pastas too taste a little sweeter than regular pastas and healthier for you too. If you know what I'm saying.
  8. Pogothulu

    Puppy Hits 30

    Does having 50's on two seperate accounts count towards the total? or it has to be on one account? I don't think I'm even close to 30 50's, just asking is all. Gratz puppeh!
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Emmi - Tabby Steele inv/DB tank
    Pulc - Nurse Delight, empathy/energy defender
    Wendy - Mai"Kesh Gysse -Arch/MM Blaster
    Neko - Iron Kitteh - Force Field/Energy Defender
    Pogo- Dr Arcanus- Grav/Thermal Controller

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hopefully my miniscule grav holds will lessen the kb's.. I have no idea how the grav/thermal will play out..mostly all support it looks like but wanted to try both powersets for a while now.
  10. Morning all. Getting ready to go to PT soon, if you know what I'm saying.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I made rice krispies treats enjoy!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I hereby posit that rice krispies cause cancer, and therefore, for the good of the Rookery, I will eat them all.

    And that's totally legit. Go look it up on the internets yourself, cuz I'm too busy chewin'.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    good thing I hid some for myself!
  12. I made rice krispies treats enjoy!
  13. I have a Bachelor's Degree in English- Creative Writing and Literature and it's gotten me nowhere
  14. But, seriously, we gotta find alternative fuels, and perhaps invest more in solar power? I mean there IS that huge ball of fire, and helium, and megauberheat sitting right there in the sky.
  16. Rook? You sucked all the filling out of the donut?? You diabolical fiend!! What's next? the twirling of your mustache and evil trademark laugh???
  17. Was that the 'BOOGERman'?
  18. Im sorry, i just found an article. technically, we are in the middle of the '2012 era' right now.
  19. Couldn't 'Global Warming' be a side-effect of us, as a planet in galactic orbit, be passing the equivalent of the 'galactic equator' in a few years?
  20. Ok. wrote to MODERATOR 08 asking him about the name. His response:


    I couldn't tell you for sure, however my gut instinct says you are pretty safe. Of course it is always up to the in game GM's but I highly doubt you will have any issue with it.

    Wish I could tell you more,
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    Isn't Arcanus Numina's real last name?

    Anyway, hello everyone!

    Emmi, don't forget meeeeeee! I'll roll a... something tonight and park it in Atlas for tomorrow.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    ...just looked it up...her birth name is Tammy Arcanus...dammit!! now what??
  22. ok. lvl 2 and parked in AP City Hall by the rep there.
  23. on it right now. almost done with outbreak.
  24. Ok, Dr Arcanus is born!
    *looks around*

    Any objections?