Mr. DJ

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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    Paragon City is plagued by numerous Arch-Villians. Despite the best efforts of our Paragon Heroes, even a Elite Task Force Team has trouble taking down even one. King's Row, Croatoa, Independence Port, Founder's Falls, Skyway, and other parts of the city are beseiged by many Giant Monsters.

    Enemies from other realms roam the streets.

    There is only one way to rectify this severe problem, evacuate Paragon City and use tactical nuclear warheads to wipe them all out.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Fixed for the most part

    Just one the hell do you mispell "Boomtown" so horribly? Eden and Boomtown are already practically destroyed and are uninhabitable, so those places would be the least of a Heroes worry unless otherwise stated
  2. [ QUOTE ]
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    NOTE: You can only earn the The Lord Recluse Strike Force reward once every *24 hours* This is by design to help prevent farming.

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    That's not cool!

    I'm officially so mad right now.

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    we can't farm Hami either

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    Farm him no, do it more then once a day yes. The 24 hour is too servere. It should be 12 to 18 at the most if you want to limit farming. Hami can be done up to 3 times a day on some servers. Some people work varied schedules and will have a hard enough time trying to get together with friends just to run it once a week. For a lot of people doing it once on Friday or Saturday and once on Sunday is all that can happen. This change will not prevent powergamers from running it multiple times with different toons.

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    well I will bravo the people to sit through 3 Hami Raids in one day, cause for me personally and I think most people on Infinity would say so too, once a day is more than enough
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    NOTE: You can only earn the The Lord Recluse Strike Force reward once every *24 hours* This is by design to help prevent farming.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    That's not cool!

    I'm officially so mad right now.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    we can't farm Hami either
  4. calm your anger, now repeat after me while rubbing your earlobs
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
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    Defeat 100 Shivans (any type)

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    If I'm not mistaken, like many other badges, it runs on the tiered system, so that it's: 300 Shivan minions OR 200 Shivan lieutenants OR 100 Shivan bosses OR anywhere inbetween.

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    There is no such thing as a Tiered system for badge defeats. A defeat is a defeat, no matter if its a minion or an archvillain.

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    (pokes Posi w/ a stick to get his attention)

    well...the Paragon Protectors have that cause I believe somewhere, sometime ago that the cap to get the PP badge was raised to 300

    7th Generation Paragon Protectors Minions - 1 count
    7th Generation Paragon Protectors Lieutenants - 2 counts
    Paragon Protectors Bosses - 3 counts

    I'm pretty sure Wolves, Vampyr and Shivan's are 100 as well.

    on a off topic note...why hasn't the description for Silver Bullet been changed? cause Warwolves aren't the only ones that count towards the badge...
  6. Defeat 100 Shivans (any type)

    Males - Man in Black
    Women - Woman in Black

    Marshall Brass if I'm not mistaken has a couple Shivan missions you can farm for the badge so you don't have to go into Bloody Bay to kill them.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    My to-do list...

    Sweep the floor.
    Move furniture.
    Change the baby.

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    Change the baby into what? O_o

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    /e alakazamreact

  8. Counter Strike and Halo win every year for Worst Online Community ^_^
  9. pawn, little hero, whatever you wanna call it, I'm just enjoying another game till I lose interest. I try to not take any video game seriously (stares at roommate playing Halo 2 -_-;

    I find that doubtful, I mean...look at Diablo 2 that's been out since like...mid 90's and people still play it despite modders

    Though this rubberbanding issue over the past few days has been killing my I started badge grinding my Mez and Dmg w/ my Tank in my Malta/Carnie mish.
  10. I will agree w/ that it was given by the game which was the Dev's mistake, but as it's been mentioned before this game is the first of it's kind, I'm pretty sure Marvel and DC have been eyeing this game to learn from it's mistakes. I think there only real mistake w/ CoV is that you burn through lvls too fast, dunno if this was the same for CoH when it first came out.

    Yeah having no lv 50 content bites, hopefully Positron will help since he's in charge now, well w/ atleast more interesting stories.

    From what I've seen w/ some people, friends included, they want more customizeability w/ there heroes, like WoW. I wouldn't mind that but at the same time I don't want this game to be a knockoff of a UI that WoW has.
  11. Posting ur thoughts just like what I'm doing. The children thing was more like an example, I was pretty sure a smart man like yourself could of figured that out.

    I can't change anyone's views if they're so hell bent on it when they were given a false sense of "super" because of growing up on comics and cartoons.

