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  1. Hey guys, I just wanted to report this:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Q: Will there be epic archetypes on the villain side in the future?

    A: You bet. We are working out how to include Nictus (evil Kheldians), and are discussing one more. Stay tuned!

    [/ QUOTE ]
    From this.
  2. The Spiked Collar (from the Shoulder option) is too small, it doesn't fit around the neck.
  3. Oceanborn

    Halloween Event?

    There's a new badge called "Ghost Touch" which you can obtain by defeating these new NPCs called the Unseelie Court. You just need 20, but only 7 of them spawn at a time alongside giant monsters like Eochai.

    You're also missing out on a 5th costume slot. You obtain this by gaining special Salvage through Trick-or-Treating and reporting to the special Halloween contact.

    More info here, in courtesy of Badge-Hunter.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Why is this thread frozen? It seems to be stuck at 505 posts, with the last one being Zhao's...but Zhao's post isn't showing....

    [/ QUOTE ]
    It isn't stuck.

    Anyway, unfortunately, no updates. The devs are really keeping quiet with the EATs. I'm sure it's because they either don't want to spoil anything (if there is one coming during the I8-I11 storyline) or they just haven't worked on any of them due to the I8-I11 storyline.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    It is a cool little place though, I hope they leave it in even without that extra stuff.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    They're probably gonna re-hide it somewhere more complex.. and change the badge text. Next time, it'll probably include "DON'T TELL ANYONE!"
  6. Awesome, you should have taken screenshots!
  7. Alright everyone, I'm gone for now. Feel free to update the guide whenever news comes up, just make sure you guys remain unbiased and when posting, to make sure you seperate the real news from your own personal opinions. Also keep the debates at minimum; don't wanna come back to a warzone, eh? heh. Anyway, have fun everyone. I'll try to be up to date with the news.

    (No goodbyes please, just keep speculating.)
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    Yay! My level 27 ice blaster gets to be an avilan!!! Hmm, someone needs a makeover!

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Ah see there's a difference between Avilan and being winged. I'm sure you know that though.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Regardless of dev's hopes for a new issue every 3 months like some other MMOs, its safe to assume we won't see i11 until 2026. >_>

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Supposedly the whole I8-I11 storyline will cover all of next year. I assume I10 and I11 won't be that far from each other's release compared to normal issues. I'm only speculating though, since I10 and I11 was the expansion box.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Whether they have incarnates or not, I kinda think that LR and States should be their own thing, ya know, superior and stuff.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    That's why I'm against the logic of "oh we're gonna be able to combine power sets like States and LR." For one, it wouldn't be an Epic Archetype. I'd rather much see a new myth or lore spawned by the Incarnates story (which we know nothing about) and have the Epic Archetype revolve around that instead of getting the same sets and adding an "Incarnates" set that people might be assuming will happend, like APPs (well, exactly like APPs.)

    As an artist, I do believe in something more creative than SS or Mastermind + Incarnate.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I will guarantee that the story will revolve around Greek mythology. Beyond that...nothing more than speculation.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I would assume it's based around Greek mythology, although, that's just an assumption based on the fact that there are certain elements from the story of Statesman and Lord Recluse which indicates that there are Greek terms used to form their stories (like the Fountain of Zeus and the Well of Furies, etc.)

    Other than that, we don't really know anything else to support the fact that it's about one certain thing.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    I'd imagine any 50+ content were going to see in the next month will revolve around these Uber Enhancements and not inventions. Unless the invention system consists of us using salvage to make these uber enhancements.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    The "fat loot" that Posi promised us that will be coming in I8? I think so too, unless he announced that was cancelled as well.

    PS, Oh, and I fixed the quote for you.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Whether they have incarnates or not, I kinda think that LR and States should be their own thing, ya know, superior and stuff.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    That's why I'm against the logic of "oh we're gonna be able to combine power sets like States and LR." For one, it wouldn't be an Epic Archetype. I'd rather much see a new myth or lore spawned by the Incarnates story (which we know nothing about) and have the Epic Archetype revolve around that instead of getting the same sets and adding an "Incarnates" set that people might be assuming will happend, like APPs (well, exactly like APPs.)

