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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    This merging always has to be voluntary, even for Warshades/Nictus.

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    If I remember correctly, the Kheldians are the voluntary ones, and the Nictus are the mandatory ones.

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    or it could be Blood of the Black Stream, which just sounds kind of shadowy to begin with. Very spooky.

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    I've also heard mention that the Asian Lady who 'splodes the Tanker to free Statesman in the Korean CoH trailer could be a BotBS. Which would be a very cool thing, I would love to have a teleport built around turning myself into a puddle (would probably be more like a phase-shifted super-speed) and damage enemies by attacking my teammates.

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    I've also heard rumors of Hero-1 being a BotBS who weilded Excalibur but left it in the care of Miss Liberty before he led the assault on the Rikti homeworld.

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    Basing my judgement from the only BotBS-related story arc, I'd say those are quite.. off the BotBS category. For one, they're egyptian themed and are, according to Statesman, Shapeshifters. So, I would suggest a couple things: try and get a vibe of what the BotBS are about by doing "The Book and The Burning" arc by Mr. Bocor and reading all the clues. And second: try and relate the ancient Egyptians to Shapeshifting, to the game.

    So IMO, Mirror Spirit (the asian lady) and Hero-1 can't be BotBS.

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    As for City of Shadows, I've got a couple thoughts. It could be related to the Kheldians (possibly they were thinking retail box and PBs and WSs seem pretty light and shadow to me.)

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    It would be hard to ingest if the Kheldians get that spotlight. That would mean the devs are favouring one EAT from the rest.

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    Kind of funny thing about the Rikti too. They HATE Gods of any sort. Which kind of implies that the Rikti might be the result of a massive experiment to change their genome to fight off Statesman and Lord Recluse, the Incarnates of Zeus and Hades, and the possibility of other people who drank from the Wells.

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    Yeah it's true about the Rikti, how they despise people who are.. religious. I'm not sure if that aspect of their personality was emphasized in the game. And I don't think there are others who drank from the well, for there will be other heroes/villains that would be as powerful as States and LR.

    Also, Lord Recluse isn't the recincarnation of Hades, but Tartarus.

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    I kind of like the idea of being more powerful than Statesman... that does leave some questions unanswered though. Specifically if the waters can be used to increase your powers or open up another pool, then how and how will it effect the EATs as well?

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    No one should be more powerful than Statesman (none of us PCs anyway.) From my understanding, it violates the imaginary game rule.

    As for EATs being Incarnates, you gotta realize:

    1. EATs revolve around their own story. It's a story within the game that's somewhat apart from the "main" game (other than the Incarnates - MAYBE.)

    2. The Incarnate EAT just may not be what you think it is. It's been talked about how the devs aren't going to make the "hybrid" system that people think they'll be getting, but instead, they'll make a whole new EAT that revolves around the Incarnates' story - and what that story is, is yet to be told. Sure, we know of Statesman, Lord Recluse and Stheno, but we don't really know the story behind the Incarnates yet.

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    Oh also most of this is just stuff I'm going by from memory and my memory is like a steel trap. Dangerous, rusty, full of holes, and outlawed in most states.

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    Haha, it's alright. Thanks for your input and your interest in the subject.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    If they are using the same parallel that Lord of the Rings uses, then it can be assumed that Tartarus is a spider-like diety.

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    It's been assumed that the spider has nothing to do with Tartarus, but then again that's just pure speculation. One thing though, is that, there's no connection between Tartarus and spiders, so it's sort of easy to think that the spider was just picked for it's reputation.

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    Which origin would these Incarnates be?

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    If not Natural, then Magic. The older gods like Ermeeth, Teilekku, Hequat, Lughebu, etc. are supposedly nature spirits who have grown to their powers and declared themselves gods, so if anything, I assume that's Magic if not Natural.


    The devs can change the story as easy as a flick of a wand. There's no telling really, but based on what we have right now, I'd say either Natural or Magic. That's one of the reasons I'd rather make up a whole new power set or story as a suggestion rather than basing my creation on Statesman, Lord Recluse or Stheno.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    So, just thought I'd confirm that he IS still a Mastermind

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    Thank you. I highly appreciate that.

    But with the popularity of that mission, it would be common knowledge nowdays.
    But again, thanks.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    First off, the Rikti. They hate all humanity (because they don't know they're humans too, albeit severely mutated). More importantly, they're present in both games, to a rather large extent.

    But far and away what I believe is a no-brainer for the "ultimate enemy" we face......Rularuu the Ravager.

