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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    Is that jesus hulking out?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    LOL! Yep. It's from a Family Guy episode wherein Peter is doing a eulogy for his boss, Mr. Weed.
  2. BTW, EXCELLENT art! Nice style!! Fist looks dramatic!
  3. YAY! FIRST! Reference pic links are in my sig below!!!!! Either Mr. Majesty OR Mr. Sampson!! SWEEETTT!!!
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    I can't use that thing 'cos I can't draw with a mouse

    [/ QUOTE ]

    How do you get refills when one of those goes dry?
  5. Sorry about that, I edited my post to reflect that the prices are a bit pricey for ME. Dang kids suck up a lot of disposable $$$$$. :P
  6. Nice work Magoo! A bit pricey (for me), but really great stuff!!!!!
  7. Hey all! I'm blaming Buckeye for my current bout of "costumitis". I worked on a Contempory look for Sampson while Buckeye did a Biblical take on him. I have to say, I was STUNNED by what Buckeye came up with. Anyone have a favorite?????
  8. I LOVE the expensive look for your Peacebringer!!! Truly outstanding!!!!
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    ... I think I still need ta play with myself some to get the juices flowing and find a creative nitch to fall into...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sorry, that just sounded wrong. Especially when taken out of context. LOL!!!

    Anyway, I REALLY like the look! Totally reminds me of that voodoo character Bond meets in Live and Let Die. Cool look!!!
  10. I knew about the pants thing. I was being "cheeky".
  11. Very cute! She must be flying REALLY fast! It looks like her pants flew off! LOL!
  12. They look outstanding! Though, I'm in LOVE with HERRICANE ! The color scheme and LOOK makes a GREAT match with Mr. Majesty !!
  13. Ya, my mind tends to tread naughty territory a lot, regardless of where I'm at.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    Trying to be inspiring?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You've inspired me!
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Why does this thread look like my Skinvitational commission list?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Birds of a feather flock together?
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    You naughty, naughty girl! You should be spanked!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    /e kissit

    [/ QUOTE ]

    /e pucker-up
  17. You naughty, naughty girl! You should be spanked!
  18. Then I cancel my therapist appointment?? AWESOME!!!
  19. Sorry for taking so long to respond. I read your note and fell out of my chair. Blacked-out for a few minutes and changed my shorts.
  20. You're getting the wrong idea, buddy. A simple "No, I have a headache" works wonders.
  21. ROTFL!!! Seriously?!? I feel like a rabbit!!!!! Maybe we need to form a support group. If you're anything like my wife, I'm sure you're taking extra vitamins and drinking PLENTY of Gatorade! LOL!!!
  22. Hey everyone...I'm a bit bored at work and occupied with "other" thoughts. I've gone into detail in my DA Journal and welcome your thoughts.