    As an artist, I do believe in something more creative than SS or Mastermind + Incarnate.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    Disclaimer: Speculation (just for fun.)

    For which EAT it would be, the Incarnates are already ruled out because Positron said it didn't fit in with the storyline. Wings in I8, so maybe Avilans, but it's very very unlikely because they're not even in the game yet, but hey, you never know. Coralax is another possibility because they're the furthest in being implemented in the game as far as having a cameo at all. Blood of the Black Stream will be the second in the running since they have some history in the game already, just like the Coralax.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This is interesting conjecture. I wonder if your correlation between in-game teasers and implementation priority is accurate. It seems intuitive, to be certain. But I can't help but observe that the only epic AT that we have any empirical knowledge of was introduced without any kind of previous in-game teasers. We just woke up one day and all of a sudden there were Kheldians and Quantums and Voids and Cysts and the whole hoopla. So it's not entirely clear to me that the designers feel a need to build up a backstory before introducing an EAT.

    Then again, maybe they didn't like that "while you were sleeping everything changed" phenomenon, so now they're trying to compensate with preliminary back-story.


    [/ QUOTE ]
    I remember asking the same thing in the Kheldians section of the forums. Most of my responses stated that it was somewhat of a surprise, but at the same time they were introduced through the Paragon Times. Also, do note that the Kheldians were the first EATs. I have a feeling that the devs even talked or went into detail about having these things they'd call "Epic Archetypes" before the Kheldians came out. Anyway, the names only came out (Avilans, Coralax, Blood of the Black Stream, Incarnates) after the "what Epic AT next?" hype came about after the Kheldians.

    It just seemed like an unintenional surprise though, is all I'm saying (the Kheldians, I mean.)
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I'm looking forward to the Avilans! Maybe that means that somewhere along the lines they might add ATs for the other travel powers. Teleporting and super speed could be some awesome combat. Just a thought.

    [/ QUOTE ] Avilians are scrapped. Instead we'r gettinf WINGS for every AT in the game.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    That's not a very good assumption. Mainly because wings are different from an Epic Archetype. Also, there hasn't been any announcements regaurding the Avilans' cancellation. Unless the devs says so, it's not true - just a reminder for everyone.

    Another thing to ponder upon is that everyone thinks the Avilans were cancelled just because the wings are coming. Well, hasn't anyone ever taken into consideration that the reason the devs are giving everyone wings is because they don't want wings to be limited to an EAT (so people won't complain "why do I have to be an Avilan?!#$!")?

    [ QUOTE ]
    See, so now EVERY CHARECTER past level 20 can be an Avian !!!

    [/ QUOTE ]
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    From all the interviews I read, it all starts in I8. Assuming the 50+ content is in I8, then I'd say the story starts in I8. I might be forgetting something, but IIRC, I9 was supposed to feature the rebuilding of Faultline (according to the Boomtown interview.)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Posi was pretty specific on what portion of the 50+ content was going to make it into I8: Inventions. They've since stated it would be delayed.

    Note also that there's no information about 50+ content listed on the Features Update (or Game Update, or wherever they give info on the next Issue). I'd say it's safe to assume that if it isn't listed there, it's not coming out.

    I suspect we'll see 50+ content trickled in from I9-I11.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I asked the same thing in the CoH section, and most people have suggested that the list will be updated (not referring to the Features Updates) upon reaching I8, and the current Game Updates page is still lacking various updates. One example that someone pointed out are the wings. So I think it's safer to assume that not everything in I8 is in the Game Updates page yet.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Posi was pretty specific on what portion of the 50+ content was going to make it into I8: Inventions. They've since stated it would be delayed.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Hm, that doesn't seem right. Care to provide your sources? Sometimes the smallest details can be misinterpreted or personally interpreted even subconsciouly. I just don't remember reading only the inventions system is gonna make it in I8. As far as I know, they specifically said content for 50+

    If that's the case though, I8 will be pretty empty eh?
  15. [ QUOTE ]

    BotBS needs to be tech, it's the only way it would make sense to me. i'm sorry if supercomputers and oil scream machines to me. a shape shifter EAT? hmmm... sounds like the transformers!