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    Actually, that topic's been discussed at length until someone dropped a forgotten faction:

    The Battalion

  5. [ QUOTE ]
    ah i have.. didnt really read the clues or anything but i will now. Anything else i need to know

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    Well, to somewhat extend the story of the BotBS (like 0.5 more), read the Prima guide talking about the Oil Spill.

    As for more lore about the Coralax (some of it anyway), do Diviner Maros' 'Cult of the Shaper' arc.
    Also, the Temple of Waters SF through Operative Renault.

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    I wonder if the other Zones have similar markings from the zone designers, Mike also designed Nerva (according to the board there), maybe there's a branch office in Nerva?

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    Someone should check it out.

    I'd laugh if it's underwater somewhere in that vast open ocean from the docks to the Thorn Isle.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    Yes thats it! The eye of Horus. I was trying to remmber that and tell Cheapman about it but he didnt see it. We were there but he couldnt actually see the image of Horus birdy

    And i thought the oil spill had tons to do with the Coralax. THey spawn a lot around there.

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    The Coralax sends Coralax-Hybrids to do their bidding, and in Port Oakes, because of the oil spill polluting the water in the Oil Spill (which story is connected to the Blood of the Black Stream Epic AT), the Coralax seeks revenge on the people there around the dock areas. It's that whole nature vs people battle. The oil spill is a whole different story - do Mr. Bocor's "The Mask of Mordrogar" story arc. Anyway, polluted water causes the Coralax's coral bodies to desintegrate. I assume this applies to their home, etc.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    I had a theory about the oil spil and thought if i could get my camera to go underwater i could look under the oil spill and see if theres something under it.

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    Well, the oil spill (if you look from above you'll see the Eye of Horus) is connected more to the Blood. But if you're looking for anything Coralax-related, other than dead Coralax rotting in the polluted water, I'm not sure you'll find anything - not that you can dive down anyway, lol.

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    Defeated it earlier, just like the NPC dialogue I got.

    "Landwalker! How did you get down here?!"

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    Yeah, weird text eh. Although, there's still a chance that the devs did it for fun.. or to make fun.. of me.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
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    A coalition buddy also found a small underwater area, probably to show us what to expect in an underwater zone. I dont remember exact location but its around the west wall on the beach, its a small pool surrounded by some rocks, you jump in the water and you fall through some and see a lvl 15ish coralax doing an emote.

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    You'll also see Oceanborn bouncing up and down next to that Coralax.

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    Jumping up and down? I think not!
  9. Dear sexy Jay,

    I have a few more additions:

    - Detached-looking (floating) mannequin body option

    - Stitched body parts body option

    - Abstract horns with floating objects (example)

    - Sleeves that extend (and hang) past the hands
  10. [ QUOTE ]
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    Cool you guys found one of em. Keep looking though, the biggest Grandville easter egg has yet to be found

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    Its the rogue dev redname! Quick..send out the Cuppaball to capture it and evolve it into Mapolis

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    I agree, get a red name! -- or better yet, be revolutionary, get a different colored name!

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    An artsy name ?

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    HE DID IT! woot!
  11. Just to add onto the 'wings' and 'Avilans' news list, a somewhat recent post from Bridger:

    [ QUOTE ]
    A winged Epic AT is possible at some point, although it's unlikely to be any time soon (the next Epic AT will be introduced in next year's expansion pack, and I suspect it won't be the Avilans - but I'm only guessing).

    wings for other ATs, however, are due to arrive much sooner - hopefully in Issue #8.

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  12. [ QUOTE ]
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    Cool you guys found one of em. Keep looking though, the biggest Grandville easter egg has yet to be found

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    Its the rogue dev redname! Quick..send out the Cuppaball to capture it and evolve it into Mapolis

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    I agree, get a red name! -- or better yet, be revolutionary, get a different colored name!
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Cool you guys found one of em. Keep looking though, the biggest Grandville easter egg has yet to be found

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    Oh wow, busted.

    Watch, it's probably up in the butt of Lord Recluse's statue.. lol.
  14. There are tons of hidden messages, pictures, etc. in the game.
    I just look at those as 'things the devs do for fun.'

    But nope, no idea who that is.
  15. Right now, not really. The devs have been very secretive about the EATs, so there's probably gonna be no news until the next I8 interviews, which is probably going to be in the next month or two. I've been trying to ask the devs for some small tidbits but I don't think they really want to share any yet (well, probably not with me anyway.)

