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  1. Bye Emmi! Have a great weekend.

    Off to my basement for my 30 minute stationary bike ride...hang in there knee! I promise this is to help you..i think..I hope.
  2. I thoroughly endorse that product, Fed!!!
  3. thats why I smiled when I said it
  4. [ QUOTE ]

    My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought, cascading into a waterfall of creative alternatives.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    God darnit, Ms. Rook, you use your tongue prettier than a twenty dollar [censored].

    wow..in this place...that sounds SOOO wrong!!
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Pogooooo, did ya see my explanation?

    *Pats Pogo on the head*

    Me sowwies, did not mean to call you by the wrong name.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    yeah yeah. sure sure..suuure ya did....
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    *takes a break from his work to stretch and gloss over some rough drafts of his incoming commissions.*

    I kinda got tired of just using screenshots for a model sheet, as alot of details are kinda lost in just the screenshot. I've been working with an artist on making a real one.

    Rough Draft p1
    Rough Draft p2

    Whatcha think so far?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ooooohhh...very nice!
    Wish I could even draw a tenth of your ability.
  7. Excuuuse me, while I whip this out!!
  8. Fed, how come you said morning to Rook and not me, when she isnt even here yet and I posted earlier?.
  9. woohoo!! I loves that song!! morning!!
    Just got back from breakfast with my folks..I am FULL and tired....zzzzzzzzzz.
  11. wow lookee what becky brought us! she's the besteses!!
  12. barely..another fun family dinner over..(yes that was subtle sarcasm)..
  13. Im here..in and out..sorta kinda..
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    Whuz a static team? :<

    [/ QUOTE ]
    One that...get ready...ELECTRIFIES the audience!!
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    What are you so shocked about Pogo? the Experiments we did last night together?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ...no!..um...uh!!..not that..I meant the whole greek thing conversation going on earlier...yes!! that!! *nods*
  16. Sadly no..Its true..its dam true..unfortunately..Yet another sign of the impending appocalypse.
  17. np anytime..also if im not ingame..post here also.
  18. very good! you pass the test!

    now, when is a good time for you, this week, to run the safeguard?
  19. psst! Emmi! I gots the Ap Safeguard mission on a lvl 6 lowbie!

    Just say when!
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    We can do a redside static team too. I have a grav/elec on hold right now, named Contesse de Nocturne. I made her to team with Pogo's new redside grav/elec toon as well.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    oh!!..um..hes lvl 9 right now.. ill hold off though.
  21. *pulls out a big electric fan and blows fedor back to today's thread"
  22. I think you can if ex'd down..you get it for the FIRST time you do the ap safeguard.