    [/ QUOTE ]
    But the supercomputer isn't literal, and the oil, well, Gadzul Oil is up to something obviously supernatural, and that oil that spilled from the Cairo queen is definitely not normal oil. It's magical. Another thing to note is the fact that it's magical is the reason why it's permanently in the water. It also forms the Eye of Horus if looked at from a bird's eye view.

    [ QUOTE ]
    I thought that the new story was supposed to start with Issue 9
    But then, we're seeing the Faultline revamp THIS issue, aren't we? That might be the begining of our nifty metaplot...

    [/ QUOTE ]
    From all the interviews I read, it all starts in I8. Assuming the 50+ content is in I8, then I'd say the story starts in I8. I might be forgetting something, but IIRC, I9 was supposed to feature the rebuilding of Faultline (according to the Boomtown interview.)

    [ QUOTE ]
    I think you're right... but I want my Avilians! I can wait if they're second or third.... *starts pacing...* a little... *paces more.*

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Well, to give you some hope, wings are coming. The way you unlock them might be tied to Avilan lore, you never know.

    [ QUOTE ]
    *wonders if Avilians can pick up Coralax and drop them on the rocks to get to the meat inside.*

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Well, assuming you haven't fought Calystix yet, I do have to note that after getting.. basically.. killed, it hints that he eventually will reform. So good luck with that.

    PS, I think you're thinking about bivalves and other muscles and clams, not coral.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    In I10, Recluse decides he wants to use the Rikti threat against Paragon, and finds a way to reopen the portal. He underestimates the Rikti however, and the Rikti homeworld is opened as a zone. This zone would be the "heroes and villains fighting togethor" zone previously mentioned. The T/SF in this zone reveals that Hero-1 (the one that went with the Omega team, I always forget which variation on his name that is) is alive, and he helps on the last mission against a high-ranking Rikti leader. Hero-1 returns to Earth and gives his sword (Excalibur) back to Ms. Liberty and goes into semi-retirement.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    That would be interesting. People did vote for the Rikti Homeworld alot in the poll, so just maybe.

    [ QUOTE ]
    In I11, we find that Excalibur and Reischman were the last two pieces to be used in the Gadzul oil Supercomputer, and that with these events coming to pass it is finally created. This unleashes the Gadzuls, an Egyptian-themed villain group. These Gadzuls use the souls of Supers to create the BotBSs, and as such they attack both Paragon and the Rogue Isles. This creates a new TF for heroes and a new SF for villains that ultimately unlocks the BotBS (unlockable for both heroes and villains that finish the S/TF, as the BotBS are newly created and are freelancers, so some choose good and some evil).

    [/ QUOTE ]
    It's far too early to say. I mean, this super computer is one big conspiracy. I tried to solve it (read a few pages back) but I ended with somewhat of a cliffhanger or dead end. That, and there's not that much clues to speculate upon the fact that they might achieve this supercomputer for the I8-I11 story.

    I8 should start off the story, and we should be able to tell who's connected and what's happening by then. Maybe we can even predict more accurately if there will be an EAT involved.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    how will the nictus fit into the game though. nictus are council cronies so why would arachnos try to recruit council soldiers?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    The one thing I like about Epic ATs is that they don't have to be involved with other stories. This story involves the Council, why should Arachnos be involved?

    [ QUOTE ]
    i want to see BotBS now, because i'm excited about a tech EAT.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    What Illusory said..

