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  1. I still say we could do both

    However, i'd be happy with either. I'm also happy with Chin holding the aggro. If I recall, getting aggro has always been your strong point. Now, if we can just keep you alive

    Regardless, i'll be on this Wednesday, 'bout 6 ish. See you all then.
  2. Right then, as it *was* my birthday, I demand (read; ask real nicely that we do the Rikti Task Force and STF on Wednesday, c'mon chaps, we can do it

    Just as long as I don't have to organise it.

    That wouldn't be right
  3. Chears Stone, actually went out for my birthday last night, and it was a very good one
  4. Don't listen to Bru, have a good time Stone!
  5. Not to worry mate.

    Say, do you fancy trying for the STF at some point? Bedlam mentioned it the other day and i'm itching to give it a go.
  6. No worries Stone, I still haven't recovered from the party we had when Kit left Glad your'e staying.

    I'll be online later tonight, cya there, hopefully.
  7. No worries Bru, I reckon the Americans deserve you

    My lags cleared up now (huge thread on tech forums 'bout it) so i'll be on a bit more regularly, seeing as how I can actually play CoX.

    Chins spot on about 360 support as well Stone, let them fix it.

    Myself and three friends are going to be making Thursday regular team night, so we'll be getting cracking with our Heroes on Defiant, all around lvl 14 if you fancy joining us Chin.

    Cya online peeps! (Just not tonight, i'm off out )
  8. My 360 was showing the Three Red Lights of DOOM!(tm). Still, it's back and all is well.

    Now, where was I? Ah yes, "AND THIS BIRD YOU CANNOT CHANGE!"
  9. Yeah, but you go to bed real early

    Mind you, i've only just got my 360 back after almost a month off being repaired. Time for some catch up.
  10. Look me up on Live too, Stone, need someone else who can look at Chins Gamertag and wonder where he gets so much free time. Seriously, that's one sick gamer score

    I'll PM my tag to you.
  11. Tabula Rasa seems good, I like the whole cloning your main character at diff lvls so you can replay them and lvl them in a different way.

    I'm really looking forward to Conan though, and WAR further down the line. I ain't giving up on COX atm, just cutting back my time on it for a little while.

    I thought Lord of the Rings was beautiful, but nigh on a carbon copy of World of Solocraft, which bored me to tears.

    Ah well, I will see you guys online soon enough
  12. No Stone, not World of Lord of the Rings Online. Craft.

    Seriously though, i'm just not playing so much in anticipation of I10. That and the lag from hell.

    Fare thee well Stone, been a blast. Send me a PM if you decide to settle down in another MMO, might cya there
  13. I'd be on more if there wasn't such killer lag atm. And if my Bro wasn't visiting for two weeks. And if I didn't have yet another MS exam to prep for.

    Well, that and I10 is hitting soon, kinda saving my CoX enthusiasm for that.
  14. Hey guys,

    Hows about States TF? Really wanting to tackle that one, i'll never get tired of smacking the taste from Aeon's mouth

    Other than that, i'd run any TF/SF happily.
  15. Don't worry, Bru's stepping up to the plate and running it tonight. Look him up 19:30 - 20:00 as Monster Bru.

    In addition to him, you've got;
    Inquisitor Malleus, Spines/SR (who'll prob be late, but gives you a chance to grab Shivs)
    Killer Dudds, Nrg/Kin
    Atomic Rage Rad/Rad
    Should also have a Thermal and another Kin coming along.

    Bru, look up Elizabeth Balthory and Selene Nocturna (spelling?) - (Undead/Dark and Dark/Dark respectively). They might both be up for it (I did mention it to them).

    Hope it goes well Blind
  16. Right, first off, i've double booked myself for the Rsf. As much as I love CoX, I won't pass over RL for it, so I won't be in attendance. Apologies for that.

    However, i'll still try and arrange it for you if nothing else. Bru *should* be ok to run it in my absence, he's ran plenty of runs before, most of them successful too

    Honestly, it shouldn't be too difficult getting a full team together. I'm still waiting on some people to get back to me in game if they can make it, i'll keep you posted.
  17. Not too bad Blind. I've sent out the usual invites to the usual suspects, i'll have a clearer picture tonight, then i'll put out a general invite once I know how many free slots (if any) we have.

    I'll post here again later and let you know.
  18. Happy to help out. That and a Brute is always useful of course.

    I'll get one organised for Thursday next week then, i'll be on as my Stalker, Cybelle, from 19:00.
  19. I run an RSF every other Thursday, Blind, that any good to you? Usually start at about 19:30 (ish). Could try and pull one together tonight if you want. I'd have to see who's available from the SG first.
  20. Good move Chin, i'll be there with my Dom, Sylphie.
  21. I'll try and be there with my Stalker, Cybelle, MA/SR/Soul (Snipe, Hold, Pet).
  22. Ah well, it won't hurt to them again. Plus blowing up Freaks is always great fun.

    I hope your missus is playing a Tanker, or I can see the Posi TF being a bit painful
  23. Count me in Chin, after 20 months of almost exclusive villainy, time to pay my dues to society and do some good! And by that, I mean I want to Nova everything in sight with my Blaster.

    Only done the Sister Psyche TF, which was rubbish, but i'll run through them all for t3h badges
  24. Ok Stone, we can run some with us two, Mal and White. At least four should be enough, but would be great if we could get more people in on it from the SG. I'm not going to be onling today, so if you or someone else could edit the MotD, that'd be great. We can run the same thing on Saturaday as well.
  25. Speaking of events Bru, hows about we pick a night to try and get some TF's done? I'm sure we've all got characters who need the badge and wouldn't mind grabbing some TF recipes. Given the abject failure of the RSF last week, it would be fun to actually get some kind of SG team going, perhaps a Saturday might be easier for people?