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  1. Shameless plugs always good.
    Here's another

  2. Well, don't know about you, but Uber characters can suck all the fun out of the room. It's an old arguement, but Supes would be as boring as all hell without Kryptonite.

    I gave Kit dimensional shifting as a direct consequnce of Plas doing the same, but I'm trying not to let it influence other characters, or let her become a scotbot. I also throw trivia through her brain like a tickertape, some of whic gives her information about the CoX universe that she can't possess in her position. But she has real problems remembering what she just said when that happens. Apart from that, all she can really do is hit stuff.

    Oh, and flaws? Naive as hell and has the mental defences of a wet paper bag.
  3. Oh dear, more deaththreats.

    Thanks! Always nice to get feedback from outside of the normal lot.
  4. Must say I'm glad to see so many positive replies....

    Glad you're enjoying yourself Rot. Feel free to come over and torment Kit and co anytime. With Plas stuck on Defiant, we need someone to keep the insanity level topped up.
  5. Don't know if anyone has ever linked this before, but the Echelon SG has an active comics section at The Echelon Forums. A variety of submissions from multiple contributors, including some ongoing and interweaving plots.

    One of us is even insane enough to churn out a new comic every day

    Here are a couple of samples:

    Kitties on a Hot Tin Roof

    Purple Daze
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    One particular thing on that list jumps out at me:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Plasmarch Scrapper bra Super Reflexes

    [/ QUOTE ]


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Okay, please, PLEASE tell me someone is going to fix this! It's a broadsword, honest!

  7. Plasmarch: Scrapper Broadsword Super Relfex.
