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  1. I loved that spreadsheet when it went up and I'd hoped whomever made it would add in all of the recipes instead of just the ones that topped out at 50.
    As time went by and it wasn't updated I realized if I wanted a list of the merit costs for all of the recipes I'd have to do it myself.

    I still think that spreadsheet is a great resource, I didn't include any of the Merit drop info or random roll costs because it was already there. And heck, if whomever made that wants to yank all my info, spruce it up and add it to theirs, I don't care. Sure I'd like a bit of credit for the work but combining them as a one stop shop is probably a better idea.

    After I add in all the Pool Drop info though.
  2. Ooh that's an excellent idea thanks!
  3. My office was open the 19th and the 20th almost everyone took off except me not only did I get caught up on all my work but I completed this as well.

    All IO Set Recipes Merit Cost

    Eventually I'll go back and make it "pretty" as it is already rather strong.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    It could be this is just content added to existing zones. It doesn't specifically say this is a zone.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Excellent point, I had completely overlooked that it didn't actually specify that it was a zone just new content.

    So now heroes have more zones and more content than they need while Villains run the same story arcs over and over. ^_~
  5. I will start this post by saying that I am cautiously optimistic on I12 there are things I'm happy about and things that I'm very weary on. However,

    [ QUOTE ]
    Part of the next free expansion,
    [ QUOTE ]
    The Midnight Squad


    The clandestine organization of mystics, scholars and mages, known only as the Midnight Squad, seeks to rebuild its numbers since the devastating assault of the Rikti Invasion. The Midnighters hold a secret that could bring the alien assault to an end, but without the help of the Heroes of Paragon City™ it will remain Lost forever.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    As it's written says that this will be a Heroes only zone. When combined with this quote from Back Alley Brawler

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Zones, Will there be more VILLAIN specific ones?

    [/ QUOTE ]Possibly. More likely to see new zones that both factions can access, either through co-op play or through competing storylines. I'm not sure I agree that villains really need more exclusive zones...there are a lot of zones hero side that aren't used that much. Wouldn't make sense to spend all the time to make a bunch of villain only zones so they could sit unused too. Really nothing to do with how many people are playing villains...doesn't make any more sense to make exclusive hero content either. That's really more of a Posi quesiton though.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Makes me wonder what's going on, BAB says no new villain zones because heroes don't use all of theres and that it also dosen't make any sense to make more exclusive hero content and than they go and make an exclusive hero zone?

    I would love some clarification on this new 10-20 zone.
  6. :shakes his head: Must have been pretty tired last night for that to not have occured to me. Since that's only on the first page.
  7. Batch file set up is
    [ QUOTE ]

    for /f "delims=zzz" %%i in (phrases.txt) do (echo f "local %%i$$bind_load_file C:\kb\target.txt">target.txt)&&sleep 1&&echo %%i1


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Looking at the ones that don't work they have "z" in them and it stops at "z" I thought it would only stop at "zzz" not just "z."

    Since it appears to stop at single "z" is there something else that I could change the "zzz" to?
  8. Ah, notepad is indeed what I'm using. Is there another you'd recomend?
  9. Nope, it just seems completly random.

    "I'm going to brutalize you until you smell like barbeque, and throw you out the airplane door!" Comes out "I'm going to bru1"


    "As sure as predators devour prey, I shall make bloody music with your nation's populace!" comes out just fine.
  10. Ok it works but for some reason it cuts off certin sayings while not cutting off longer ones. Any ideas?
  11. Kick [censored]! The first one seems to have fixed the problem. Though interestingly enough the first time I tried it I got the "unknown command local" but I hit "f" again and it worked fine.

    Thank you so much.
  12. Now it says unknown command "/local"

    [ QUOTE ]

    for /f "delims=zzz" %%i in (phrases.txt) do (echo f "/local %%i$$unselect$$toggle_enemy$$bind_load_file C:\kb\target.txt">target.txt)&&sleep 1&&echo %%i


    [/ QUOTE ]
  13. Son of a...

    Thank you don't know how I missed that
  14. Just found this today and it looks awesome and I can't wait to get it to work. But it's not

    Any one know what I did wrong?

    Everything seems to run fine until I hit the random phrase key (for me it's "F") and I get an error messager in CoH saying "Unknown Command Local" any idea what I did wrong?

