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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by reiella View Post
    Also, 4e > 3.5. Don't forget that part .
    Pathfinder uber alles.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
    Account reactivation and a global rename token will happen.
    Wait, what?
  3. Nah, Toona would get jealous of Talia and that wouldn't be a pretty sight.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
    he took the presence pool.
    *bows to rian*
  5. "5:30 Positron: If we get 100 users I will explain exactly how the reward system works (no I wont)."

    Way to rub salt in the wounds there, Matt.
  6. You make me feel like this.

    If it's so wrong, why does it feel so right?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Saying I'm good with numbers is a complement. Saying I'm a "numbers person" and implying that limits my viewpoint or expertise is not a complement. Its an attempt to turn me into a caricature. I wrote one of the first guides to pulling. I helped formulate the standard strategy for the level 50 Hamidon. I used to solo task forces and AVs when it wasn't considered easy. I'm actually to the best of my knowledge the first person to post a "scrapper challenge" thread and the first to post a "earn X from scratch in the markets on the red side" threads. Its not like any of these things are big secrets, so saying I'm just a numbers person, instead of just someone good at numbers, is an attempt to put me into a small box with air holes that other people can ignore.
    That is a fair point, pigeonholing is something that shouldn't be encouraged.

    All the rest is fine and dandy, but you are not unique in the other accomplishments, in comparative terms. And unless I am misunderstanding you, you are not claiming to be uniquely suited to the role(s) that others attribute to be only filled by you. However, you do often come across with exactly that personae.

    My numbers posts should not necessarily afford me more credibility in my other endeavors, but they should not afford me less either.
    No, they should afford you exactly the credibility you deserve. While I personally think that should rightly be more than someone with 2 weeks of forum participation and under a 100 posts, it likewise doesn't afford you the role of sole player arbiter.

    One more thing: I was actually a known quantity on the forums *before* I became known as the numbers maven. Notoriety came first, numbers came second. I guess most of the people who were around to know that have died of old age.
    Not necessarily. But history is a fickle thing.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
    No, what you did was take offense that someone would dare trust one player over another (or really, you, when it comes down to it).
    Not trust, elevate to an unreasonable level.

    You've been trying to defend your position ever since by making her out to be someone seeking attention and downplaying her obvious contributions to the game.
    If you're going to try to antagonize me by attributing thoughts and motives that aren't present, then you'll have to try harder. If that is not your intention, then there may be an adult literacy class in your neighborhood.

    Sorry if none of the rest of us follow that same train of thought. There are tangible fingerprints in the game of her unsolicited work. Have you contributed anything besides posting in a forum?
    Sure have, thanks for asking.


    Never said you started it originally, just your response when someone else brought up her past accomplishments.
    Hmm, that's funny because earlier you said, "I just think it's funny that MyLexicon..., yet it was he that brought up the discussion in the first place,..."

    You may want to look in that class sooner, rather than later.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Profanation View Post
    That is an attack on her credibility, and the poster clearly has a chip on his/her shoulder. For the record, I would prefer that the devs use the limited time they have reading forum posts to prioritize their reading based on established credibility. Arcana has established credibility not only with her prowess with numbers but also with her very sober and straightforward manner of presenting them.
    I said that she was human and it's an attack on her credibility? This is exactly what I was addressing, I sincerely appreciate you providing a ready example.

    Also, when you said I had a chip on my shoulder are *you* claiming omniscience or are you making the point that your personal observations should be discounted as being factually incorrect.

    I only ask because I evidently don't know me as well as you know me.

    Everyone has the right to come on here and post an opinion, but no one has the right to come here and demand that the devs consider every poster's opinions as equal when some posters (myself included) have contributed nothing to the overall knowledge base in the game and others have spent extensive amounts of time crunching the numbers and writing detailed posts to help other players.
    I see. What criteria do you wish to propose that makes the cutoff for this?

