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  1. I was a dark/stone brute, but I'm rerolling to a SS/DA.
  2. [/color]<blockquote><font class="small">En réponse à:[/color]<hr />
    From what we've seen with tanker and scrapper values, only resistance and defense values are affected by going from primary to secondary. So I suspect rooted to offer 100% regen for a brute. I will test it as soon as possible, hopefully tonight

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    And I was right : rooted is 100% regen for Brute too.
  3. Stone skin is not a slottage priority, but those slots can be usefull. FYI, stone skin base is 7.5% for a brute last I checked (75% a tanker value which is 10%), so 3 res SOs will add 4.2% res. Not incredible but noticeable.
    Heals in earth embrace a really usefull when you use it as a heal and not only as HP booster.
    Rooted is one of the shinning gem of the stone armor line. Status protection + life regen is pure gold. However, if you can't cope with the movement penalties, just stop here and reroll another caracter because it will be your daily life as a stone armor brute. And it will get way worse with granite armor. The travel power of choice for a stone armor user is TP. Others are almost useless.

    For SS, yes, it can pop great numbers. But as dark is mixed smash/dark energy damage (when it is not pure dark energy), you will be less resisted and overall the damage will compare. Wait a bit to see what soul drain can offer to you in terms of damage output And you have all those utility powers (siphon life, dark consumption, touch of fear) to compensate.

    All armors in the stone line can stack except granite which cannot be run in conjunction with rock, brimstone, crystal and/or mineral.
  4. [/color]<blockquote><font class="small">En réponse à:[/color]<hr />
    Of course I suspect rooted for a Brute offers less than 100% regen boost - 75% I would imagine? I don't really know to be honest tho

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    From what we've seen with tanker and scrapper values, only resistance and defense values are affected by going from primary to secondary. So I suspect rooted to offer 100% regen for a brute. I will test it as soon as possible, hopefully tonight.
  5. I *think* that rooted increase the rate at which you regenerate, not the amount of life regenerated each tick. And from what I saw, turning on rooted makes a real difference. I will do the fall test as soon as possible, just to check the rooted value for the Brute.
    BTW, I asked you why you don't seem to like your dark/stone brute on the brute forum
  6. Hi fellow brute. You've posted in the Tanker forum. Lets smash them a bit before going back to our

    I hope that rooted isn't bugged in CoV, though... How can we test rooted life regen in a reliable way ?

    Edit: Ok, just found it by myself (aaaaaaaaaaaaall byyyyyyyyyyyy myyyyyyyyyyyyseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelf !!! ). Fall from high enough to be at 1 life point and time the regen with and without rooted on.
  7. [/color]<blockquote><font class="small">En réponse à:[/color]<hr />
    I am playing dark melee/stone armor. Thought it could be useful (and i like the visuals) when stone is defense rather than resistance and DM reduces accuracy, but i am getting rather disappointing with the build...

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    Why is that ?
    I have a dark/stone and I am very happy with it. What is your problem ? Perhaps I can help you enjoy the SMASH with this build
  8. MutaJane

    Event de fin ...

    [/color]<blockquote><font class="small">En réponse à:[/color]<hr />
    A noter que je jouais Manticore et que j'ai enfin pu faire ravaler ses sujets sur le Global Chat à Tub'

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    LoLoLoLoL l'******* !
    J'me disais bien qu'il s'acharnait sur moi avec ses cure-dents !!!

    Maintenant, si tu crois que ca va m'arreter...