    [ QUOTE ]

    for /f "delims=zzz" %%i in (phrases.txt) do (echo f "local %%i$$unselect$$toggle_enemy$$bind_load_file C:\kb\target.txt">target.txt)&&sleep 1&&echo %%i


    [/ QUOTE ]
  15. :sigh: I'm slow, the Cost for a lvl 45 Damage SO should read 54,000 not 5,400
  16. lvl 45 SO's Price
    Acc 52,992
    Confusion 30,240
    Damage 5,400
    Defense 37,800
    Defense Debuff 39,420
    End Reduc 50,220
    Fear 24,840
    Flight 34,020
    Healing 54,000
    Hold 35,640
    Immobilize 39,420
    Intangibility 18,900
    Activation Acela 32,400
    Jump 21,600
    Knockback 17,820
    Range 43,200
    Recharge 50,220
    End Mod 43,200
    Dam Resist 35,640
    Run 35,640
    Sleep 39,420
    Slow 39,420
    Disoreient 41,040
    Taunt 27,000
    To Hit Buff 39,420
    To Hit Debuff 28,620

    lvl 50 SO's Price
    Acc 58,752
    Confusion 33,600
    Damage 60,000
    Defense 42,000
    Defense Debuff 43,800
    End Reduc 55,800
    Fear 27,600
    Flight 37,800
    Healing 60,000
    Hold 39,600
    Immobilize 43,800
    Intangibility 21,000
    Activation Acela 36,000
    Jump 24,000
    Knockback 19,800
    Range 48,000
    Recharge 55,800
    End Mod 48,000
    Dam Resist 39,600
    Run 39,600
    Sleep 43,800
    Slow 43,800
    Disoreient 45,600
    Taunt 30,000
    To Hit Buff 43,800
    To Hit Debuff 31,800
  17. Non Mastermind specific but I love the Mastermind AT so I'm posting this here for my fellow MM's to use

    Negami's CoV Enhancement Price Guide
  18. This was compiled with help from my roommate (Ransim) and assumes that the prices of enhancements are the same from store to store (i.e. a Natural Magic Damage DO isn't more or less expensive than a Tech Science Damage DO because if that's true something is seriously messed up.)

    I didn’t find lvl 35 or 40 Training Enhancements but I figured no one really cared and didn’t look too hard.

    Useful if yer weird like me and like to figure out how to get the most out of your Infamy or how much more Infamy you need to get all your Enhancements.

    Any and all errors are mine alone (probably) free to repost as long as credit’s given.

    lvl 5 Training Price
    Acc 576
    Confusion 280
    Damage 500
    Defense 350
    Defense Debuff 365
    End Reduc 465
    Fear 230
    Flight 315
    Healing 500
    Hold 330
    Immobilize 565
    Intangibility 175
    Activation Acela 300
    Jump 200
    Knock back 165
    Range 400
    Recharge 465
    End Mod 400
    Dam Resist 330
    Run 330
    Sleep 330
    Slow 365
    Disorient 365
    Taunt 380
    To Hit Buff 250
    To Hit Debuff 365

    lvl 10 Training Price
    Acc 1,056
    Confusion 560
    Damage 1,000
    Defense 700
    Defense Debuff 730
    End Reduc 930
    Fear 460
    Flight 630
    Healing 1,000
    Hold 660
    Immobilize 730
    Intangibility 350
    Activation Acela 600
    Jump 400
    Knock back 330
    Range 800
    Recharge 930
    End Mod 800
    Dam Resist 680
    Run 660
    Sleep 660
    Slow 730
    Disorient 730
    Taunt 760
    To Hit Buff 500
    To Hit Debuff 730

    lvl 15 Training Price
    Acc 1,536
    Confusion 840
    Damage 1,500
    Defense 1,050
    Defense Debuff 1,095
    End Reduc 1,395
    Fear 690
    Flight 945
    Healing 1,500
    Hold 990
    Immobilize 1,095
    Intangibility 525
    Activation Acela 900
    Jump 600
    Knock back 495
    Range 1,200
    Recharge 1,395
    End Mod 1,200
    Dam Resist 990
    Run 990
    Sleep 990
    Slow 1,095
    Disorient 1,095
    Taunt 1,140
    To Hit Buff 780
    To Hit Debuff 1,095

