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  1. Chin, you're a star, a big bright shining star Any Sat @ 19:00 is great for me

    My subs run out on the 26th, fyi.
  2. Hoo rah, I am looking forward to Halo 3, absolutely loved the first 2.

    Chin, do you think it would still be possible to organise a States TF before my subs run out? C'mon guys, you can all join in. Once last big blast before we all lie low for awhile
  3. Happy Birthday Bru!

    I'll be getting Halo 3, but I wont be playing multiplayer. All I need to get fragged by some 10 year old screaming n00b. Still, the campaign is supposed to be co-op, that could be good.
  4. Heh, it's easier with Obfuscate About to try it with my Toreador, so will see if I can Celerity through the whole thing
  5. Ah, the dreaded sewers. Yeah, that bit's a pain first time round. Once you know your way you can whizz through it though. Only part of the game I didn't like.
  6. Glad you guys have seen the light.

    Go to Paines site, [] for all your modding, and more importantly, patch needs. The fan made patches are well worth checking out, but not until you've played it through at least once. The patch notes are inevitably full of spoilers and you may not want them to fix some of the things that they do fix.

    A sequel us unlikely, as Troika went belly up and Activision hold the license to Vampire:Masquerade. However, CCP (of EVE fame) and White Wolf merged earlier this year and the new World of Darkness setting (Vampire:Reqium) is currently being turned into an MMO.

    Between the Warhammer MMO and a WoD one, in a few years i'll doubt i'll need to leave the house.

    Good times.
  7. Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines is one of the best games ever made, imho. Played it through about 5 times, alas, poor Troika.
  8. No one gets my stuff! I'll be back to CoX, eventually. Depends on how good Conan and War are of course.

    Not planning on getting heavily into LotRo either, just summit to play (that's different) in the meantime. I'm confident that i'll stop playing that when Mass Effect comes out.
  9. I agree with you Bru, getting the CoP back would be nice. Encourage the SG to work together to actually get something that benefits the whole SG. I have to disagree on Tabula Rasa though, tried the beta out for a bit, but didn't enjoy it (not 'cos it's a beta mind). It felt like a huge really bad episode of Star Trek, I just don't like the settings and the whole Logos thing either.

    Chin, no worries, i'm a staunch anti-hobbit'ist myself. I'm playing a namby pamby full plate and packing steel elven guardian, Kill's got a human Ranger. I like it so far. It's definitely an ultra refined version of all the good parts from morgs that have come before it. Which seems fair, seeing as how most fantasy games stole from Tolkien (who himself just pinched everyone else's mythology, but he was first so fair do's )

    Still, having seen the new War video from Leipzig, I know for sure i'll be locking myself away with that game for years when it gets here Ever since I was small boy I have loved t3h Dark Elves (which says a lot, I know) so I finally get to play one!

    I hope you guys will join me for that if not LotRo, I know Bedlam said he was looking forward to it.

    And Conan looks so good as well... and they're doing a World of Darkness MMO.....
  10. Well guys it's been a while coming, but i've finally cancelled my subscription, it runs out on 27th September.

    I've just gotten bored of CoX, as you can probably tell from my absence of late. I'm not saying i'll never come back, not at all, but for now, i'm off.

    It has been an absoulte blast, mostly, but although i've got a lot of characters i'm very fond of, I just can't bring my self to do all the villainous content again, and I10 just didn't get me excited enough. Ah well, tis a shame.

    Chins got my email addy, as has Bru, so drop me a line if you want me. I'll be playing Lord of the Rings for a bit with Killswitch and a couple of other mates you haven't met. Let me know if you fancy joining in.

    Take care guys, cya on the flipside.
  11. Well, I put off getting my new PC until next week, got loads of revision to do for my last exam next week, but I will try and be on tonight if my PC is feeling cooperative.
  12. Sounds cool Chin, i'll try and make it. What's the max lvl range?

    Btw, my PC is back and working, but i've decided to get a new one tomorrow anyway, so i'll try and be on then to see how shiny CoV can be
  13. The card's fine, it's the damn Catalyst Control Center. People have trouble with NVidia and ATI, but I think i'll give NVidia a try next time. Won't be able to fix my PC until tomorrow night at the earliest though.

  14. Guys, having some real technical issues as of today, was planning on getting CoX this weekend, which looks unlikely

    I won't go in to too much detail, but lets say my ATI card has somehow managed to revoke my admin account on my PC and now Explorers acting a bit weird.
  15. No one can be that good with a gamepad Chin, you even need auto aim just so you can hit anything . Still, Bioshock doesn't seem like a game which needs precise shooting, as it's about Plasmid/Weapon combos. It's a gorgeous game on the 360.

    Wil prob get it for the PC as it's pretty much got the old System Shock 2 interface, but that really will depend on whether I upgrade my current rig or not.
  16. Ack, forgot about that. Ah well, something to look forward to (it's great!).
  17. Coolio, I do have your email addy floating around somewhere so i'll send you one when I get a char done. I won't be on until 6ish, so chances are you'll be on before me anyhoo

    Btw, you tried the Bioshock demo on Live yet?
  18. I too, have got in on the Tabula Rasa beta. Not that any of us will discuss it 'cos of the NDA, *cough*. Will be trying it tonight Chin if you want to try and meet up in game, send me an email of your char details or something?
  19. Welcome back matey! Hope you had a good time, didn't get too burnt/ill/drunk.

    Cya online.
  20. Chin, I'll be on with Cybelle, MA/SR (close ). I even have Shivs, although I doubt we'll need them. Can we do it with a half decent diff as well?
  21. Bah, stoopid boards. Hung for ages after submit then said page expired. You'll get over Bru ;p
  22. Aight, RWZTF it is, looking forward to it.
  23. Aight, RWZTF it is, sounds fun
  24. Dagnammit, I will be out Wednesday night, for a bit, will be on about 20:30 ish. Hope we can still get a TF done then.