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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    You mean like these?

    It's not EVERYTHING you asked for (no bird tail, no fox parts other than a bushy tail), but it's got some pretty good werewolf and catpeople parts.
    This is relevant to my interests, indeed. Although I would rather see this in game by default, rather than at the online store, it is still there and, in my case, worth buying.

    But I must mention that, much like how the quoted post mentioned it, it still has a few things missing that I'd like to see (namely, feathers inside a character's hair, kind of like the cat/bunny ears that we currently have).
    I really think I'm growing an affection for feathers. Let's simply hope that it does not turn somewhat fanatical!
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    In order to safeguard the OP (because I think the ideas are cool and valid), it would be a good idea to remove all references to that other comic-inspired game. It does violate the forum rules to make threads that compare MMOs.
    Someone already did, it seems I have much more reading to do, since I clearly didn't know that. Although I typically try to refrain from doing so, I thought that since the two games were extremely close (even having links in terms of companies) it would be fine. I guess not.

    In any case, I just came across something else that I just wanted to bring up: In the body options during character creation, a player can choose a few "robotic arms" options. Although this is pretty cool, I think it would be even cooler to be able to choose which arm is actually robotic. Right now, a player can choose from having his character's half-right arm to be robotic, to have both arms to be half-robotic or to have the right arm be completely robotic.
    This is probably one of the most representative example of what I want to bring up, basically, the core of my idea is the ability to choose, as much as possible, variations of the same characteristics which could be put on a single portion of the body or the other (right arm OR left arm OR both).

    Also, I know that Shield Defense is disabled for say, characters who took Dual Blades. For the sake of argumentation/idea sharing, a similar thing could be done concerning the martial arts powerset coupled with a long robe (aka they couldn't be taken together).
  3. Alright, so I think I'll try Dark/something, possibly WP or Fire, don't know yet, but I'm really interested in Dark/*.

    Other than that, Stone/WP may see a try too, since it's been mentioned a bunch.

    As for Elec/*, I feel like I'll never get to use Lightning Rod, although I might try an Elec/* scrapper, it still feels oh so far away.

    Well, I'll like to thank you all for the responses and if someone has something to add, please feel free to do so, I'd be glad to hear it.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mauk2 View Post
    On electric:

    I have an elec/elec scrapper that is one of the two toons I have fully incarnated.

    Yes, the combo is just that awesome. Lightning Rod IS all that and a bag of chips. For the record, I strongly advise skipping Jacob's ladder and replacing it with Air Superiority. You get a bit of fast Single Target, and a reliable early knockdown, it works VERY well with elec/elec.
    I totally forgot about */elec.
    About Air superiority, is it worth slotting it? Up to what point and with what exactly? I only remember going crazy about hover during my newbie days and completely forgetting about "that other power in the flight pool".

    With all that, I'm really interested in looking at Dark/*, Stone/WP sounds really nice, while Fire/WP just feels overshadowed by the other two.

    Some more questions: Is */elec worth it? What other secondaries would be worth it with elec/* ?

    Also, is there any traps in Dark/*, Stone/* or Fire/* ? Like, any powers that clearly shouldn't be taken? I know that the very first power is "usually" a waste and that many brutes simply skip taunt, but anything else?

    /drinks in brute knowledge
  5. So Dark/Fire and Stone/WP.
    I looked a little at Stone/WP and it looks nice, sounds pretty straightforward, anything I should be careful (any traps)?
    As for Dark/Fire I'll have to look more into it, since I never tried Dark/something with ANY archetype before.

    That being said, I'd still like to hear some more about Elec/*. It sounds really fun.

    Also, I've read a little about Energy/* being bad, but I'm not sure I get the whole thing. Is it simply because it lacks damage? Or because there's no AoE? Or both? Or, something else?

    As for SS/*, the powerset does feel unique compared to the others, but mainly what I meant was the lack of anything other than punching things. I'm pretty much into fantasy/magic stuff, so I might see it that way because of that.

    Edit: lots of posts while I wrote this!
  6. Hello there.
    So I came back from an extended vacation and decided to make a character that will SMASH. At this point, I'm torn between a brute or a scrapper, but since I intend to at least try both, I decided to start with the brute.

    As such, I've read a lot of the outdated stuff in the Guides sticky, but I am still at a loss at what exactly my brute will end up being.

    I do know that Electricity/* is tempting, extremely so and perhaps the most out of all the primaries, mainly because Lightning Rod has been one of the most amazing power I have seen (I've sadly never obtained it and have always wanted to), but I oh so dislike Jacobs Ladder and simply cannot image myself going through the lower levels with one less damaging ability (although I could always pick another one, it still has a weird feeling to it).

    Another tempting powerset is Energy/*, which I really like in terms of animations (strangely enough, I managed to slowly, but steadily solo level a energy/regen stalker to the mid 30s just because the pom-pom animations were pretty cool). But really, as far as Energy/* is concerned, I don't really know anything, especially since my only Energy/* character is my Energy/Regen stalker that was created, uh, 6 years ago or something.

