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  1. Talysin i have 1 Q what is a Hero Gear Kit
  2. Here are my 5 pics, 4/5 is my Vill and my last is Hero

    Darkgard's Fun Day
    1.Carnival tent(left hand side),2.Something depicting Villainy(right in the mid of it),3.Brick building(right hand side),4.An NPC performing an emote(Seceschal doing emote Dance4),5.A plant(tree),6.Something blue(Flameing Eyes on self)

    Sunset on Mercy Island
    1.A beach(on Mercy Island),2.An NPC performing an emote(my pet fishing),3.A small boat(right in front of me),4.Someone using a power(to my left),5.Something blue(Flameing Eyes on self),6.Sunset(In back Gruond)

    Fishing with my minon's
    1.An NPC performing an emote(my 3 Zom Pets),2.Something blue(Flameing Eyes on self),3.Someone using a power(me using fly)

    A Line in GV?
    1.An NPC performing an emote(Bane Spider).2. Long line, 3.Something blue(Flameing Eyes on self).

    Nogard Vs Jack
    1.A GM(Jack),2.Dead tree(behide jack and to the my left)
    3.Something blue(to my right the wall),4.Someone using a power(me with my toggles).