    Please show the math.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EarthWyrm View Post
    There were elements that reminded me of Smurphy.
    I don't have cute fluffy ears.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
    I just think it's funny that MyLexicon has been bringing up "It's not about you, Arcana" in almost every reply, yet it was he that brought up the discussion in the first place, and has kept it squarely about Arcana since.
    Scroll up, I actually didn't bring Arcana up first and subsequent to that, I replied to posts that were also made in reference to her - and that were directed at me.

    And since then, Arcana has been addressing me. Should I have ignored her in the interests of satisfying your sense of justice?
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    I don't *think* anyone really does that.
    Clearly at least one poster does. Again, not saying that's your fault, but it is present.

    Its probably safe to say, though, that I'm the Last of the Old School Game Mechanical Gurus that is still posting actively on that subject. When it comes to whether something is working as intended I'm probably the most recognized name - but not the sole tester: testing itself has progressed to the point where with Real Numbers and more sophisticated understanding, there's a large cottage industry of players testing things effectively, which is a good thing. In fact, most good testers today are doing at least a good of a job as I was doing in the days before Real Numbers and mechanical guides. I'm just the last stop on the rail for that sort of thing, when something unexplainable happens, or when conventional testing is inadequate.
    I can certainly concur with that because I know of others who also contribute the numbers and the collaboration that tends to go on.

    Whether what's intended is what's *right* is something few people grant me special ability to arbitrate, which is as it should be. That's why I always separate discussions about what something does, and what it should do. I have specific expertise to speak authoritatively on the former, but my opinions on the latter should carry the same weight as any other players does. And they generally do: there's no shortage of people willing to say I'm full of crap when it comes to opinions. And while I will defend my opinions just as vigorously as anyone else, its a healthy sign that I'm not considered the final authority on matters beyond the objective facts I can speak to.
    And that's fair, although I do think you underestimate your influence. I think the effect of what you try to accomplish and what you do are not always the same.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
    I'm trying to figure out who MyLexiconIsHugeSon was originally. The posting style reminds me of Frosticus but I'm not certain.
    I'm a disgruntled base builder with a trial account.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Nor do I ask anyone to do so. However, I do believe people can and should judge the relative credibility of all forum posters based on past history. Some people grant me higher credibility, some don't. I think if people are judging me by my past statements and record, that's fair either way.
    And I'd agree.

    And I'd also say that none of it guarantees perfection in the present or the future.

    Look at the very first post I quoted today - the person said that you and you alone should be given the keys to the city and we should blindly follow you.

    I reject that.

    I think everyone with any self-worth should reject that, regardless of who is put forth to be "The One".

    I'm just one example of players granting other players a certain degree of credibility in certain areas. There are or were players considered authorities on force fields, on dark armor, on stalkers, on base building, on marketeering, on PvP, on badges. Heck: I never made it into a City of Heroes comic. And I'm pretty sure Iggy sleeps with a copy of Mids running under his pillow. Their opinions on their respective areas of expertise will be generally held in higher regard on those subjects than yours will - or mine. And that's because they earned their credibility in those areas, and you and I have not. The fact that other players respect them more than you and me in those areas is not a bad thing. They are more equal than you because they've done more than you, and proven themselves to the player community more than you.
    Without a doubt, no one can be great/the best/whatever at everything in this game. It's too complex, there's a lot of nuances that transcend both people and numbers.

    We both know it's a logical fallacy to ascribe the opinion of an expert in one field greater weight that otherwise warranted, when they are expressing that opinion in an area outside of their speciality.

    That's why it boggles my mind that anyone would put you (or anyone else) as the single arbiter of what's right.

    As I said before, that's not about you, that's about the mentality of people who'd propose such a notion.

    No, I said most of my posts related to the game are non-numbers posts. Its not like its hard to find my posts. Count them yourself.
    I don't have enough toes, sorry.

    That's a good question. Let me ask the counter-question. Suppose its discovered that all of your participation algorithm "tactics" don't work, and you were personally responsible for at least encouraging people to attempt them, even if you didn't do so singularly. And this causes significant damage to the player community as a result of people hearing your words and being influenced by them. *If* that's true that would be more harm generated in one shot than I could possibly be accused of doing in seven years. What's the remedy for that?