    I actually have a Stone/Stone brute, that I remember leaving in the dust for my corrupter, years ago, because she was just too boring. The stone-y feeling was fun though, so I don't know if there's another set that might work, like Stone/* or */Stone.

    I'm not a fan of War Mace, Dual Blades or Claws. I already have a widow, plan on getting my soon-to-be bane to 50 and dual blades is just meh to me.

    On the secondaries' side, I was always tempted by */Dark or */Willpower, and stood away from */invulnerability, */Electricity, */SReflex and */Shield. I personally have a thing against */Shield, so if your truly generous suggestions could try and not suggest it as a whole, it would be much appreciated.

    Super Strength/* always seemed to be what everyone was doing, so I never felt like trying it. It also just feels plain normal to me, nothing really special about it, but then again, it's just a leftover first-look feeling.

    Dark/* and Fire/* never really caught my attention until recently, where I looked at Fire/* and felt pretty intrigued by it.

    I believe I have mentioned most, if not all, of the primaries and secondaries. If you have anything to mention, even if it is not a suggestion, it would be truly welcome.
    Thank you for your time.
  7. First of all, please note that this post is simply my opinion and perspective of the subject at hand.

    Being a huge fan of CoX and not being able to play to my heart's content during the past few years, I was at a loss due to the monthly pay. I decided to give a different game a go. Long story short, I don't like that game as much as CoX, but it made me come back for at least a good part of the summer.

    That being said, during the very small amount of time I've spent playing this other game, I was astonished, stunned, even, at the amount of customization that I had during the character creation. A feeling that I strongly remembered having felt when I started playing CoX, years ago, and when I came back and made my first 'real' costume for my very first VEAT.

    Now, I'm not about to cry about the lack of customization in the character creation in CoX, it's great, one of the things a lot of MMOs have to look at (several other games also have wonderful customization at character creation).

    But... it just feels like it's lacking. That the superb character customization that left me amazed over the years is... outdated.

    So I come and make this forum post, in the hopes that someone, somewhere, will read it and go 'oh, maybe we CAN'T have too much options in customization!'.

    I'll leave here some examples of customization that really left me amazed (from games I've played to the things that dingle in my mind):

    - Ability to decide the accessories on each arm and leg individually, basically there are a few of those options in CoX, but I strongly feel that CoX needs this.

    - More sections. You should be able to have a necktie, a tie and shoulder pads. Right now, you cannot have a necktie and shoulder pads at the same time, despite not taking the same place on a character's body. This isn't just about a necktie and shoulder pads, because even to me, it sounds weird to have both on at the same time. But it is more about the things that we could easily have, but simply cannot due to the 'sections' in which they are located. If you take the necktie and shoulder pads example, the two of them are located under Shoulders, while there is no 'Neck' section, where the option for a necktie, a tie and a necktie plus a tie would be located. This is also just an example and could be applied to some other areas as well.

    - Animal-related additions. This may be more of a personal point, but I'm sure that I am not alone. I love human characters with animal traits, such as ears, tails, etc. and I feel as though CoX is lacking in terms of selection. Yes, there is a good deal already, but creating a fox or wolf (werewolves are overrated), the options are rather slim, if there are any. Add to that that there is no option for feathers. No feathers in hair. No bird 'tail'. There are no claws, or close to none (I believe there is one or two options for 'hand-claws'), especially those related to the feet. Yes, it may look weird to see someone walk around with an eagle's talon, but it sure would look good when s/he flies with it.

    - Butt-capes. I don't think I have to say much, every time that I've browed through the character customization threads, I've read about those.

    - Robes. No, the option robe in the character customization area does not show robes. I am talking about long robes, real. long. robes. Think oriental robes, or even something similar to a wedding dress (just an example).

    - On the subject of longer clothing, there are no long skirt. Yes, short skirts are a wonder as well as god's gift to man and all, but for the sake of customization and having more options, long skirts that reach below the knee would definitely add to the diversity.

    - Finally, colors. There is a good diversity in terms of colourability, but there are things which we can't color. If you want a clear example of this, look up the 'tied' option for both the 'gloves' (which there should be a 'hand' section as well as a 'wrist' one. You can wear a brace/bracelet under a pair of gloves -and if the gloves are small enough in terms of length, the bracer/let could even be seen) and the 'feet' sections.

    - I almost forgot, trench coats need more options. I don't know what, I just want more (oh yes my last point is extremely selfish!).

    All in all, the customization options in CoX are great, but they really feels somewhat lacking and even, to a certain point, outdated.
    But I'm also wondering, is there something (aka a post), somewhere, that I wasn't able to find that told the community about an update in character customization for CoX?

    With all that being said, thank you for reading my post, if you need a tl;dr, then you can sum up my post as follows: After years or back and forth throughout many games, including CoX, I feel as though the customization options that amazed me time and time again as I came back and played new characters, are starting to feel outdated and lacking, even more so when compared to other, more recent, games.

    Edit: I just looked at the wasp aura that was given with the new launcher. Now THAT feels like customization with more options. I can only hope that there will be more things added (or possibly redone) with that same idea.