    [ QUOTE ]
    Forgive me if I'm ignorant, but I was under the impression BotBS were magic themed.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    They were in no way represented as a Tech AT. States said they had a Tech EAT planned or designed, but he doesn't know what happend to it. If the super computer fooled you, don't let it. This super computer, if I remember correctly, isn't an actual computer, but more like a gathering of events and occurances that's supposed to trigger something.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I really hope they come out with one of these EAT's by i9, i might explode if they delay any longer. although, of course, i have no problem with them taking time to get it right .

    that "deep" water pool outside the Grandeville wall SURE is encouraging though. But who knows, even if they get the pool and such figured out the devs might not have coralax out until i12. thats just the way they work =p

    [/ QUOTE ]
    The Coralax could be cancelled for all I know, but one thing official we do know is that the Nictus EAT or the evil Kheldians EAT will be coming out "ASAP." Although, the devs were planning on releasing an EAT in the expansion box. The expansion box now became I10 and I11, and they said they changed some things around.

    Now, an EAT isn't something you can just slip in and no one notice, like a powerset or something. It's a game-wide event and it WILL be noticed by many players, especially story-wise. Another thing to remember is that I8-I11 is one big story, so the EAT has to be involved with the I8-I11 story somehow, and I doubt the devs can remove something that big that quick. It's not that I'm pushing for the idea of a new EAT (AFTER the Nictus) sometime between I9 and I11, it's just that something as big as a 4 issue story just can't be re-written.

    So, if the devs did include a new EAT in the expansion box, it was most likely tied in with the I8-I11 story, which means it will probably still be in I9, I10, or I11. That is, IF it was a relevant part of the story. If not, then I guess not.

    Disclaimer: Speculation (just for fun.)

    For which EAT it would be, the Incarnates are already ruled out because Positron said it didn't fit in with the storyline. Wings in I8, so maybe Avilans, but it's very very unlikely because they're not even in the game yet, but hey, you never know. Coralax is another possibility because they're the furthest in being implemented in the game as far as having a cameo at all. Blood of the Black Stream will be the second in the running since they have some history in the game already, just like the Coralax.

    Anyway, the first clue just might be in I8, so everyone keep your eyes peeled. Supposedly there's a new villain group or enemy group (for us villains.) I8 is supposedly linked with this big story, so we should learn soon enough, that and/or an enemy group is supposed to be getting an upgrade, we don't know anymore though. Maybe that's the new enemy, or maybe they will be an addition, who knows.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I really really want the Coralax to be the next EAT, but I seem to remember Positron saying that the Incarnates were next (the "first new EAT" they wanted to do), but that it didn't fit in the current storyline.

    If I'm reading that correctly, that means Incarnates aroudnd, what, I11, I12? And any further EATs delayed beyond that.


    I hope I'm wrong.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    But before that, he did in fact say that the expansion box will have an Epic Archetype...which what I was talking about in my previous post. It was in the Boomtown interview, before the W00T interview where he said he wants to do the Incarnates after the Nictus EAT, but he couldn't cause it doesn't fit into the story. I made like 2 posts here and in the CoH section talking about how he somewhat contradicted himself.

    Anyway, like I said earlier in regaurds to the possibility of getting that EAT that was going to be in the expansion box (now I10 and I11):

    [ QUOTE ]
    Although, the devs were planning on releasing an EAT in the expansion box. The expansion box now became I10 and I11, and they said they changed some things around.

    Now, an EAT isn't something you can just slip in and no one notice, like a powerset or something. It's a game-wide event and it WILL be noticed by many players, especially story-wise. Another thing to remember is that I8-I11 is one big story, so the EAT has to be involved with the I8-I11 story somehow, and I doubt the devs can remove something that big that quick. It's not that I'm pushing for the idea of a new EAT (AFTER the Nictus) sometime between I9 and I11, it's just that something as big as a 4 issue story just can't be re-written.

