106 -
In all fairness, the Shivans do desereve the credit for killing Manti. After the pull, he was still stood around over Liberty, so we assumed it was just States, BaB and Sis. After States was take down, I tabbed target to find Manti, only to see about four Shivans pounding seven bells out of him. Brought tears to my eyes (and Manti's too I expect).
Btw, also wanted to mention that Detention Field seems like a superb power for the RSF. Dr Zed made some of the fights a lot easier.
Glad you can make the run on Thursday Bru.
See you all Thurs at 19:30 -
Finally, my first RSF run completed. Thanks guys, it was great. The snipe pulls kinda worked, must remember to put some more range into it
I would like to try again for Thursday at 19:30 start, I hope you can make it then. One HO isn't enough -
As this ones a bit short notice, i'd say all turn up and we can try and sort something out. Should have a rad corr from the SG and hopefully at least one of the two Granite Brutes.
Would be an idea to see if that other Kin and Granite are free though, just in case.
I'll be online with my stalker from now on, so hope to see you on tonight. -
You know Chin, you could always come on. Just for tonight. Just for me
Failing that i'll see you in April. -
Sounds good, FF is always handy
I should have mentioned that i'll be on as my Stalker, Cybelle, for the RSF. Pretty sure my MM's damn near useless.
Hope to see you tonight. -
Right, been trying to actually finish an RSF, so far without luck. Problem being that generally, I can only do one on Monday and Thursday night, which don't seem to happen.
So, to keep this short, is anyone interested in doing an RSF tonight, and/or Thursday, starting at around 19:30.
Got a couple of people already happy to run it then, inc a Rad & Kin corr, so it should be a doddle.
I hope. -
Be good to have you back Chin. I've noticed you've been skulking around Stone, too
Not much has happened really. I'm a bit more active now, plus White's come back as well. Kills even on occassionaly. We managed to get an old skool team going the other day, 'twas great fun. It'll be even better when you get back! -
So how much do you want for the Katana then Bru
Well, what an awesome weekend. Been a long time since i've played CoX so much. Just wanted to say thanks to Bru and Chin really, for providing such excellent teams. Can't believe I made some decent progress with my Dom and hit all my lvling targets bar one (getting my cor up to 22). Ah well, there's always regular xp.
Think i'll need a couple of days off. Honest. Not that I want to play the game right now to use all those shiny new powers.... -
You can count me in for the TF Bru, post a time & date up here and i'll be there.
Being an altoholic, i'll lvl with whatever fits in with the lvl range of everyone else. I'm sure i'll have something. I am planning on trying to get at least two levels on Cybelle and my Blaster from 17 to 20, so nothing to drastic.
Don't worry Bru, put the axe down, i'm not planning on quitting the game atm. It's all going to depend on I9. All I want is a new zone for Villains and some more contacts. Epics would be nice. If I9 does nothing for me, I will likely stop until the next issue. Fair to say I will be on a bit less than usual though.
I'm not giving up on the Stalker team, just no one showed up is all. -
Alright, the little White birdy I was referring to was White. We were having a chat about the player base on CoV, as you do, and White mentioned that Chin must be off soon, because your'e on WoW a lot
Starting to think I might have to try it as well, CoV seems very quiet these days. That and I found I8 about as interesting as watching paint dry. Not that i've tried watching paint dry of course. -
Your off to play WoW aren't you
A little White birdy told me so. I'll miss you buddy, especially your faceplanting antics.
CoV just won't be the same without you. -
Give me enough warning Bru and I can be there with either Pay or Cyb.
Just so you know, for now, people are getting their stalkers up to lvl 14, by then we'll have a regular night slotted. I'm currently going with Wedensday, starting on the 17th. Should be enough time for everyone to settle on one and be ready to get going.
That ok with everyone? -
Glad you guys are still up for it, thought you were just humouring me
I think cossie wise we can just stick with the usual upper body and lower body buckled leather and pattern selection with the DL cape. The head, gloves and feet should be left to personalise as we want.
Elernets PvP videos cound be found at www.thatslyfe.com & his guide can be found at http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showf...Number=3765522
Don't be too scared when he destroys the Granite Tanker, they didn't have roots on so got stunned easilyThe videos really do demonstrate the hit and fade method of stalking perfectly, also showing why TP is essential for a quick getaway. His builds also up there. Note he has now respecced out of flight, but more for flavour reasons than anything. I think we should try SS & TP personally. We've all got enough respecs in case we mess it up.
Kit, don't let it go to your head, we still outrank you ;p -
Knowing the way does not mean you can walk the way young grasshopper. Or something.
The leaders job is to spot and designate targets. All other stalkers assist him, making it easier to target on the fly. If the leader says bolt, everyone bolts. If the leader reckons we can stay and fight on, we stay. Nobody runs unless the leader says so. No questions asked.
SR are supposed to be the best choice as it, supposedely, gives them the best chance to survive any initial barrage of fire they may take, they lead the attack, striking first. The rest follow suit, preferably a second behind. If they go in on Elude, Blasters may not have enough time to retarget, build up and aim before our target is dead and we've all TP'ed away. Of course, on occasion we may use TP Foe, but jumping in and out sounds more fun. Plus, TP Foe is a bit passe'
I think plenty of binds would be essential to make it run smoothly. Also, it's the high pressure role, with you soaking up the blame etc
Still, if your up to it, and I reckon you could do it, then why not. If you think regens good enough, thats fine too. -
Hey Kit,
Glad you like the idea, thought you would. Bru may shoot me for this, but I figured you'd make a good leader stalker, seeing as you've played them more than any of us.
Haven't got an exact start date yet, but i'd recommend that peeps get there chosen stalker up to lvl 6 - 7 with their first mayhem done.
