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  1. Ok! By now you know, next week at this time, 2xp will be under way!!
    In years past I've started these threads, so, why stop now!
    What are your 2xp weekend plans? Which characters/levels are you going to work on? Any special teaming, groups, tf's, suggestions? maxing xp gainage plans? infl gainage? or just looking to have fun? Post your plans here and as the weekend progresses, please update each day for fun!!

    I'll post mine by this weekend's end.
  2. I have a lvl 50 fire/kin/fire but he has the demons map so that helps with the fire..on my 2nd acct i have one almost lvl 42..some io's so maybe ill do a duo-build with him..the past year i havent played much so funds are lowish through all my toons right now
  3. *Walks out of his attic lab for a cup of coffee*

    busy planning for 2xp weekend..who here is familiar or an expert on fire/kin? Im now hearing that fire/kin/earth is the way to go...?...I'll be back later this afternoon..appointments and other things.
  4. and my plan miiiight involve a fire/kin.....with the fire mastery ancillary power pool, is Consume even necessary?
  5. My plan to get the most ex-peas possible this time with minimal time wastage!

    I have a couple of things planned already for that weekend so Im losing Sat night/evening as it is!!
  6. In the Fire Mastery powerset, what is the opinion of taking/not taking Consume? I'm thinking Fireball, Fire Shield, RoTP are no-brainers.
  7. *Observes the early goings-on* Just over a week to 2xp weekend and I have yet to implement my plan.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Philly_Guy View Post
    Correct! *ding ding ding!* Don Pardo, tell Pogo what he's won!

    *in his best game show announcer voice* Mr Pogo, you've won a year's supply of nothing! That's right, absolutely nothing! Ah, what a wonderful gift! Feel free to pass this prize on to others! After all, it's free!

    Also, a thumbs up for knowing the right answer

    WAAAAAAAAAAAHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! OH YEAH BABY!!! OH YEAH! OH YEAH!! AND WITH THAT PRIZE...I go take a nap...zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....
  9. Guess 1: Miss Eve Parker....inspired by the character Miss Parker from The Pretender.
  10. Got my first Praetorian to 20 and to Talos Island...shame they dont have more Praetorian content. hes dp/nrg blaster
    My demon/therm mm is 19 and will hit 20 soon, depending on my schedule this week.
  11. Puppeh stay out of Pogo's Attic Lab!!!
    that was an order not a lie or a truth!!

    and I'll guess, Puppeh doesn't live near the beach.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blue Lava View Post
    10 years in the making and it was still crap
    was that the 'back to earth' miniseries/3-parter? I looked it up before.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blue Lava View Post
    except for that nasty movie they made to tie up the series which was just AWFUL

    or to put it another way
    ooh...I heard they were making a movie years ago but never heard anything after that...now I know why....
  14. red dwarf= awesome
    bananas= too high in sugars, sadly, for a diabetic, like me....
  15. STAR WARS- nothing like it had been attempted on the big screen until then. George Lucas is STILL waiting for technology to catch up to him!

    LOTR- Based off an epic book series..Again, the first fantasy/adventure series to gain vast recognition. I might even say the grandfather of all fantasy/adventure. Nothing like it had been written before and everything after is compared to it.

    STAR TREK- again, nothing like it before on television.

    So, depending on your media preference, you have 3 unique franchises to choose from which were never attempted before in their field, nor gained recognition before like they did.

    Ok, Harry Potter- J.K. Rowlings hit a HUGE home run..I mean that ball is still in outer space! She took all folk lore, etc did her homework well and put it all together. It's suppossed to be a kids story but everyone of all ages loves it.
    It also helps that as the kids got older, the books got darker, a bit maturer, if you will.

    Twilight- blech!! Lets write a romance novel series and harp on the tweeners romancing of vampires and werewolves and take away their weaknesses...
  16. Morning all! Two things:


  17. hmmm..ok..Im gonna go get a sammich...anyone else want one?
  18. Hiya Becky! Whatcha got there?
  19. wheee!! *catches the guitar pick*

    ya better hope those arent the WRONG lasers!
  20. Wooooooooooooo!!! Rock on baby!!!!!!!!!!
  21. good luck with the move Neko.

    Doctor's office was short-staffed so my 8:30 appt which got switched yesterday to 10:30 wasnt until 11:30 and I was home by 1...lots of anasthesia in me..sleepy..going to nap..thanks for the well wishes..I'll feel out of it for the weekend but I'll be around..would like to get some game time in this weekend.
  22. yep, this Friday= pain block injections in my spine. Leaving in 20 minutes....
  23. Ill get some gatorade and bananas tomorrow after PT..still waiting for lab results..thanks guys..sorry I wasnt around much today..busy catching up on housework and now incredibly sore...

    off to bed soon.
  24. Not much..Was sick all week..had to get blood work done Saturday..Ever since 4th of July this year, every time I go out in the heat and humidity I get headaches and my stomach starts churning..I do drink plenty of water too. Dr says it could be something as simple as electrolyte deficiency or hypo/hyper glycemea (sp?). Im hoping I just need gatorade.

    Would like to try all the new trials though before my next surgery on August 1st.