    So, if the devs did include a new EAT in the expansion box, it was most likely tied in with the I8-I11 story, which means it will probably still be in I9, I10, or I11. That is, IF it was a relevant part of the story. If not, then I guess not.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Again, I'm not assuming there will be an EAT after the Nictus for next year (that isn't the Incarnates), instead I'm just going by what Positron has mentioned and basically how things work in the game.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    I really hope they come out with one of these EAT's by i9, i might explode if they delay any longer. although, of course, i have no problem with them taking time to get it right .

    that "deep" water pool outside the Grandeville wall SURE is encouraging though. But who knows, even if they get the pool and such figured out the devs might not have coralax out until i12. thats just the way they work =p

    [/ QUOTE ]
    The Coralax could be cancelled for all I know, but one thing official we do know is that the Nictus EAT or the evil Kheldians EAT will be coming out "ASAP." Although, the devs were planning on releasing an EAT in the expansion box. The expansion box now became I10 and I11, and they said they changed some things around.

    Now, an EAT isn't something you can just slip in and no one notice, like a powerset or something. It's a game-wide event and it WILL be noticed by many players, especially story-wise. Another thing to remember is that I8-I11 is one big story, so the EAT has to be involved with the I8-I11 story somehow, and I doubt the devs can remove something that big that quick. It's not that I'm pushing for the idea of a new EAT (AFTER the Nictus) sometime between I9 and I11, it's just that something as big as a 4 issue story just can't be re-written.

    So, if the devs did include a new EAT in the expansion box, it was most likely tied in with the I8-I11 story, which means it will probably still be in I9, I10, or I11. That is, IF it was a relevant part of the story. If not, then I guess not.

    Disclaimer: Speculation (just for fun.)

    For which EAT it would be, the Incarnates are already ruled out because Positron said it didn't fit in with the storyline. Wings in I8, so maybe Avilans, but it's very very unlikely because they're not even in the game yet, but hey, you never know. Coralax is another possibility because they're the furthest in being implemented in the game as far as having a cameo at all. Blood of the Black Stream will be the second in the running since they have some history in the game already, just like the Coralax.

    Anyway, the first clue just might be in I8, so everyone keep your eyes peeled. Supposedly there's a new villain group or enemy group (for us villains.) I8 is supposedly linked with this big story, so we should learn soon enough, that and/or an enemy group is supposed to be getting an upgrade, we don't know anymore though. Maybe that's the new enemy, or maybe they will be an addition, who knows.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    A robot "kheldian" or werewolf "peacebringer" is pretty stupid too.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Well, in comparison to Coralax, Kheldians can possess bodies or stay in hosts because they're energy beings, not really having a natural form. Are they stupid? I don't mind for them, but they certainly do make sense as far as Kheldians go. So unless the Coralax can possess hosts just like the Kheldians (which would be frowned upon if they recycle that feature), I wouldn't really expect to be able to use all costumes in the costume generator unless the devs have an explanation behind it.

    The Kheldians' reason to be able to dress as freely as they like differs widely compared to the reason as to why the Coralax has to look a certain way. I'm not really defending it, it's just the way it is.

    As far as costume sets being limited not being done before, it's mainly because there hasn't been a situation where the devs had to limit the clothing. I'm not pushing for limited costume sets, but it just wouldn't make sense is all I'm saying. As far as we know, the Coralax are one race, and the Coralax-Hybrids are humans infected with magical coral. Maybe if we're able to revert back to human form, we can access most of the universal costumes, but if not, like I said, it really wouldn't make sense.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Given that mobile pieces of rock exhibit the powers of Merulina's coral (as I understand it), it's not entirely improbable to have a coral-powered android or a were-creature infused with the power of the sea.

    Maybe they're a "race," and if they were a very specific race, I could see it. Just as if they were to, hypothetically, include the "elf" Archtype, you wouldn't see any robot-looking elves.

    But I don't think they're a race, or we wouldn't be seeing hybrids running all over the place. It's about infusion of coral power, which leaves the door open.

    And the Devs haven't had call to limit costumes because they DIDN'T take that call up, not because they had no reason too. I can make a robot with the magic origin. I can have a midget, natural school-girl with Super Strength and Invulnerability. There's lots of illegitmate costume choices out there, but Cryptic doesn't employ any fashion police.

    I'm also trying to figure out HOW they would do it. Basing it on your account I can see, but limiting your costume choices when you choose a specific AT? How would they implement that? Seems more work than it's worth to me.

