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  1. Happy belated birthday Arwen! Glad you had a great day! xx
  2. Happy belated birthday! I got in early on facebook so this evens things out! xx
  3. Noodleorama

    Oh Hai!

    Hello my lovely Justicians!

    I just popped in to send my love to you all and to let you know I miss you all!

    Yours from afar

    Noodle xxx
  4. Noodleorama

    O hai Justice!

    Welcome back! I did the all of the other views, I was just too shy to comment before!
  5. Thanks guys! The screen door has a security thingy on the outside of it to stop the baddies getting in and what not.
    I understand the chocolate business Chloe - I think you're Tim Tams may have been the second batch ;o)
  6. I totally happy birthday'd you on farcebook so a belated one here isn't bad right? Right!

    Happy belated birthday Mr Smokeh! xoxoxoxoxo
  7. Thanks guys! Muchly appreciated!!
  8. I have no idea what you guys are on about! Mind you that's a pretty permanent state for me!
  9. Thanks for the votes so far guys! If anyone else is feeling votey I would appreciate it!
  10. Thanks for the votes guys - I'm currently 50th in the Country & 17th in the state so it's all coming along well!

    Meg you are welcome to come over now if you like, there's enough room to make a nice sammich ;o)
  11. Indeedy & Sol's seen it in real life - he barely survived I tells ye!
  12. Safe travels Fanny & Kad! Love and hugs xx
  13. Hi guys

    I have entered a competition to win a new kitchen for our place. Essentially I need to be voted the owner of the crappiest kitchen in South & Western Australia. If you take a look at the photo's I think you will agree - I'm totally in the running!

    Thanks in advance my lovely Justice chums!

    Noodle x
  14. Thanks! It was my first Mother's Day and I had a lovely time - massage, facial, Japanese food for lunch and Lindt chocolates! Totally worth having the little dude
  15. Everyone needs more Smoke Signal!
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Fanny_ View Post
    Edit: 500th post. 6 years, and I finally make it!
    Grats Fanny xx
  17. Tee hee I now know what you guys sound like - nice job on the american accents
  18. Happy what now must be belated birthday!!