Introduction: It Begins
Corin Rivers paced the floor of her apartment. She was beautiful. She always had been, and at her age her beauty never faltered. She stopped at a mirror and fixed her hair before she began her mental checklist. She wanted to make sure everything was in order for the evening. She gnawed at her thumbnail dwelling on every little detail until there was no nail left. She wanted this night to go without any flaw, and she was going to kill her husband if he did not appreciate what lengths she has gone through preparing his surprise.
She glared at the banner hanging from the ceiling making sure it was perfectly straight. The candles were placed on the dinner table, and dinner was almost done. She had searched all over the city to find the ingredients to make his favorite dish. The apartment filled with the scent of Risotto coi Gamberetti. She panned the room counting each intricately placed scented candle. She felt horribly like something was missing. She did not know what. She had been over the list. She had everything planned out except for
The music! she thought out loud as she hurried over to their collection of CDs. She thumbed through a few jewel cases until she found the perfect soundtrack for the evening.
She inserted the disc into the player and turned up the volume on the receiver. As Frank Sinatra began crooning out of the speakers she began to dance around the room with her eyes closed remembering the first time they had danced to it. Her memory was interrupted by the ringing phone. She quickly turned the volume down and answered it. The voice on the other end was her husband Nathan Rivers, Hey, honey, its going to be another half hour at least before I get home. The task force ran a little over planned. And youll never believe what happened to Sim. Ill have to tell you when I get home.
Corin filled with disappointment at the news. He should have been home an hour ago, but that was his nature. Nathan was always late to everything. The Eternals had to call him to remind him about the job he worked tonight. She sighed, but remembered one of the main reasons for celebrating tonight. Her tone changed to ecstatic as she asked, So did you do it?
A brief pause of silence followed. She hung on with much anticipation. Yeah, Corin, I did it, Nathan replied. I am now security level 30. I am heading to talk to Luminary now and get this old ID card updated. Heck, I even think I get a new badge.
Thats great news, baby, Corin congratulated. Im so proud of you. My hero. My Rusted.
Nathan laughed at her overly dramatized attempt to make him feel less a loser for taking him so long to reach that clearance. Ill be home as soon as I can. Before Corin could put the phone on the receiver, Nathan interrupted, Hey!
Corin quickly returned it to her ear. Yes, Nathan?
I love you, Nathan replied. It had been months since he actually ended a phone call with those words, but it did not matter. Corin knew how much he loved her through his actions. However it did take her by surprise a little now.
I know, sweetie, Corin replied, and I love you too.
She placed the phone on the cradle and entered the kitchen. She placed the food in the oven and set it to warm. As she closed the oven door, she leaned on the stove. She shook her head in acceptance that her husband was who he was. A superhero.
She walked to the sliding doors of their home and looked out at the sunset over Skyway City. She watched the people below trying to make safe passage home from work. Her eyes returned to the sunset as she watched a few heroes soaring through the sky.
Corin used to not appreciate this city as she did now. When they first moved to Paragon City, she didnt know anyone, and she didnt know why anyone would live in this crime-infested metropolis. It was around that time when Nathan had joined a full-fledged supergroup. She didnt fight as hard when he told her the news as the time when he told her he was taking up a life of crime fighting. After his accident, he was helpless. He lost his job but everyday he felt like he was missing his purpose. He promised her he would wear a mask to protect his identity so the two of them would be safe.
However Nathans personal and professional lives were becoming harder to separate when he joined the Eternals. Everyone was so open with each other and trustworthy that Nathan began to bring Corin around more often. At first she felt out of place but over time she felt like family. She remembered their first Thanksgiving with the Eternals. She came to the Rest and helped prepare a feast. They never once looked down to her being just a mere citizen, but rather they looked to her as their equal. The Eternals loved Corin, and she loved them.
Corins walk through memory lane was interrupted by a knock at the door. Come in. The door is open, you sexy thing you, Corin invited assuming it was her husband. She turned to greet him only to find it wasnt Nathan. Hey, what are you doing here? she welcomed the friendly face. Can I get you a cup of coffee or anything? Nathan will be here any moment.
As she turned to the kitchen, Corins guest produced a pistol out of their coat. Corin did not notice until after her assailant fired two silenced shots into her chest. A confused look washed over her face as she tried to regain balance by grabbing the wall. Her hand tried to hold up her weight but only managed to grab the banner freeing one side from the wall. She fell to the ground on her stomach as she watched her visitor cross to her side. Corin managed to say one word through the blood trickling from her mouth, Why?
Her assassin fired one last shot into Corins head to finish her off before leaving apartment. The banner freed itself completely and floated downward covering Corin like a death shroud. It read, We're Having a Baby!