    That's my take anyway. This is all irrelevant speculation in a thread that's supposed to be about learning more about the EATs. Sorry about the derail.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Lol, it's ok, speculating is always fun.

    As far as the Coralax as a race, the Coralax do look very identical, ofcourse basing my speculation off of the Coralax-Hybrids, Barracuda (who were once humans) and Calystix, who's a pure blooded Coralax. Assuming these Coralax-Hybrids weren't all related siblings during their human life, I think it's fair to say that once a human gets infected with these magical coral, their features morph closer to looking like real Coralax, like Calystix. Come to think of it, the Coralax-Hybrids look wayyy much creative than Calystix.

    Also, they can't not be a race, because they're specified as a race of coral beings. The Coralax-Hybrids are just involuntary soldiers or minions for the Coralax. It's like grabbing a random animal, injecting some super powers in him, and using him as your own to aid you in whatever you wish to accomplish.

    As for limiting costume options, they've never done this because they've never had a reason to, as I explained earlier. The work is gonna be extensive, I agree, but the devs have also emphasized and let us know that Epic Archetypes are a big deal. They know that it's gonna take alot of work, and if you think about it, limited costume options seems like a small deal IMO. We're already limited to not having unlocked costume options, pre-sale items, and other box items. It wouldn't be so hard to lock specific costumes for specific ATs or characters.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    A robot "kheldian" or werewolf "peacebringer" is pretty stupid too.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Well, in comparison to Coralax, Kheldians can possess bodies or stay in hosts because they're energy beings, not really having a natural form. Are they stupid? I don't mind for them, but they certainly do make sense as far as Kheldians go. So unless the Coralax can possess hosts just like the Kheldians (which would be frowned upon if they recycle that feature), I wouldn't really expect to be able to use all costumes in the costume generator unless the devs have an explanation behind it.

    The Kheldians' reason to be able to dress as freely as they like differs widely compared to the reason as to why the Coralax has to look a certain way. I'm not really defending it, it's just the way it is.

    As far as costume sets being limited not being done before, it's mainly because there hasn't been a situation where the devs had to limit the clothing. I'm not pushing for limited costume sets, but it just wouldn't make sense is all I'm saying. As far as we know, the Coralax are one race, and the Coralax-Hybrids are humans infected with magical coral. Maybe if we're able to revert back to human form, we can access most of the universal costumes, but if not, like I said, it really wouldn't make sense.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    I expect we'll see some new, water-related costume pieces come out, but I doubt we'll be limited to it. I suspect any "enforced" looks will come from the powersets manifestations on your person. Some Coralax will look stupid as a result of this, but some will look totally cool

    [/ QUOTE ]
    It depends on the story, really. It would be so silly if you're a pure-blooded Coralax or even a Coralax-Hybrid and you're able to dress up like a Werewolf or a Robot. That wouldn't make sense at all. A limited and/or small set only for the Coralax is a solution, along with letting us use some of the appropriate costume pieces that are available to everyone else, stuff like Plant hair, Plant shoulders, Hoods, Trenchcoats maybe, are appropriate IMO. I can't think of anything else right now though.

    Such restrictions will always intervene when you're trying to tell a story. If it gets too restricting and if the devs chooses it to be that way, we just have to remind ourselves: this isn't our story anymore, and that we're stepping into an Epic story that's written a certain way, so right off the bat, we're already given somewhat of a warning about the freedom and restrictions when playing an EAT.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    Wow, Ocean. Thanks for linking to that site...now it's easy to see the true concept for some of the costume pieces (plants, insectoid, etc). I really hope that guy isn't a fake...though I can easily believe that he is a designer. The Coralax-Hybrids are absolutely BEAUTIFUL. Too bad CoX's colors aren't that vivid...the ingame hybrids would look MUCH better.