    Despite my registration date, I was playing well before then. I've been through the nerfs and yes they suck, but just like many that complained, they're still here playing cause they want to, they weren't forced to stay, unless otherwise known <_<

    Most people don't like change, that fact of life will never change, whether it's real or fictional
  12. yeah it's only cause NCSoft doesn't have the reputation of Blizzard. Hell I've never heard of NCSoft till CoH came out, I've known about Blizzard for years.
  13. okay, what MMO has not depended on ur build for the AT you've chosen. The box says City of Heroes, not Super Heroes, get that little bit of info from your brain. What's that little message say when you hit the lvl cap? You are truely a Hero. Once again, where's the super in that?

    Like I already said, this is what happens when children get spoiled, you take something away and they cry and moan. You could just as easily quit the game and go outside and do something if you hate the changes so badly, but what's this? you're still here cause you still want to play and your hooked. What's that? you stay cause ur friends are here? okay, so what, you can just as easily add them to Aim, Yahoo, MSN or whatever IM Service you have.

    World of Warcraft is CoX's main competiton right now and so is DnD Online in which both have many more subscriptions than CoX and this game is still doing fine.
  14. If they nerf Granite...I wouldn't see the point especially since it has built in nerfs -Spd, -Travel except Teleport even though you'll drop straight down immidiately, -Recharge and -Dmg

    I think that I read that story once before, it was good to read it again, though if we ever get things back the way they were before I5, it's because there's no longer PvP.

    [ QUOTE ]
    I would recommend 1 hero = 3 minions until level 12 (DOs), then 1 hero equals 6 minions and 1 lieutenant until level 22 (SOs), and then 1 hero equals 12 minions, 2 lieutenants, and a boss thereafter.

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    I would have to agree w/ that assessment as well cause the 1 hero = 3 minions isn't true throughout the game, especially at lv 50.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Why don't they go fight Hamidon or why aren't they always out taking the pillboxes, they can sure as hell do it much faster than we can.

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    then why bother giving us something to do?
    letting us getting up to the damage they can output would break the game and make it less fun that some already complain it is now. I don't mind the short bursts of buffing damage like Fulcrum Shift, cause that [censored] is fun as hell, but having it on like 24/7 and ripping through mobs so fast all the time while taking very little dmg, sure it'll be fun at first, then l8r down the road not to shortly after you'll be saying again "where's the challenge?"

    [ QUOTE ]
    Once DC comes out with their MMO I am not sure I would be willing to stay here, especially in the crappy direction this game seems to be going.

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    let me know when they decide the nerf something so I can go read people whine and cry there. The history of ALL MMO's is that something will get nerfed in order to balance.
  16. well, I guess to some it becomes boring after a while that's what you get for having too much EXP

    Though am I the only one getting really annoyed by people who keep making references like "well such and such famous superhero wouldn't have any problems w/ 3 minions"? I mean damn, yes the game is designed after comic book stuff, but god dammit ur NOT that Super Hero, I should hit you w/ a brick for keep on bringing up that damn comparison. This is what happens when you spoil children, take it away l8r and they'll bring up "back in the day" or something of the likes -_-
  17. why does it seem like ur contradicting urself Jericho? You talk about how you face certain mobs w/ pulling and kiteing, and yet say it's not a challenge or involve critical thinking o_O Knowing what to pull involves thinking, you just don't go "eeny meeny miny moe" cause you know you can end up pulling that whole mob if you choose wrong. Kiteing is basically hit n' run which involves atleast some thinking.
  18. Reading the first couple pages, I figured most of this thread would turn into a whine and cry fest. Statesman doesn't get it? I'm pretty sure he does, you just don't get it cause you have a different OPINION of the creator. What the hell would be the point of having a Minions class enemy if they don't pose some sort of threat?
  19. so w/ the bringing of an Arachnos Mace...this means Brutes have a weapon to draw out?
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    FYI, Lightning Rod's Recharge Time will be being reduced.

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    (tries to push luck)
    can we get a dmg boost?
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    Ghost Widow has the same power when I fought her as a EB in a mission. Was teamed up with a Invul brute, and he snatched him up in Soul Storm, even with him having 3+ IDs on him. Kinda cool, if you ask me.

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    yeah it's cool, but after a while it's damn annoying XD
  22. quick question...haven't been on Test in like almost a couple weeks, but is Ghost Widow still broken in RV? not broken as in she doesn't work...but broken as in cheat as hell. She held me through Unyielding w/ Soul Storm x_x and no, I wasn't debuffed by any other players.
  23. Isolator - Achievement badge
    Jailbird - Exploration badge

    I don't see future rants on why people would whine about not being able to get it, even though this is a far stretch...maybe the devs when they put in the Corruption/Redeem system, Heroes can start out in the villain Outbreak and Villains can start out in the Hero Outbreak