2390 -
Quote:OMG that was too funny!ERP is simultaneously Gag-inducing and darkly humorous in a way, I submit this video for those whose grip on reality is so pathetic that they resort to living out their romantic fantasies vicariously.
"Have you ever talked to a woman without giving your credit card number 1st?" -
Poop deck?
This is gonna get messy and nasty ...
*hands everyone a plunger and roll of tp* -
Every Bacon Has Its Thorn - Poison
"Every bacon has its fat
Just like every egg has a yolk
Just like every cowboy sings his sad, sad song
Every bacon has its fat" -
Bacon unto others, as you would have them bacon unto you.
From what I hear, this whole SSK thing is hurting PL'ing too huh? *chuckles*
Good morning peoples *waves* have a great day.
No Sleep Till Bacon - Bacon Boys (Beastie Boys)
"No! Sleep! Till bacon!
No! Sleep! Till bacon!
No sleep till bacon!
No sleep till bacon!
No sleep till bacon!" -
Quote:*drags out some pots and pans from the kitchen and clangs them together loudly* Better?Originally Posted by NekoAliSure seems quiet today.
*gives Fed his morning donut* Good morning, gratz on the levels -
Willy Wonka & The Bacon Factory
"'Cause I've got a golden bacon
I've got a golden chance to make my eggs
And with a golden bacon, it's a golden day" -
Bacon (Daniel) - Elton John
"Baconis travelling tonight on a plane
I can see breakfast with eggs and toast in Spain
Oh and I can see bacon waving goodbye
God it tastes like bacon, and that flavor makes me cry" -
*wanders in* I has no hangover. Anyhoo, I hope y'all had fun this weekend peoples. *waves* Have a great day.
Bacon In America - James Brown
"Bacon in America - egg to egg, pancake to pancake
Bacon in America - ham to ham, pass the syrup
Bacon in America - got to have a celebration!" -
A Clockwork Bacon
"Welly, welly, welly, welly, welly, welly, well. To what do I owe the extreme pleasure of this surprising bacon?"