    lvl 20 Training Price
    Acc 2,016
    Confusion 1,120
    Damage 2,000
    Defense 1,400
    Defense Debuff 1,460
    End Reduc 1,860
    Fear 920
    Flight 1,260
    Healing 2,000
    Hold 1,320
    Immobilize 1,460
    Intangibility 700
    Activation Acela 1,200
    Jump 800
    Knock back 6,600
    Range 1,600
    Recharge 1,860
    End Mod 1,600
    Dam Resist 1,320
    Run 1,320
    Sleep 1,320
    Slow 1,460
    Disorient 1,460
    Taunt 1,520
    To Hit Buff 1,000
    To Hit Debuff 1,460

    lvl 25 Training Price
    Acc 2,122
    Confusion 1,190
    Damage 2,125
    Defense 1,488
    Defense Debuff 1,552
    End Reduc 1,977
    Fear 978
    Flight 1,339
    Healing 2,125
    Hold 1,403
    Immobilize 1,552
    Intangibility 744
    Activation Acela 1,275
    Jump 850
    Knock back 702
    Range 1,700
    Recharge 1,977
    End Mod 1,700
    Dam Resist 1,403
    Run 1,403
    Sleep 1,403
    Slow 1,552
    Disorient 1,552
    Taunt 1,615
    To Hit Buff 1,063
    To Hit Debuff 1,552

    lvl 30 Training Price
    Acc 2,530
    Confusion 1,428
    Damage 2,550
    Defense 1,785
    Defense Debuff 1,862
    End Reduc 2,372
    Fear 1,173
    Flight 1,607
    Healing 2,550
    Hold 1,683
    Immobilize 1,862
    Intangibility 893
    Activation Acela 1,530
    Jump 1,020
    Knock back 842
    Range 2,040
    Recharge 2,372
    End Mod 2,040
    Dam Resist 1,683
    Run 1,683
    Sleep 1,683
    Slow 1,862
    Disorient 1,862
    Taunt 1,938
    To Hit Buff 1,275
    To Hit Debuff 1,862

    lvl 15 DO Price
    Acc 6,129
    Confusion 3,352
    Damage 5,985
    Defense 4,190
    Defense Debuff 4,370
    End Reduc 5,567
    Fear 2,754
    Flight 3,771
    Healing 5,985
    Hold 3,951
    Immobilize 4,370
    Intangibility 2,095
    Activation Acela 3,591
    Jump 2,394
    Knock back 1,976
    Range 4,788
    Recharge 5,567
    End Mod 4,788
    Dam Resist 2,970
    Run 3,951
    Sleep 4,370
    Slow 4,370
    Disorient 4,549
    Taunt 2,993
    To Hit Buff 4,370
    To Hit Debuff 3,173

    lvl 20 DO Price
    Acc 8,044
    Confusion 4,469
    Damage 7,980
    Defense 5,586
    Defense Debuff 5,826
    End Reduc 7,422
    Fear 3,671
    Flight 5,028
    Healing 7,980
    Hold 5,267
    Immobilize 5,826
    Intangibility 2,793
    Activation Acela 4,788
    Jump 3,192
    Knock back 2,634
    Range 6,384
    Recharge 7,422
    End Mod 6,384
    Dam Resist 3,960
    Run 5,267
    Sleep 5,826
    Slow 5,826
    Disorient 6,065
    Taunt 3,990
    To Hit Buff 5,826
    To Hit Debuff 4,230

    lvl 25 DO Price
    Acc 9,960
    Confusion 5,586
    Damage 9,975
    Defense 6,983
    Defense Debuff 7,282
    End Reduc 9,277
    Fear 4,589
    Flight 6,285
    Healing 9,975
    Hold 6,584
    Immobilize 7,282
    Intangibility 3,492
    Activation Acela 5,985
    Jump 3,990
    Knock back 3,292
    Range 7,980
    Recharge 9,277
    End Mod 7,980
    Dam Resist 4,950
    Run 6,584
    Sleep 7,282
    Slow 7,282
    Disorient 7,581
    Taunt 4,988
    To Hit Buff 7,282
    To Hit Debuff 5,287

    lvl 30 DO Price
    Acc 11,875
    Confusion 6,704
    Damage 11,970
    Defense 8,379
    Defense Debuff 8,379
    End Reduc 11,133
    Fear 5,507
    Flight 7,542
    Healing 11,970
    Hold 7,901
    Immobilize 8,709
    Intangibility 4,190
    Activation Acela 7,182
    Jump 4,788
    Knock back 3,951
    Range 9,576
    Recharge 11,133
    End Mod 9,576
    Dam Resist 5,940
    Run 7,901
    Sleep 8,739
    Slow 8,739
    Disorient 9,098
    Taunt 5,985
    To Hit Buff 8,739
    To Hit Debuff 6,345