We will have to spend some time practising of course. I think the build guidleines are solid, Elernet seems to know a thing or two about stalkingThe diff part will be getting to play as a cohesive unit. I reckon it'll also be the most fun part.
I'll get a Motd up with a start date when I know. Good luck getting your connection sorted. -
Ok guys, after having a brief natter with Chin and Bru, we've decided that we're going to try something a little fun. It's called, The Dark Lords Hit Squad.
Simple premise is to roll up a bunch of alts to fulfill the roll of a quick response team for PvP, and for use when PvP events are taking place. It won't make us any friends, but it's a break from what most of us do, team focused, and should be a bloody good laugh.
Having read through Elernets guide on the US forums about PvP builds and how to play them, anyone who's up for this needs to make a stalker following these guidelines.
a) Primary must be Spines or Energy.
b) Secondaries must be Ninjitsu, Regen, or Energy.
c) Nobody is to take fitness, as it's wasted on characters who will operate hit and fade attacks. Mind you, if you reckon you can fit it in with all the other requierments, be my guest.
d) You must take TP Foe, TP, and SS. Sj does work well, but with the combo of TP and SS, we shouldn't need vert travel.
e) Stealth. Either the whole team goes stealth, or no one does.
f) Patron Powers, whilst a little way off, would need to be restricted to Black Scorpion for the Web Coccoon. This was explained in detail on the US stlalker guide as it properly suppesses SJ and SS. Handy.
g) Drop any powers that give Melee only defence. Without Stamina and lots of powers required, Defence powers that only protect in Melee won't be required, as we should be out of there before anyone can retaliate in melee. Ranged Def is obviously a must to stop broadsides and for when we make a strategic withdrawal. This isn't a suicide squad, hmm, maybe next time.
The only two speciality roles are as follows.
Firstly, the lead stalker, will be Ninja Blade/SR. His roll isn't to kill anything, per se, but to select targets, with his attack being the key for everyone else to pile in. Needs to take Parry, but not AS, as he'll rarely have the chance to use it. SR is because he'll be the guy weathering most the firestorm.
Secondly, a "utility" stalker. Sounds exciting. The utility stalker's role is to take grant invisibility, stimulant and tactics (specifically Assault and Tactics, erm, the peception one anyway). This stalkers role is to act in a support capacity, which is implied by the power sets I admit. Not that they won't do any killing of course.
All stalkers would need to set up binds to be used in combat, because we really shouldn't have time to type away in an ambush. This should break most of us out of our complaceny we've developed, as it will require a great deal more concentration and wits.
I'd say this is for those of us that just want something different to do, and it's certinaly not restricted to our SG, but will be starting from it.
Any comments about the builds are welcome as it's not set in stone, but the theme is to keep a tight, coherent unit. A regular night will be set aside for lvling, which should be easy.
I already have my Stalker, Project Starfall, at lvl 13, fulfilling a generic stalker role in the team. If no one want's to do either of the other roles, i'd be happy to. Except for the leader, already got one SR stalker up to 45, don't want to do it again.
Any questions, send me a PM, or email Cybelle in game (Paycheck doesn't get out much these days). Alternatively, hassle Bru about it. He'll love it, trust me.
Hope you'll join us -
Well, if your really desperate I can bring Pay along. Don't get me wrong, I want to be on a successful run one day, i'm just aware of how much mercs/traps blow. I'll be on before 7pm anyways, so if you want me to stand around shouting Vengeance ocassionaly, let me know.
Pays actaully got a couple of respecs floating around on him at the moment, so if you've any bright ideas... -
Great job guys, always knew I was holding you back!
Now you've got a completed run under your belt Bru, you can start farming that sucker on a regular basis. Hopefully, on a time when I may actually be around (or just wait until my time frees up a bit more of course).
Seriously though, awesome work peeps, awesome. -
Don't try and stitch me up Stone, I believe I just happened to mention that i'm giving BF2142 a go. If that's more effective than EA's unholy marketing spree, then maybe i'm in the wrong line of work. I'm busy with my studies atm, not playing games, which makes me a sad panda.
Happy to do a links page, not a problem at all. I'll try and make it on when I can this week, but have an exam this friday so that'll keep me busy, then i've gotta get my MCP so I am far more busy than i'd like.
I'll try and make it on Saturday if you want to do a SF then. -
Hello guys,
Firstly, thanks for the promotion Bru, i'd like to thank me for all my hard work, and also thank you guys for giving me a home after the last SG I was in went belly up.
Well, seeing as how I really do need the finish the website, I figured this is as good a place as any to put down some things I would like to see included.
Firstly, I should explain that I don't have as much time to develop the website as I would like. In between playing CoV, studying, work, Battlefield 2142 and Neverwinter Nights 2 coming soon, and seeing as November is an extremely busy month for me, I would be grateful for ideas and material for the website. Putting a website together is easy enough for me, coming up with material for it isn't.
Ideally, I need screenies of each char with their bios for the SG roster. Would be nice if people could include a quote to go with their character.
What I really want, is articles. Now, these can be either comedic or serious in nature, but i'm trying to keep the site in character, so if you fancy writing an article, please keep that in mind. As examples, so far we have kicked around a few ideas such as the Dark Lords guide to the Rogue Isles, Kronics guide to faceplanting, and comic strips. If you want me to do a photoshopped comic strip for your character, I just need some sequential screenies with a rough script and synopsis as to what the story is about. So far, I have Monster Bru going one on one with the Ghost of Scrapyard. Yeah, Bru wins. This is more of a propoganda website than a factual one.
I hope that gives people some ideas and I look forward to seeing some material, at some point. The addy is paycheckSG@hotmail.com.
Thanks for reading.