    I'll post any new news as soon as they come available.
    (Or you guys can contribute if you guys know anything I don't.)
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    this is all so kool i love my stalker but it be kinda fun to try out theese guys

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    Why thank you, and yes these EATs will be a good change of pace from the normal ATs (story-wise.) Keep an eye out for my guide since I (and whoever wishes to contribute) update it with the latest EAT news.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    the talk is that the devs were dissapointed at how they promoted altoholism and yet they required a level 50 to unlock the heroes. that is why they began to discuss other methods such as time spent, badges, trials, etc. i personally love the idea of an accolade unlocking an archetype.

    i beleive that the nictus and warbringer if they make it were talked about in conjunction with a tf.

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    It could go a few ways:

    The devs stick to the 'reward' aspect of the EATs and only reward them as 'time spent' rewards


    The devs realize that EATs are as on-demand as normal ATs and will use other, more easier and faster methods to unlock EATs.


    They could half/half it.


    Something new we haven't thought of.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    please please please i dont want to get an EAT based on somthing as irrelevant as badges. Its bad enough that i have to go through all this stuff to obtain accolades but if i have to collect badges to get an EAT i cant imagin how hard it must be.

    Just when im close to 50 on CoV and think ill be first in line for an EAT i find out that thats not the requirement.

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    Accolades are different. And depending on what the requirements are, it's not really that hard. If it's just accomplishent and exploration badge, that would be the best thing ever.

    But all in all, the devs never said anything about badges. They have mentioned TFs/Trials, but never badges. It's a good idea though.

    Anyway, as far as lvl 50 being fair, think of it this way. If you just started playing CoV, and wanted to play an Epic Archetype instead of the other ATs, would you level some AT you don't really want for months and on to get to 50 just to play that EAT? That would cause most players to get bored of the game easily and leave, not to mention that some players that have been here since the game (CoH) opened still doesn't have a lvl 50, therefore not being able to play a Kheldian.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Actually, they can't. No other AT can shape-shift. Period. You can't play a blaster that suddenly tanks for people. You can't do it. That's rather my point. If a new AT is "Tankers with a unique powerset that isn't all that different from what you already had," it isn't really an epic AT, cool story or no.

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    Yeah I understand, although I was talking about how there were complaints from Kheldians about being not picked over certain ATs because another AT can do their job better. For example, why choose a Kheldian when you can get a Blaster and a Tanker or a Controller?

    That's what I meant, you can substitute other normal ATs who are more effective instead of a Kheldian who are combination of these things. This topic just stuck to my mind because I remember reading a long thread about this same topic in the Kheldians' section, lol.

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    I wanna know what that blank will be.

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    Yep, I sure can't wait - although the Incarnates are last EAT I'd like to see, lol.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    I don't see where we need a unique Archtype to cover the godly characters. Story's nice, yes, but there needs to be mechanical, in-game difference, otherwise why bother? I'm curious to see how they handle it.

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    There's really no story yet though, lol.

    But think of it this way, while Epic Archetypes are known for new powers, new animation, concepts, etc. overall, it's a chance for you to play a role in an epic story. Sure we've seen some concepts like Statesman and Lord Recluse, but we still have yet to find out about their story, what they're about, and who they are. But anyway, just to bog down the "godly" status, I have a couple of things:

    From the Paragon Times, July 15, 2005: Beyond Contact: Azuria and MAGI:

    [ QUOTE ]
    “Much of what we know remains obscure, to be sure, and highly secret—those who oppose us would very much like to know the extent of our knowledge—but the short version is that we are facing nature spirits who, in the earliest periods of human existence, evolved beyond control of the elements and became gods who needed worship and devotion from mortals.

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    And this story arc - guess who this is:


    Give up? it's the goddess Hequat, of the Mu people . Which sort of demotes them from the 'almighty' rank, but they're still gods. As far as the Incarnates, the devs can do anything with it as far as what the concept is. I mean, they could change the theme from gods to something lower in rank.

    Well, overall, my point is, let's just wait for their story to come out before we think poorly or highly of them. I know it's irritating that we can't put them in a certain category yet, but we'll see soon.

    [ QUOTE ]
    But what do the Incarnates do that normal heroes and villains can't? Aphrodite? Mind Control/Empathy controller. Loki? Illusion/Kinetic Controller. Geb? Dark/Stone Brute (that's how one of my friends did him, anyway).

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    Although, yenno the Kheldians' powers can be substituted by other AT's powers as well.

    Nice screenshots btw.
  21. I don't see it. Although, it's nothing. It probably just got copied over from CoH, just like a villain who reaches 50 sometimes get the "you unlocked an EAT" message.
  22. Just don't get your hopes up, it's just a small pool with 1 Coralax-Hybrid in it. Although, I find it weird that they ask how I found them there.. that's a new text.