9 -
It's so simple I don't get what people are angry about, we get FREE updates, it's mind blowing people can [censored] so much about stuff they get for free.
If you like some of the stuff coming out with COV you have a really simple choice. Choice 1.) Continue playing COH and HOPE that some of the things you like about COV bleed through into COV one day or you have Choice 2.) Buy COV and play it.
Is it 'fair' maybe maybe not but that's life, this is a game that I'd say has been really fun and with all the updates we've had it's just added to the fun. If you don't like it quit playing, sure you can suggest to the devs what you would like but don't expect every wish to be granted.
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That, "Don't get your hopes up," was in jest.
Sheesh, you're just dying to jump down someone's throat aren't you?
Try taking your aggresion out in the game instead of bringing it to the forum. Please. -
And they never said that getting CoV was the only way to get a base, ever.
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Don't get your hopes up. -
Apparently you are discussing the gameplay of COV, which would fall under confidential information in any NDA of any beta I've been in before.
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Oh, when you said "the NDA", I thought you were discussing the NDA for this particular beta test and not the myriad of beta tests you've participated in in the past.
More seriously, the NDA was the last thing I was thinking about when posting but if I have not held up my end of the agreement in any way, then by all means, they should lock me up and throw away the key. -
(I've been playing CoV beta and from what I've experienced, it's not worth $49.99 to those who've already spent over a year playing this game.)
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You know that statement has just broken the NDA, right?
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It has? How so?
If it has, please feel free to apply a ruler to my knuckles with a measure of extreme prejudice. -
I *can* give my television to the people who live next door. If I tell them I've got an extra TV, they may even be hoping that I do. That doesn't mean it's OK for them to knock on my door and say, "Where's that TV you promised us."
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Well, just the for argument, if I were to say to my neighbors, "I'm hoping to give my neighbors a tv when I have an extra one." And then say, "My new house I'm moving to has an extra TV." I can't be shocked at their disappointment when they found out that I meant they'd have to be my neighbors at my new house in order to get the TV.
Emmert in response to question about there eventually being bases in CoH: "someday we'd like to do bases."
Emmert in response to question about the progress of bases in CoH: "bases are in City of Villains."
The simple answer of "bases are in City of Villains" seemed more a progress report to show that they will in fact exist as opposed to a statement of their exclusion from CoH.
Now we're told you have to have CoV to have bases.
I mean, you may not understand the disappointment, but certainly you can understand how there could be disappointment, right? -
Thell me, Soe's expansion packs, are they playable without the base game?
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Ah, but I already have CoV's base game in CoH. Kind of a moot point to anyone who isn't buying CoV first.
Didn't think so.. and those gold issues that include the base game how much do they cost at release? Oh yeah 49.99$
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First time I saw SWG: Total Experience (which is the base game plus two expansions, one of which introduces an entirely new playing experience) on the shelves it was $39.99.
And how many free updates are SOE giving for EQ2? Oh yeah the first 1 and then you have to pay for the issues...
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I don't know about EQ or EQ2. High Fantasy games are for nerds. -
No, it's a perfectly good example. Both Ford and Cryptic made a product and are asking you for money. If you don't pay the money, you don't get the product.
This is completely reasonable.
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Okay, I read you as equating "upgrading CoH by purchasing CoV" to "upgrading your car by purchasing factory options." Which wouldn't be the case, but also not what you're saying.
To say that CoV is the "2006 model of CoH" works better for me, and I understand and agree with your point.
My entire reason for posting is Emmert's statement:
The most we ever said was - "someday we'd like to do bases."
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Because it seemed that he meant "someday we'd like to do bases for CoH." Which would be silly because they obviously *can* do bases. It's apparent that what he actually meant was "we'd like to do bases for extra profit."
There's obviously nothing wrong with that, but still disappointing to me (I've been playing CoV beta and from what I've experienced, it's not worth $49.99 to those who've already spent over a year playing this game.)
Anyway, not trying to whine. Just pointing out what seemed inconsistencies which have now been cleared up.
Cheers! -
What a peculiarly SOE approach.
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Not just SOE. Ford does the same thing. They *CAN* put almost every bonus feature into every car they make, but they're only *WILLING* to do it in the cars for which people pay for the bonus packages.
Airlines *CAN* give First Class service to every passenger, but they're only *WILLING* to give it to the the people who pay for it.
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I realize the point your making, but these are bad examples. Ford doesn't ask you to buy an additional full priced car in order to get the optional features, as a matter of fact, you can pick and choose which features you'd like added to your car and pay a little bit more for those. First Class/Coach analogy is similar, depending on the airline, you don't have to pay for another full price coach seat to upgrade to first class.
The only other MMO company I have experience with is SOE, but I guess this is pretty standard fair across the board. Still, $49.99 is too much to pay for an expansion. SOE's expansion packs I've purchased (Galaxies) didn't cost that much. -
Being that I was here from the beginning, I can promise you that bases were NEVER promised. NEVER. It wasn't on the box, on the website or in any promo material. The most we ever said was - "someday we'd like to do bases."
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Uh, you obviously *CAN* do bases as they're going to be in CoV. But if I'm reading this thread right, you just aren't WILLING to do bases without the purchase of CoV.
What a peculiarly SOE approach.