Mr. DJ

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  1. Inf = Infinity

    Out with the old Inf Badge Seeker and in with the new!

    Join the new badge channel: Inf Badge

    Badges, Teaming and Socialization, it's public and we will welcome you. No sneaky, cowardly acts. If there are any problems, we will talk to you about it and not just blatantly kick you while spewing "courtesy" garbage.

  2. Assault shortens the duration of which Placate effects when you can hit them, you can have them targeted, but you cannot hit them till the duration is worn off. I tested that w/ my Blaster when I still had Assault and Tactics in Siren's Call.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Stalkers are #1 in PvP because they are the only AT that can "finish" the fight... which ends up with alot of Brutes getting KS'ed for their trouble. It's not because Stalkers are overpowered, it is that they are oppourtunists.

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    that's different for Scrappers, Blasters and Corruptors? <.<

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    maybe if they fixed the bug that allowed stalkers to AS through quicksand and other debuffs that use to interrupt it, they wouldnt need to leave this bug in the game as a "balance" fix.

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    that isn't a bug, that was a change in I7, and personally I thought the change made sense.

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    Fixing brute fury also has no eta, but it also has a very big effect.

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    Fury is always going to be a problem for a Brute in PvP when it involves chasing down a target...if they sit still for like a duel, then you'll be fine.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm guessing you don't get it. It's not knockback. It's -def. I proved this when Sting of the Wasp caused the Placate bug to occur. And when Divine Avalanche failed to cause the Placate bug. And the slows from Spines cause the bug too.

    But yes, I am an impatient Stalker. When I stab a regen, I follow up. If he heals in time, I'm going to eventually want to Placate. NOT run off so his heals can recharge.

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    Actually I do get it, I don't think you're taking everything I'm saying in, I tend to rant. My point about KB was that it's not even a auto hit type deal, same thing w/ that ranged Spines attack that 'may' immobilize an enemy, almost a waste of time.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Incorrect. Not everyone here is EM. I am one of those non-EM's. Often enough, I have to attack before AS just to get the person to stand still. Or I have to use an attack, Placate, then AS in the middle of a battle. Only, the Placate will fail on the enemy and cause them to be quite able to attack me.

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    ur one of those impatient stalkers ain't ya? ;P

    I wasn't saying everyone was EM, but that the small percentage I gave was to EM users that have a strong attack outside of AS that has a benefit. ET has a high stun chance and TF is a auto stun for those w/out Disorient Protection, which gives them more than enough time to Placate and AS if needed. I would say Ripper would be good, but it doesn't have a auto knockback w/ it. Though when it comes to BB...all Stalkers have to open up w/ AS ;P

    BB - pretty much a Stalkers only good attack is there AS *don't remember if Spine's has that ranged attack by lv25*
    SC - this is still pretty much the same as BB, but you have a better attack to follow up w/ by lv30 *if you lvl'd that far*
    WB - now EM doesn't have to open up w/ a AS anymore cause they have TF and can follow up w/ ET for a squishy kill. Spines is soon to follow w/ versatility.
    RV - only difference is that they have PPPs.

    Though when it comes to Tanks, Brutes and Scrappers...pretty much always gonna have to open up w/ AS. Stalkers can pretty much one shot *two shot now cause of the new code* other Stalkers from my expierence.

    This is just how I see it w/ EM isn't necessarily bothered w/ Placate being bugged in the higher lvl zones. Spines will be annoyed, Claws will be like 'what I miss guys?' and everyone else will be pissed off ;P
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    Stalkers the best in pvp? It's the person knowing how to play there toon thats best IMO. But in RV stalkers are far from the best in pvp hands down. If clear mind was bugged, i wonder if that would be on the bottom of the list to?

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    Stalkers overall are the best in PvP, that's the point, in which I think flew over your head. You would need examples to back up a bugged CM, like...since Placate's bug is limited to PvP, lets do the same for CM, lets say instead of buffing teammates, it debuffs them, this would be a much bigger bug than in terms of Placate since it would be debuffing allies to whereas Placate is still valuable if you use it after a AS, which is about 95% of the time. The other 5% would gear towards EM Stalkers that use TF or ET first against squishies, then Placate and AS.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    i should roll an em/nin/crap to counter ice/em/force blasters... ?

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    well if it's a PvP toon, where's your second layer of Stealth? <_< personally I'd think you should be taking down a solo blaster w/ not much issue.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    They replaced all PPs on the V side..consider yourself lucky.

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    incorrect, they replaced all the one's in the lv45+ arcs villain side
  9. [ QUOTE ]
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    I'm in the dark, what was Posi referring to when he mentioned a project between Cryptic and Microsoft?

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    Go here.

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    If it were xbox only, I'd understand this move. As it's ported to PC as well, I have no idead what the hell Cryptic is thinking.

    "Gee, let's have 2 superhero MMOs! We'll compete with ourselves!"

    Thus diluting both player bases.

    I don't get it.

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    here's a reply for ya

    [quote="Infinite Abyss"][quote="Mytee Isis"]Developing a game that works on multiple platforms (neither of which has made it to market yet..) sounds like a HUGE job. I'd be willing to bet 2-3 years. They have a head start, however, in that they have a baseline to start from -- COX.

