Mr. DJ

Forum Cartel
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    last I checked, last thing I really had to pay for was City of Villains back in I6, so the past 5 issues we've received free content.


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    Wow. You found a way around the $15 a month subscription fee? Care to share?

    Think before you post. Sheesh.

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    I find their to be a difference between paying for new content, and paying a subscription fee. Take your own advice.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    Whenever someone trots out the "if you don't like it, quit" line they have just accepted defeat. That is a completely useless and worthless thing to say. A major reason for these forums is feedback. Negative feedback should not be responded to with "just quit" from mindless fanboy sheep.

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    act like a jerkoff much? It is not worthless because if all you do is complain and whine about certain things not coming, why don't you just leave? saves a whole lot of irritation.

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    What free expansions? The ones we pay $15 a month for? Here's a clue: hardware and bandwidth are cheap as heck these days. The real cost of MMO development is CONTENT. That is what we are paying for, and we aren't getting it.

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    last I checked, last thing I really had to pay for was City of Villains back in I6, so the past 5 issues we've received free content.

  3. I can see what you're saying LJ, I could be completely understanding if she were to reply back to any of the messages I sent her. She has time to go to other people's DA page and leave comments for them, but apparently doesn't have the time to reply to a customer who's already paid for their goods.
  4. well, I'm about 4 days off, but it's been pretty much a month since she confirmed payment...I went ahead and filed mail fraud against the person, because she is blatantly ignoring me and judging by some replies on her DA page, she has been online.

    would like to thank Gamma Girl for saying something as well
  5. Mr. DJ

    Sexiest CoX Art?

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    Ugh, that one's awful. The whole "cartoon as sexy" thing is a bit silly, but why draw someone like they have breast implants? Do you guys actually think those are attractive in any format?

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    appreciation for good art goes pretty far

    also :oints to the "chest slider" for females::
  6. Mr. DJ

    Sexiest CoX Art?

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    So what's the sexiest CoX art you've seen?

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    The Dance by Graver and JTran

    But I'm biased AND a sicko.

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  7. 3 weeks since she received payment, 2 weeks since I last heard from her.

    See, when we set up the whole deal, I got replies from her rather quickly, after she told me she got the payment, I haven't heard from her since, despite me trying to contact her, tryin to see what's going on. I like to be kept updated on things if something happens, especially when you only live a few states away.
  8. nah, not through DA's system, separate kinda deal like commissions.
  9. You gotta love it when you pay for something, you know the person received the money, then it's been 2 weeks later and you've yet to hear back from them...

    I'm a patient dude...but when I spend $42 on a nice fan art calender and not hear from the seller, I can't help but get a bit irritated...

    what I'm talkin about
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    its not a guide. Its a Build. My build.

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    ::looks at forum name::


    don't see a need for Super Speed, rather have RoF and slot the Gravitational Anchor set in that, then slot Posi's in Fire Cages. I'd drop Recall Friend for Acrobatics.

    even for the sake of set bonuses, I'd rather still have 3 dmg res in Fire Shield for some good resistance since you have a ton of purple IOs. If you were Fire/Storm, could have near capped Fire Resistance for Controllers.

    Gratz on a nice farm build nonetheless.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    To work...or not to work...that is the question.

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    you know the answer D
  12. [ QUOTE ]
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    Starting on Friday, February 8th following our weekly maintenance period, all defeat rewards, including experience, prestige and influence or infamy will be doubled! This will continue through the weekend and conclude the night of Sunday, February 10th.

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    So mission, TF, and story arc completion rewards will not be doubled, as they are not 'defeat' rewards?

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    I'm pretty sure it's doubled as well, last 2XPW I went from 46-48 in one STF...Lord Recluse and mish bonus gave me over 1 million experience...jesus that was hawt.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    ack, celebrate wife's b-day, DXp, celebrate wife's b-day DXP...


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    can I have your stuff? ;p

    also...will inactive accounts be reactivated? <.<
  14. [ QUOTE ]
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    CoH/CoV on console will make it easier to have a second account... won't have to buy a game compatible computer which would be possibly 3X the cost of a PS3 or a 360. For that reason alone, I'm in.