    Lvl 35 DO Price
    Acc 13,790
    Confusion 7,821
    Damage 13,965
    Defense 9,776
    Defense Debuff 10,195
    End Reduc 1,298
    Fear 6,424
    Flight 8,798
    Healing 13,965
    Hold 9,217
    Immobilize 10,195
    Intangibility 4,888
    Activation Acela 8,379
    Jump 5,586
    Knock back 4,609
    Range 11,172
    Recharge 12,988
    End Mod 11,172
    Dam Resist 6,930
    Run 9,217
    Sleep 10,195
    Slow 10,195
    Disorient 10,614
    Taunt 6,983
    To Hit Buff 10,195
    To Hit Debuff 4,020

    lvl 40 DO Price
    Acc 15,705
    Confusion 8,939
    Damage 15,960
    Defense 11,172
    Defense Debuff 11,651
    End Reduc 14,843
    Fear 7,342
    Flight 10,055
    Healing 15,960
    Hold 10,534
    Immobilize 11,651
    Intangibility 5,586
    Activation Acela 9,576
    Jump 6,384
    Knock back 5,267
    Range 12,768
    Recharge 14,843
    End Mod 12,768
    Dam Resist 7,920
    Run 10,534
    Sleep 11,651
    Slow 11,651
    Disorient 12,130
    Taunt 7,980
    To Hit Buff 11,651
    To Hit Debuff 8,459

    lvl 25 SO's Price
    Acc 29,952
    Confusion 16,800
    Damage 30,000
    Defense 21,000
    Defense Debuff 21,900
    End Reduc 27,900
    Fear 13,800
    Flight 18,900
    Healing 30,000
    Hold 19,800
    Immobilize 21,900
    Intangibility 10,500
    Activation Acela 18,000
    Jump 12,000
    Knock back 9,900
    Range 24,000
    Recharge 27,900
    End Mod 24,000
    Dam Resist 19,800
    Run 19,800
    Sleep 21,900
    Slow 21,900
    Disorient 22,800
    Taunt 15,000
    To Hit Buff 21,900
    To Hit Debuff 15,900

    lvl 30 SO's Price
    Acc 35712
    Confusion 20,160
    Damage 36,000
    Defense 25,200
    Defense Debuff 26,280
    End Reduc 33,480
    Fear 16,560
    Flight 22,680
    Healing 36,000
    Hold 23,760
    Immobilize 26,280
    Intangibility 12,600
    Activation Acela 21,600
    Jump 14,400
    Knock back 11,880
    Range 28,800
    Recharge 33,480
    End Mod 28,800
    Dam Resist 23,760
    Run 23,760
    Sleep 26,280
    Slow 26,280
    Disorient 27,360
    Taunt 18,000
    To Hit Buff 26,280
    To Hit Debuff 19,080

    lvl 35 SO's Price
    Acc 41,472
    Confusion 23,520
    Damage 42,000
    Defense 29,400
    Defense Debuff 30,660
    End Reduc 39,060
    Fear 19,320
    Flight 26,460
    Healing 42,000
    Hold 27,720
    Immobilize 30,660
    Intangibility 14,700
    Activation Acela 25,200
    Jump 16,800
    Knock back 13,860
    Range 33,600
    Recharge 39,060
    End Mod 33,600
    Dam Resist 27,720
    Run 27,720
    Sleep 30,660
    Slow 30,660
    Disorient 31,920
    Taunt 21,000
    To Hit Buff 30,660
    To Hit Debuff 22,260

    lvl 40 SO's Price
    Acc 47,232
    Confusion 26,880
    Damage 48,000
    Defense 33,600
    Defense Debuff 35,040
    End Reduc 44,640
    Fear 22,080
    Flight 30,240
    Healing 48,000
    Hold 31,680
    Immobilize 35,040
    Intangibility 16,800
    Activation Acela 28,800
    Jump 19,200
    Knock back 15,840
    Range 38,400
    Recharge 44,640
    End Mod 38,400
    Dam Resist 31,680
    Run 31,680
    Sleep 35,040
    Slow 35,040
    Disorient 36,480
    Taunt 24,000
    To Hit Buff 35,040
    To Hit Debuff 25,440