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    Actually, not necessarily. Vista and Xbox360 share many of the same tools, including XNA, which makes porting games between both platforms effortless (think of it as a unified set of 3-d tools). *nod*

    As for an MMO's lifespan, that all depends on -us-. Remember, everyone votes with their wallets... and if the wallets are not supporting COH down the line as strongly as it is now let's say, then yes it's a very real possibility that COH might start waning. For instance, FFXI is almost 2 years older than CoH, yet it's still running quite strong (nowhere near earlier years, but still strong).

    Right now, it just seems logical... Marvel wanted to make their MMO, and they more than likely thought "Hey, Cryptic has done a really nice Superhero MMO that's actually quite good... maybe we can hire them to do the same". Cryptic, being a studio founded under NCSoft, well... think about it. These people have familes and life to look at, and they're also going to migrate to where the money is. If Marvel/MS is offering me a bigger paycheck, you better believe I'd also be considering the offer.

    What does this mean for us? Well, who knows. Again, it all depends on the vote of the consumer and their wallets... this has less to do with Marvel/MS, and more to do with how many people stay subscribed to CoX.

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    Praeotorian Lord Recluse? think it was said in one of the books what he was called on there world...
  10. [ QUOTE ]
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    Issue 10 is a ways out, but it will bring us an update to an old familiar villain group. This group will have their power center altered

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    Right, let's list all the villains that have a power centre.

    1) The Council
    2) ...
    3) Er
    4) That's it.

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    Banished Pantheon...Vahzilok...(shudders)...Rikti...5th Column
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Online, I usually gauge someone's maturity/game skills by their typing skills; its the easiest readily available way. Sure, someone could be very mature and 'skilled' and just a poor typist, but I find it unusual. And and in my experience, toon tends to be used more by worse typists and character more by better typists.

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    I find that to be as useful as a pre-job interview standarized in virtually worthless.
  12. I mean, if you're offended by someone calling your character a 'toon' cause you think it demeans it, think you're taking the game a bit too seriously. Kinda like a street corner getting mad cause you called her a 'ho'

    I can see you taking pride in your character, but you shouldn't let a harmless word like 'toon' bother you...
  13. I find it funny that people can get annoyed by such trivial things
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    I've heard people call them that. I just dismiss it. I say "characters". If people are too bloody lazy to type "characters" rather than "toons", say "chars", for goodness sake!

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    I doubt it's a matter of being lazy =\ it's more of like what ur accustomed to.
  15. I know it's a issue that he's stating, but it's far from fact...

    I found this interesting that a SB'd Dom can keep one FP Hero at bay in the last mission w/ a hold or sleep
  16. is it their fault though? I think not. The SF's design doesn't favor Stalkers since they're just pure damage. But ya know what? I've had three successful RSF runs and we had one stalker in two of the three time. Masterminds and Doms can't get a invite? that's a load of [censored], same thing for other Brute types.

    I find your "fact" not only flawed, but stupid.

    My first successful RSF team consisted of...

    3 Brutes - 2 Stone, 1 Fire
    2 Masterminds - 1 Dark, 1 Bubbles
    2 Corruptors - none were /Rad or /Kin from what I remember
    1 Dominator - believe she was Ice

    the other stone brute, the dominator and one of the corruptors were people that completed the SF successfuly and knew what to do about pulling.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
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    Dominators are getting a buff that should make them more desireable on LRSF in I8 as well.

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    How about Masterminds, Stalkers, and Brutes other than stone?

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    what about Masterminds? bubbles, dark, traps, all valuable for -Regen quality (except Bubbles and I don't know about TA), they don't need a buff.

    what about Stalkers? they're there for burst this hasn't changed since lvl 1

    what about Brutes? don't make a SA Brute seem like it's superior, they can go down just as hard and fast.

    I am curious to what this buff for Doms are...since they recently got one if I'm not mistaken
  18. just to pitch in...

    Regen's Revive power...why do we get the crappy animation of slowly getting up, but NPC's like....Valkyrie and Spine Wardens (post 40 game) get the one like someone used there Rez power (not Resusitate)
  19. your anatomy needs some refining is what Squirrels is trying to say
  20. (hits Soul Drain)

    (Nova's everything)

    (lights a cig)

    yeah...that's the good stuff
  21. d0000000m (cries in the corner)

    we'll miss ya
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    Power Boost does not affect recharge. Blaster, Controller, Dominator...

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    true, but it increases the secondary effects
  23. railroaded? I think so

    wreckless endangerment? definitely, he didn't know the extents of his powers and didn't have full control over them

    stupid for not taking the 5 years? definitely

    though I do question his height...6'10" o_O
  24. you have some good stuff

    I'll take some screenies when I can
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    OK here is the 1st go at it. Obviously just a sketch at this point, I can not do them this fast and shade and color also, sorry.

    Assassin of Thor

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    his arm that's reaching up is a bit short

    hmm...maybe I should attempt to draw some of mine