    BTW, there haven't been any Virtean Coralax-Hybrids have there?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    That link is official. I got his name from the CoX Art Book (it came with the CoV Collector's Edition) and that's his official site (or her?), so you don't have to worry about the authenticity. And no problem

    As far as the Virtea, nope. They're another race though, they aren't Coralax. This is where the tyrannical aspect of the Coralax species come to play, because the Coralax supposedly enslaves them instead of treating them like equals. All information about the Virtea (just incase you don't know) comes from here. The exact line says:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Extending their control over the oceans of Earth, the Coralax became masters of the Virtea, a race of humanoid fish creatures that tend to stay in very deep water. The primitive, nomadic Virtea are not overly violent but will defend themselves and their loved ones fiercely. Dominated through a combination of charm, intimidation, and mental strength, the Virtea serve the will of the Coralax.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    So maybe it's not a complete enslavement, but it's close to it.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    - I remain convinced that the the important part of a Coralax hybrid is the coral, not the host. If the coral budded from a Shaper, then the hybrid is a Shaper, too. So far as I know, nothing like this has ever appeared in-game, but there's no evidence against it, either. Again, other than the backgrounder, which mentions Coralax cities in the sea, we know next to nothing about the "home life" of the Coralax.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I'm still gonna stick with my old argument: I don't want to be made by the Coralax (as a Coralax-Hyrbid), I want to be a real Coralax who is made by the actual goddess Merulina, but let's not get into that one again, LOL.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'd say if it's Coralax we see, we'll see *Coralax,* or a very unusual sort of hybrid.

    I'm looking at this from the viewpoint of Kheldians. In-game, we've got the three Galaxy ranks, each a little more powerful - but the player is more powerful than them.

    In-game, we've got red, green, and blue Coralax hybrids... the player would absolutely be more powerful, more "developed" or "true" to a Coralax.

    Now, yes, we'd probably have to face (and defeat) stronger or more pure-blooded (pure-coraled?) Coralax, much as Khelds face Arakhn and Requiem as well as cysts and whatnot. We will, of course, have far more tools to do so.

    If we're not pure Coralax, we'll be closer to it than the hybrids we see. That's my guess, at least.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    If we're not pure Coralax, I believe we'll end up being something like Barracuda, except probably having an option to have more detail as in Coralax-related costumes.

    As far as facing other Coralax, yes, I'm gonna have to agree with that one. The Coralax are already divided. One side is the passive side, the other is the vengeful side, which Calystix is on. Depending on which side you're on, I'm sure there will be signature pure-blooded Coralax to confront you in some way. Who or why, we'll find out soon enough (I hope.)

    [ QUOTE ]
    In-game, we've got red, green, and blue Coralax hybrids... the player would absolutely be more powerful, more "developed" or "true" to a Coralax.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Agreed. The Coralax-Hybrids in the game seem like lower ranked and mindless minions. Wether or not there will be different rankings or hierarchies in the Coralax-Hybrid faction is still a possibility, although, like I said, I'd rather not be a Hybrid if I'm gonna be compared to the already existing NPCs.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Reason 4: To make him more "priestly." Costuming does play a part in telling a story.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Agreed. Although, they could have given him a more traditional looking robe if that's the reason (not that I'm contradicting it.) It'll just be pretty badass if the Shapers like Calystix wore traditional priest-ware (for a lack of a better term.)
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    My main point was that he was humanoid, and formed from Coral, which is the appearance most of the hybrids have. Though I suppose I may of been a bit hasty, he could have a body type more like a golem or devouring earth with less defined hands or feet.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Oh gosh no.. not even real coral look that ugly, lol. Real coral are actually very beautiful.

    Anyway, this comes from the (who seems to be) the concept designer of the Coralax-Hybrids (or maybe just an artist hired to sketch from a reference.) His name is Ocala Bellows Kulig, and that's from his website. Now, I'm not sure about everyone else, but I really think those drawings are very beautiful. I know the Coralax-Hybrids in the game aren't all that appealing, but those concept drawings are very, very elegant and graceful to me, and I have a strong feeling that's what real Coralax will look like, except more detailed and using more coral as clothing options.