    I'll tell you what the remedy is for me. That doesn't happen for me. And the reason why is that while I'm perfectly willing to state my wild, unsubstantiated, personally biased opinions on matters that are for pure discussion purposes only, when it comes to something like "what does the participation algorithm in the trials do" I know I'm playing with fire. So I don't say it unless I'm certain. I don't jump to conclusions. I caution people to reserve judgment on matters we don't have enough information about. I don't sensationalize. And I provide as much detail about my observations as possible, so if I *have* made an error someone else might be able to spot it. And because of that, I don't have the problem I mention above, in seven years of posting. Someone might take my opinion as gospel when I myself caution them not to. I can't help that. But I've never told the playerbase I was certain about something that caused them to take detrimental actions for themselves or others, because I take full responsibility for my posts, and I factor in how every word will be interpreted by the community when I post. I sometimes rewrite them several times to ensure I am not misleading people to dangerous places or actions. I exercise restraint when talking about the game, and how players might play the game.

    Do you?
    I sure do.

    I also don't go around asking hypotheticals to avoid answering because of little things like this, because it leads to a situation where the questioner cannot win.

    Indeed, given that situation, it means that as someone who can actually do anything positive or negative for the community, then you are less influential than someone like me.

    And that's the point - my influence is very minor too. The only reason I have/had any is thanks to the devs - they are a force multiplier.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
    She isn't omniscient but she knows enough about the game engine, its algorithms and the power structure of the game that her opinion is a good one.
    Remember she's been consulting, more or less, for close to six (?) years.
    She can also explain the math behind the processes, even breaking it down to layman's terms.
    Conceded before there was every a question of this.

    Doesn't make her or her opinions infallible, just like everyone else.

    Indeed, making statements like, "Also, just because you disagree with my opinion on PvP numbers, doesn't mean the mistake is necessarily mine" proves that she is.

    You can defer to her or not, but I've generally found her to be reasonable and willing to bridge between players and Devs even when the situation is one she personally disagrees with. I personally don't believe her to be malicious or trying to skew rewards/elements in her own favour, your mileage may vary.
    Let me stop you there. I do not, nor would I, support any such accusation of motive leveled at Arcanaville nor anyone else who's posted in here in the last few days.

    Indeed, attitude aside, I'm saying that none of this is about her. I'm saying it's about we players and possibly the devs. Look back to my first post this morning that brought that out and look at the post I quoted in it.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    I'm accused of it all the time. Its essentially never actually true. I'm fallible, and I don't always see the human element in the same way everyone else wants me to, but I actually consider being accused of being a purely numbers person to be an insult, as there's no actual evidence of that unless you believe being able to *do* math is automatically exclusive of other skills. Most of my board postings regarding the game itself are not numbers posts. They are just the ones most uniquely identified with me. Most of my posts are related to the interplay between the players and the designed gameplay.

    It would probably surprise most people to know that while I do send bug reports and suggestions to the devs all the time that have numbers in them, *most* of my conversation with the devs involves how players will perceive a particular change, or how to craft a change so its perceived in the best possible light. My discussions with Castle regarding MA, for example, discussed what the numbers should be from a balance perspective, but most of my interesting discussion with him was what changes would have the greatest perceived impact. And at the moment, I haven't discussed *any* of the technical details of the participation system with the devs, except my own observations about it. Virtually all of my commentary to them involves how its being perceived by the players, and what I believe they need to do to respond to that perception.

    Fundamentally, I'm a student of game design, and fundamentally speaking, gameplay is the human interface to the game mechanics. Game design is a human interface problem, not a numerical problem. However, mathematics is the language of game design, a least its mechanical components. Not every instance of *using* numbers is talking *about* numbers. I don't think most people fully appreciate the distinction.
    And yet my point stands - unless you have the shiny _ in your name, you should not be elevated above the rest of us by the rest of us.

    You say most of your non-numbers stuff is done privately. Ok, fair enough. Who's to say it's to the same quality as your numbers stuff? Who's to say that the devs treat it with the same degree of respect as the numbers stuff? To what degree do they, in fact do so?