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    depends how they run it, if it's anything like FF11 on the console, you'll still need an account to login.

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    The person to whom you reply specifically mentioned "a second account" (see emphasis). ^_^ They only meant that a PS3 of 360 woudl cost them far less than a second PC.

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    whoops we all make mistakes
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    CoH/CoV on console will make it easier to have a second account... won't have to buy a game compatible computer which would be possibly 3X the cost of a PS3 or a 360. For that reason alone, I'm in.

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    depends how they run it, if it's anything like FF11 on the console, you'll still need an account to login.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Both are wonderful, but pizza flavored ice cream of vice versa is plain nasty!

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    only Ben and Jerry would be crazy enough to try that combo out!
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    PS3? meh.

    360 is where it's at NC^2.

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  18. [ QUOTE ]
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    Ugh, CoH on a console. What an abomination.

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    I'm curious to how it would work...given the amount of powers you acquire...though my friend uses his 360 controller when playing FF11

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    Have you seen a 360 controller? Mine has the following that would be available for any game to address and use:
    [*] Two analog thumbsticks[*] Two buttons "under" those thumbsticks (you can click them "down" or "in", relative to the controller main body, and it registers as a separate button)[*] One four-register "Directional Pad"[*] The Start and Back buttons[*] The four A/B/X/Y buttons[*] Two trigger buttons, left and right[*] Two shoulder buttons, left and right

    So ...
    [*] Right button to cycle between Power trays and Inspiration trays[*] A, B, X, Y, and both triggers - that's six controls. If we use the left trigger as a "shift" / modifier button, we can get ten controls (A, B, X, Y, and Right trigger with ... versus A, B, X, Y, and Right trigger without). That's an entire power tray covered.[*] Ignoring the Shift function, the Inspiration tray is only ever, what, five columns? So the Left Trigger could be "free select" mode within the Inspiration tray, guided by the right thumbstick; once you release, whichever inspiration was highlighted, is used. Add a single "Cancel" spot above the topmost row and you're golden.[*] The Back button can be used to call up a series of management screens - Enhancements, the various Options tabs, etc. Standard menu navigation in there would work fine.[*] Toggle Mouse -vs- Camera for the right thumbstick, via the button right under it.[*] "Tab: next enemy" can be handled by the button under the left thumbstick[*] Movement, via the left thumbstick. Left shoulder button modifies this for strafing up/down instead of forward/backward.[*] D-pad "up" toggles the Salvage tray open[*] D-pad "down" toggles the Recipe tray open[*] D-pad "right" cycles through [nul]<-->[map]<-->[contacts]<-->[missions][*] D-pad "left" opens the Costume Selection window

    That's not complete, and can almost definitely be improved upon. But, it's WITHOUT the Messenger Kit addon, and it's covered most of the controls you need to get to "fast" in this game. ^_^

    And all that ignores simply using a USB keyboard and USB mouse.


    I'm not saying I want a console version of CoH ... but I am saying, it's physically feasible, in terms of the UI.

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    yes...I own a 360

    either way...I'd guess I'd have to give it a trial run myself, but it seems exceedingly tedious, a little like w/ Gears of War you swapped weapons and grenades w/ the D-Pad...
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Ugh, CoH on a console. What an abomination.

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    I'm curious to how it would work...given the amount of powers you acquire...though my friend uses his 360 controller when playing FF11
  20. HEY! You leave my costume pieces alone
  21. yes u do sir ::hands over a box of assorted cookies::
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm sorry, but I find that offensive.

    Some players are not min/maxers. Some enjoy the game in their own way and don't care whether or not their character has been built to extreme efficiency.

    When I pick a power, I'm not thinking of the numbers, I'm thinking "Hey, that sounds fun." I couldn't care less if the power I pick "cripples" my character.

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    don't mind him, he's just trying to get over the fact he got pwnt by a red name on the boards
  23. [ QUOTE ]
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    This does not resolve the inbalance of PVP, or should I say; The "Dominance" of the villains over the heroes.

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    You need to go talk to the people who are constantly complaining about how over powered heroes are in PvP.

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    I think he was being sarcastic...otherwise

    lol @ him