Mr. DJ

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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Smmexy !

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I came.

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    I thought for an instance I was on 4chan...dear lord
  2. [ QUOTE ]

    The dev team and customer relations people are the best I've dealt with in any of the games I've played.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    iffy on customer relations the past few issues..
  3. Global: @Dj Trizz
    Gender: Male
    Age: 22
    Location: Harker Heights, TX
    Height: 6'1"
    SG Affiliation: ECotDM, League of Extraordinarily Indebted Heroes, dUmb, OSHA Academy
    Most Recognizable Server Toon: DjTrizz
  4. {yes I'm really that broke atm}

    is their a free version of Driver Cleaner that's safe?

    ::looks at Trend Micro scan thingy:: is it supposed to take a very long time to prepare? o_O
  5. *waits patiently in the shadows for her next piece to pop up on DA*
  6. [ QUOTE ]

    Star of America

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    was that a difficult post to do? cause her bottom half looks really wonky o.o
  7. dammit...made me wish I had better stuff on my DA account...I'm still pissed all my work was stolen when I went to community college >.<
  8. <QR>

    heh, did I confuse you w/ the "too much booty in the dance" comment?
  9. I lol'd at the first one

    but those are damn nice man
  10. it's worse for huge builds...I forget the exact name...but the neck muscles stretch pretty bad when you run.
  11. for some reason I can't lvl a Fire/Invul Brute no matter how awesome the damage is...I think having a Invul/Fire Tank messed me up x_x
  12. wow. that's a lot of SHOs >.> well you do go on RSF's often

    and happy birthday
  13. sometimes, when I'm in the mood
  14. Mr. DJ

    Cryptic article.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Oh - and I'd love to do a giant mech game. Love it.

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    I'd look forward to that...all the Gundam games that pretty much have ever been released failed so hard...
  15. Seeing as Pokemon is still a big hit in the States...I wonder how many people we would lose if there was a MMO...
  16. kinda bugs me that Chilling Embrace roots me
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    Can you top this single bonus in double exp weekend? I soloed Ghost Widow and nearly got 1.5 bubbles in a single kill.

    Check out the combat log

    [/ QUOTE ]

    wish I took a screenshot of my victory over a AV Lord Recluse, my lv46 Mastermind on a team received 346k XP
  18. I have the urge to watch Teen Titans for some reason...good art though
  19. Mr. DJ

    "Moral Combat"

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    [ QUOTE ]
    I'm extremely disappointed that an image of Statesman would be used in such a way. I know that we designed City of Heroes to appeal to "children of all ages." My proudest accomplishment with the game is that many parents (including my brother) play with their children...sharing, I hope, the same joy for the comic book world that I've had ever since I was 8. I cannot express the shock that I felt seeing that a character created by Cryptic would be used in the same sentence as Columbine.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Statesman is the iconic representation of a game where people kill other people with huge broadswords and fireballs with attacks named things like 'head splitter' and 'disembowel', so it is kind of a waste of time to play innocent victim. 99% of the content in City of Heroes is violence. It is the only way to solve any mission in any area of the game. To act shocked and dismayed about it is beyond hypocrisy.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    please tell me you're not serious, or are you just that simple?

    Mario jumps on turtles and throws there shells at other enemies, I think I'll go do that now
  20. Mr. DJ

    "Moral Combat"

    [ QUOTE ]
    I'm extremely disappointed that an image of Statesman would be used in such a way. I know that we designed City of Heroes to appeal to "children of all ages." My proudest accomplishment with the game is that many parents (including my brother) play with their children...sharing, I hope, the same joy for the comic book world that I've had ever since I was 8. I cannot express the shock that I felt seeing that a character created by Cryptic would be used in the same sentence as Columbine.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I feel for ya man, I wouldn't blame ya if you sued those fools for slander. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised one bit, cause those idiots seem to be so misinformed it isn't even funny.

    Just me personally...I don't think even Halo deserves to be in there...

    I'll be damned if there's a game that has you going around and beating up pinatas

    There's this one game on the Nintendo DS...some surgery game...Trauma Center (very fun but can be difficult). I can't wait for someone to say it teaches malpractice.
  21. found by a SG mate of mine

    [quote="JoRoq"]Spotted on Mercy Island just NE of the "Door to Ferry" marker in an alley:

    Approximate coordinates: -2091.9, 239.1, 998.1

    Doctor Cryogen siphons of a bit of Energon for study (using Invent emote):
  22. Global: @Dj Trizz and @DjTrizz (2nd account)
    Gender: Male
    Age: 22
    Location: Harker Heights, TX
    Height: 6'2"
    SG/VG Affiliations: The Elite Council of the Darque Mafia, The League of Extrordinarily Indebted Heroes, Disciples of Power
    Most Recognized Server Toons: Paul-Waul, DjTrizz, Enforcer Sagara