    Short of you being infallible, which although you skirt the line of claiming, you have never actually claimed, what happens if you and someone else give opposing viewpoints and you're wrong? And yet, your opinion is heeded?

    This has nothing to do about you per se, although if you want perceptions about you to be different, you're the only one who can make that happen.

    This is more about we and the staff elevating any player above the others.

    Should knowledgeable, intelligent players be heard? Without a doubt. Should it come at the expense of everyone else? No.

    Truman, commenting on his victory over Dewey said, "Dewey knew more college presidents than taxi drivers, and I knew more taxi drivers than college presidents."

    Also, just because you disagree with my opinion on PvP numbers, doesn't mean the mistake is necessarily mine.
    And yet it doesn't mean the mistake isn't yours.

    Unless you are actually claiming omniscience?
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
    I agree that PR is a big key here since it is likely one of the key problems with the system is psychological.
    Yep, it's like economics -a matter of faith.

    And in-game, on my server, I've had several people comment that the number of trials being run are way down, but who's to say that's because of not being satisfied by the reward system vs. the shiny of it has worn off?

    On the other hand, in the server's main global channels, there has been a lot of discussion of the tactics being used now, which weren't widespread a week ago, and which may be viewed as detrimental to team/league success.
  18. Something else that struck me, as I thought about that other post.

    The number of times it was speculated that the participation reward scheme(s) were being viewed as something that could be implemented across the entire game.

    This is a huge issue and something that would also warrant comment as to the current plan (I get that no one can predict the future), because if true, it has far greater implications than just the iTrials.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post

    Actually it sounds like the devs didn't communicate about how the system worked all that well. Your quote says "but since no one really confirmed whether it was reward or random since THEY TOLD US TWO DIFFERENT THINGS." so again, I don't think the testers are at fault.

    You could have had ever player in the game testing, but if the devs don't state exactly HOW it's SUPPOSSED to work, no amount of testers will EVER be able to see if it's working as intended.
    It's a very fair point you make. I think looking back, it's probably enough to say that regardless of the reasons, the i20 beta didn't work as well as it could/should have.

    Thus, moving forward an effort must be made to fix it, as Posi indicated they wish to do. I'm saying that any effort not made to rebuild confidence is likely going to be less than a success.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by galadiman View Post
    Gonna have to speak up here... have you been here longer than your postcount/joindate implies? You might want take the time to look into what Arcanaville has contributed to the understanding of this game for the players (and to a significant extent, from what I gather, the Devs as well).

    I'll see you in about a week, if you really do take the necessary time to look into it.
    Yep, I have.

    Next question?
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
    Actually I think you completely misinterpreted what was said in that thread. What was said was that the testers mentioned the problems/concerns with the system, but for whatever reason the devs didn't quite get that message.
    By the flesh-shufflin' one:
    [Firstly, there were others. Most hated random. I was the one that went ballastic over reward-based, but since no one really confirmed whether it was reward or random since THEY TOLD US TWO DIFFERENT THINGS. That sort of cut short that discussion.[/quote]

    Most hated random? Sounds to me like the devs go the message just fine, which is a credit to them.

    The testers, not so much.

    I mentioned NDA closed beta in reference to Issue 20, but I do agree that they would need more than 10 in a regular closed beta. But NO WHERE NEAR 100s. i wouldn't trust that many folks with that amount/kind of info. Especially if you are no longer using an NDA.
    Which is precisely why you don't want to invoke a NDA - you want the word to get out that it's working.

    Because this fix is as much political as it is technical. Never lose sight of just how important they view i20 - from the fact that they have released numerous statements in less than a week (which is light speed for them), to Z's admonishments/warnings to us, to the numerous interviews you can see in the Announcements section.

    This is huge for them and the damage control must involve the human element too, because that's honestly what was damaged.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by all_hell View Post
    If they're gonna use her for these sorts of things, cut her a check.

    I just don't get elevating any player above the others, and the players being ok with that.

    Having players with applicable knowledge involved in something involving other players, sure. But that's it.