106 -
General concensus seems to be that we need a */rad corr, but if we don't get one, i'll sign you up. Thanks for the offer, i'll keep you posted.
Hi guys,
Dark Lords of the Underworld will be having another crack at the Recluse TF on Thursday 28/09/06 starting between 6pm & 7pm. We have one spot we can spare and would really like the aforementioned */rad Corruptor to join in. So, any takers? If yes, email Paycheck in game. First come first served
Team currently consists of:
Paycheck Lvl 50 Mercs/Traps MM
Killswitch Mk1 Lvl 50 Bots/Traps MM
Bedlam Lvl 50 SS/Inv Brute
Monster Bru Lvl 50 SS/Stone Brute
Whitenoise Lvl 47 Sonic/Kin Corr
Demora. Lvl 46 Fire/ Thermal Corr
Evil Tartan Dragon Lvl 50 Fire/Thermal Corr
Hopefully our Corrs will have leveled up a bit more before the TF.
Thanks for reading. -
Thanks for the info. It's a bit annoying to pick a power and then find it doesn't do what it's supposed too. Mind you, as it stuns you can then snipe them again anyway, so silver lining and all that.
I'll be sure to check out Hero Builder, thanks again. -
Hi all.
Wasn't quite sure where to post this, as it's a technical issue, but only corruptors could confirm it or not I suppose.
Anyway, i've noticed that Cosmic Burst does less damage than Proton Volley, despite Cosmic Burst being listed as extreme damage and Proton Volley listed as superior. Both powers are slotted identically, double acc single dmg, and when tested out against Longbow the Cosmic Burst does about 15 points of damage less than Proton Volley.
So it seems that either the damage code listings are incorrect or one of the powers is doing more/less damage than it should be. Any thoughts? -
Hi there, hit 50 awhile ago, only just got board access. Thought i'd list the characters from the Dark Lords of the Underworld that have hit 50. Mine being Paycheck - MM Mercs/Traps/Mu.
The others are:
Monster Bru - Brute SS/Stone/Mace.
Bedlam - Brute SS/Inv/Mu.
Evil Tartan Dragon - Corr Fire/Thermal/Soul.
Killswitch MK1 - MM Bots/Traps/Mu.
Crackdown - MM Bots/Traps/Soul.
Inquisitor Malleus - Stalker Thorns/SR/Soul.