Mr. DJ

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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    3. An option to NOT have breasts at all on female characters.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    the true flat chest option eh?
  2. there's a emo smiley in there somewhere, that's his real feelings
  3. I just think people want more raid type content, like WoW >.>

    ya know...I would love a option added to the Challenge features that lets you set how many enemies spawn in a mish up to a full teams worth if you're solo. Though I know that the Devs would never do that...would make PLing and Farming easier than it already is
  4. I'd find them denying people to send /tells a very bad idea.
  5. well...trial accounts already limit you to one side of the game and denies access to SG bases I think it's lucky enough they don't deny trading to trial accounts like in WoW.

    I dunno how many people actually make use of the Email System in game...I know I've barely ever used it.
  6. but wouldn't it still produce the same end result? that of x amount of people lookin the same/havin the same stuff
  7. I can't think for reasons why he would argue this, but a friend of mine who got me hooked on CoH before leaving for WoW like a year or so later...complained about players having all the same powers and what have you at lv50, but he still loves the character creator system in CoH. At the same time, I told him, "Well...WoW is pretty much the same thing, sure you have lots of different armors, but if you want the the nice stuff, eventually everyone will look the same, and yeah you have a lot more powers to pick from, but again, if you're going for certain things, you'll have the same powers as a lot of others in your class.
  8. Stalk me anytime

    though something is bugging me about the upper torso...not sure if it's because of the perspective x_x
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Holding of on my jester type character, having to much fun with DB/WP, but I did pause to get Enforcer costume bits on her.

    Introducing Desduende:
    Sweeping Strike
    Death from above.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    that is hawt

    I'm fond of the new Dagger cape myself...finally a new cape!

    Love the creativity of the costumes in this thread
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    From what I can see, the attacks are pretty damn quick >.> And the windmill move which is a long animation, seems to hit a ****load of times O.o So how would it be lackluster for PVP? It may end up being the faster of the sets >.>

    [/ QUOTE ]

    you don't want to be rooted for a long time in PvP that's why.

    The set is good, I like it. But as a PvP Choice,
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I think some people don't want auras for PvP, so they can decieve others so the other side wont know what powers they have going.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Speaking of PvP, am I the only one who thinks these new sets are going to under perform as far as PvP goes? Dual Blades' combo system is going to be hard to get bonuses from (because most PvP encounters are so short, let alone being able to hit all the attacks in the chain) and Willpower's lack of Immobolize protection outside of its tier-9 is going to "force" some power pool choices (as far as Min/Maxers are concerned).

    That being said, I'm still trying to figure out what secondary I'm going to pair my DB stalker with .

    [/ QUOTE ]

    yeah, this really isn't a PvP set, I don't see Willpower being very effective and Dual Blades have animations that are just too long. Though for most min/maxers they always have Combat Jumping
  12. plz plz plz...use better looking characters

    I'm sorry, the crappy looking characters in the vid make it seem less awesome >.<
  13. only 5 more months and I can have it permanently
  14. well, I didn't mean literally my sig, but my signature CoH character, a Elec/EM Blaster named DjTrizz and his background is formerly a rap dj.
  15. /hide

    taking some profile shots of a few characters atm :3 Paulie, Dj and Maya
  16. After having a commish rejected because he "didn't like the culture" that my sig character reflects (rap dj background) I'm in the mood to draw something...hell...I might attempt the idea that this person rejected...

    ::gears start to turn::

    so rusty though...ugh!!! I've been saying I would draw somethin but haven't...wonder if I mean it this time o_o
  17. why haven't you kids been in the game!? D: