39 -
{ there is mounting evidence that says your mind is able to see a short distance into the furture at a subconcious lvl }
That reminds me of a slightly different theory. It should be noted that as we present what we know as current time, it's in all technicality actually what has happened fractions of a second just prior, and as such all we do is process and react as quick as possible.
That statement for me really points more towards our natural ability to perceive(different meaning to perceive than I have thus far used) and predict what is about to happen....Just kinda curious. ^_^
Erm..I would be one that goes so far as to say that the nonentity I refer to truly and completely lacks personality. The underlying basis to which all existence is in this case would not have any of the aspects that makes up tangible being, mentally or physically. To have thought in any way shape or form would be kinda odd...
Also to note psychology has been able to tell you what's going on with both the nascar thing and the lifting the car. With the drivers that's actually just your body's natural reaction to stressful conditions as well as when one is just physically exerting themselves greatly. Martial arts instructors know this as well, that is why you are taught and told to breathe during the exercises, because you are pushing yourself in unfamiliar ways and your body and brain loses focus on it's natural rhythm. This leads you to not breathing, losing your ability to think straight, and a few other "fun" things.
The lifting the car thing is a bid odder, but mostly has do do with adrenaline, willingness or ignorance enough to stress your body, and...don't remember much else on this, have to check my books...also to note, 500 pound women are more likely to lift a car than normal people any ways due to their required muscle mass to move their body being higher. They actually are stronger than most normal weight people by a decent amount...
And you actually have nerve bundles and things resembling a neural network in more than just your gut, that's been known about for a while, they really aren't that much and don't change how our brain operates and controls things, more just aids in subconscious reactions and natural processes.
Not really arguing against your opinion or belief, I just am finding that some of the points made are a little incomplete... -
2) I was classifying reality by a perceived perspective since we cannot really trust anything that existence is in the first place. The only things we really have to work with is what we perceive, so it is the basis to which I appeal.
[/ QUOTE ]
That's fine, but it's still an erroneous basis. You can't just stop there. I mean, what would have happened if your ancestors had stopped at the '4 elements'? Now as then, there are things not perceived, and while they can be overlooked in certain contexts, this is not one of them. You can formulate a theory based on these perceptions - and if that's what this is, then do excuse me, I've missed something somewhere- but they are not enough to draw conclusions upon.
[/ QUOTE ]
Missed this post...
Yeah...>.> this whole thing was supposed to be a theory if you missed reading the part classifying it as such...or the title of it being an experiment...which it would then have to be an experiment of something...which would be a theory... -
Erm....why is it that you think rats aren't sentient? They display all the same things we do, even at least basic feelings. And the exact same things happen if you stick nodes into their brains and our brains and zap them to make them twitch, turn, move a limb.
That I do believe was pointed out to be one reason there's such a thing as lab rats, they are close enough in a design principle that much of what happens and can be done there is scalable and tweak able to be done with us. The only reason we also use monkeys is because they have a wider ability to display emotions and communicate, which makes it easier for us to find out exactly how we might react.
I'm a little curious how 2+2=4 can't be an absolute though, even from a quantum physics standpoint...Please note I do not say 2.984 or some such, just 2. Also there are no variables to play with,it's just 2 repeated...
Also to note, the whole machine thing and differing levels of thoughts, wouldn't it be because the higher level of complexities that results in those differences as you actually said?
Then it would still be logical to say on the basic level we do both in fact think the same, we just have numerous added variables that augment our decisions and decision making processes. -
He was referring to the law of observation. ^_^
I put this here because there is an rp character that uses this as a general premise for his being, I also have a rather long book series I'm working on with one of the characters experiencing this along the way. :P Kinda wanna get any kinks ironed out in an intelligent environment. >.>
Devious ^_^
1) And as I stated, the "infallible truths" are things of intellectual absolutes that no matter who or what you are they will remain true.
For example, you can go 2+2=4, there is no way to have 2+2=5. No one would agree that it's a possibility as you are magically pulling something out of nowhere.
2) I was classifying reality by a perceived perspective since we cannot really trust anything that existence is in the first place. The only things we really have to work with is what we perceive, so it is the basis to which I appeal.
3) I know there are many personalities, but in all technicality they all stem from the same basic concept and structures, just on different levels of technicality. This along with their environment does lead them to think differently, but remove all things which makes us specific to what we are and we're not that different from a rat.
I'm not quite sure by what I defined above if the environment would really care what we do...it's not like it gets happy or sad or angry or anything... -
Oki, so one of the characters I have made up currently uses roughly the same concept I've got here. Just want to see others opinions and possible corrections.
First there must be the basis to which we must appeal to give any ground to the ideas. In hopes of making a clear point, the main thing I will appeal to is the "infallible truths".
Infallible truths is not any form of worldly knowledge, but understanding of the unbending laws that construct what we know. Examples of such would be understanding the form of a cube, 1+1=2, etc.
The other two things we will appeal to is the perceivable truths and extensions of those truths based on reason.
So, starting in, the first thing to do is set aside the infallible truths for now and look at perceivable truths. There is the ever present issue that we can not prove that what we are experiencing it "real" and not just a fabricated reality caused by an external or internal force.
As such, we can only assume that which we perceive to stay consistent. Though the perceived truths may change, we shall not be as aware of such, reason stating that any change bound to occur and alter rules of existence shall extend likely beyond what we know as "now", meaning the change that took place never actually took place in a way we could perceive.
Putting reliance in the perceivable truths that we know currently to exist, things are made up of ever smaller materials. On the most basic levels these pieces seem to break down and become more random and unpredictable save for that their erratic nature extends into all levels of things that exist, pushing towards entropy through internal and natural chaos.
It is also perceivable that the entirety of what we know is not simply made up of these parts, but there is also null space thaa gives room and flow to the physical material. It can be observed that this null space interacts with physical space in ways that cannot be defined by intelligence, but a natural order and undeniable movement towards eventual entropy through erratic swings and flows of material/immaterial.
It is also observable that all living things are made up of the same parts and additional parts. Simply put we can easily perceive the physical, energy, and mental parts of a being. The energy simply being the transitory state linking mental and physical. It would be easy to assume that they might all be extensions of physical being.
Living entities also utilize the null space within and through out their forms as well in order to create a well tuned network upon which we operate.
Since we have no perceivable reason to believe much beyond what is said above we will move on to the next step. The parts to which we are constructed are all individual pieces or perceivable separable one way or another, or at least the major parts. Since we have no reason to assume beyond what we can perceive (though the presence of something like a soul or skhandas wouldn't make much of a difference), we may make the claim that we are the sum of our parts. Observed in that if a part becomes missing (such as Phineas Gage) our being will change accordingly. Depending on the part it is also safe to say that the effect and scale of the effect will differ (a spear through the arm doesn't change personality quite as much as a pipe through the brain). There is no reason though behind a claim that when these parts are separate that they still define us (transplant surgery does not transmit personality, though the brain might be an exception as long as it stays active and suffers no alterations, though it is unknown what effects a new body may have on a brain)
What this means is that we are finite beings defined by external forces that shall move on and likely divide as the physical form decays. These parts will be free to move on and contribute to making new unique beings and other things.
Now onto the more theoretical. On all levels there is the null aspect that works counter to physical being and knowable being, that only seems to play by the rules defined as "infallible truths". The concept of this null entities existence is counter to perceivable truths, and in fact the lack of any knowable proof of a entity as such is reenforcement. The logic being that the null entity is just the natural aspect of existence which pushes towards entropy.
This null entity would in all logical purposes be eternal as it will d and has done what it always will, and no temporal events can alter it in any way. Rather, it seems to be the force that creates, defines, and alters life and existence. It is not like any god in that it lacks any semblance of humanity or existence, rather, gods would still fall under the null entities control as their personality is a trait to existence. No spirit or being of any kind, alive, dead, or otherwise can conceivably get anywhere near the total dominion such a force would have.
This is not a controllable force in though. It is a reason for the being that lords over existence could come to be however. As a entity dies and the pieces that made up it's being fragment off to make new things, if the null entity that made up that being never rejoins any being to continue the chaos of creation, then those pieces have been offset and now must wait to cycle back into true being.
In this time such material would enter a immortal state, being that the personality that once was might linger on, slowly fading as it awaits to be born anew. Though the nature of the null entity is that it is all encompassing and infinite in dominion, the reason the beings parts may be offset is that existence is still finite and the infallible truth requires a balance that would only be further offset by nonbeing's manifestation of a new being out of incomplete parts. It wouldn't be logical to follow creation trying to manifest excess out of that which it doesn't have.
Anyways, if those pars never rejoin with the other necessary parts to become a new being, they may enter a state of eternality instead as they have become an unchanging aspect within existence that is unbound by the standard rules of perceivable existence. As long as this being is a personality it may be able to manifest an artificial though incomplete physical form within time and existence using the other parts, though that would be further offsetting the natural flow, the situation is not a natural one to begin with. Many forces would be at play against such a being, though by their own will and by the fact that they are an offset oddity to existence, they have a somewhat secured location as the most powerful plausible entities that doesn't simply operate off of infallible truths, but instead has almost the same reach and dominion as the null entity while having a will of it's own. It does suffer drawbacks though logically as no being can fully fathom what eternality or null entity is, we can only simply come close to what it could be. The eternal being itself would still experience temporal existence as long as it maintains a physical form, and eternality would be extremely stressful on the beings will and personality, eating away at it until it is no more. There is no heaven or hell or anything awaiting such a being, when it finally withers away it is gone forever.
...little sloppy and needs some revisions...but I'm tired... -
The end of time is where I dwell. This end of time, it is my hell.
(( My first story written out instead of acted out and improved >.> hopefully ain't too bad, kinda based on allot of things that I've been doing recently in philosophy...))
The afterlife has always been a curiosity to me, or was for the longest time. Many hours of my short life did I dedicate to uncovering the mechanics of existence. The last seven years of my life, starting when I was ten, I dedicated solely to studying as hard as I could both physically and mentally in hopes that I could unlock the secrets that death held from us all.
The results as my family claimed to perceive was that I had grown more chaotic, emotionless aside from my obvious disdain for the rest of humanity. I wasn't a goth, emo, punk or anything, no no far from. those that masqueraded as "opposition to the system" or "being unique" or "doing their own thing" were all obviously blind, everywhere I turned it was all to easy to point to twelve others that looked and acted exactly like them. The only way I saw to rise above was to cling to what had died.
Martial arts was a hobby of mine long before i held it's code close to my being. Not it's new code, but the traditional code of war and Bushido. If there was a fight to be had I was more than happy to oblige, only turning down those that were obviously too weak. The battles that I wasn't sure I would live were the ones I loved most. Pushing oneself to the point of destruction. the metallic flavor of blood was familiar already, almost a good friend.
It was this love for the old traditions and my the people which i seemed to despise that brought my end. Same as the old codes, the traditional arts of the sword and many other weapons are dying out for the "point and click interface" that modern technology has brought us. It was now more so than ever that I saw it as insulting that a classmate of mine used the techniques taught to mug and steal with others that were armed with guns.
Ignorantly I had challenged him to a duel, not thinking through the obvious results. in an even match I would have won, he was only three years in while I six years into training. He played along with the duel I had issued only as long as he thought he was winning, in the last moment i got struck down by a simple piece of lead.
It's curious to me that in my final moments I before I died, the fight was all that consumed me, the joy of battle was all encompassing and if it weren't for my hatred welling up behind that feeling blinding me, I might have survived or at least been able to move on in death. The are many assumptions about what happens when you die, I wish I could say that I had found at least some of them out, but sadly I fear I never will now.
My body lied there lifelessly, my being torn from it's mortal coil and sent on it's way. I don't quite know how it happened, but while I despised the world I was leaving behind I couldn't turn my back. My honor bound me, never to let the name of the old ways be tainted with greed, only blood should be sought.
Ripping myself out of the path which I was set on, I was cast adrift between two planes of existence. Out of time and out of space, my being dwindled to but a shadow of it's former self. The actual concept of myself seemed to cease to be, the only thing left being the will and the code of honor and blood. Eventually this voidness I found myself in began to make sense, I was external to physical existence and temporal existence. I began to wander bodiless through different places and points in history, eventually regaining and growing a new personality and being, one that fit the will that lingered.
I was reborn, not as myself, though the memories of before are still present. I was a new entity that existed outside of the natural order, not a ghost or phantasm, ans much of oddities as they are, they are not in any direct opposition to life or the afterlife, simply adrift. I was different in that I defied the natural order by only a thread of my prior self becoming a new entity, entirely outside the governance and mechanics that others are bound.
In time, I found the time from which I originally came was the only one I felt familiar to, the memories from my past life haunting me as I wandered streets i had seem countless times and watched as my own final hours played out before me.
I bound myself then by my own honor, that I would persist within this time and move with it, only breaking away when necessary, and fight to defend the honor and traditions I hold sacred. -
Anon - Mozart's Requiem - Slaughter Your World - Murder
Myou - Lost Angel
Wafers - ...no clue what this thing is...
Koodori Ejji - headstrong
http://youtube.com/watch?v=_gqS0jValsk -
Name: Was Harrow Dais, now claims to have no name
Alias: currently claims to have no name
Age: at death 17 / current age unquantifiable
Height: about 6"2'
Weight: 140 or 0
Eye Color: appears to be blind with a scar passing across the left
Hair Color: silvery white
Skin color: pale, almost ghost white
Origin: (un)natural
common weapons
Powers: Technically doesn't exist. Kinda an odd power, but that does mean that he is eternal and can do with time as he pleases, but sticks to a rather strict set of conventions to "keep things interesting". He has no true body, instead manifesting a form out of his own will as well as any items he uses, though this means that when this form is destroyed he will fully cease to be, no afterlife awaits his demise. He also has a precognitive sense due to his eternal nature, always able to see the possibilities of what is to happen a short while before it does.
He was an intelligent child, not in the academic sense, but in a deep understanding of the world and how things operated on a most basic level. Excelling at philosophy, psychology, and sociology, he spent much time divided between his theoretical manipulation of existence as well as his martial arts.
At the age of 17 he died in a fight with a fellow martial arts student and some thugs. finding the student breaking the codes of martial arts and using his techniques to harm others and steal while working with people using guns and the like, he charged into the battle knowing the outcome, but attempting only to defend the honor of the martial art.
In his state of death however, there was an oddity, the will to come back and seek vengeance as much as defend honor blocked the natural order of things taking place. Where he should have passed on to becoming reincarnated, going to heaven/hell, or otherwise, his being instead was stripped away to a singular entity that persisted without falter.
He found himself once again able to insert himself back into existence, where he could manifest a shell to use as a body as well ans anything else he desired. He also wasn't tied to the natural order of things anymore, finding himself able to "step" out of time and go to any point or anywhere he wanted.
Finding the time around his death the most comfortable and familiar, he has chosen to stay within and move with that time frame at least as long as he desires and his will persists, only jumping in and out as he finds necessary or useful.
EDIT: since I can't add it to Myou fer some reason, couple sketches of her...
http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l2...thine/Myou.jpg -
((Bleh, read through what I put down and got confused...I'll write out more of it and get it workin' later.
That's somewhat my problem, the concept I have puts her in a very very odd spot, she was literally given birth to, but is technically a machine in that her cellular structure and the entirety of her being is manifested of nano structures which are...well....artificial.
Her brain works pretty much exactly and moderately beyond that of human beings, given it maps perfectly the way the brain grows, makes connections, and interacts, but it also is fully capable of interfacing with nay machine and tweaking with it on any coded level.
Her mind does not have any kind of software or AI program to make her what she is, though she does have access to an immeasurably massive database on demand to which she can constantly and instantly translate to and from.
Herm....put simply, she's not quite a robot and not quite a human. Idling somewhere in between purely because she does in fact have a unique personality that was not coded into her in any way beyond her "genetic structure" which was in fact a tweaked clone from the mother being which split it's own cell to fabricate an embryo cell, creating a truly unique being that wasn't simply manufactured.
I have her bio in the thread here.
She's a bit of a traditional logic breaker. :P -
Oki, I have posted a character concept for a robo-girl...it...thing...and was wondering about (since I've never really done this...) how I might be able to go about using that character and the premise I have for her to create a story or rp with her in it.
My character is the Myou one in the character thread, was kinda aiming for removing any possible remaining difference between people and machines, might have gone a little far with her, but at least she's truly one of a kind... >.> -
Name: Myou Meka
Alias: none
Age: from initial cell 13 years, from first consciousness under a month
Height: about 5"4'
Weight: 50
Eye Color: tends to be a glowing light blue, can change at will
Hair Color: deep black, same as eyes
Skin color: ale whitish, can change same as eyes
Origin: Technology
Empathy/electricity RP she technically is able to manipulate just about anything she wants, but purposefully denies ever doing so because she does not want to manipulate or harm any other being, as she would like them to view her. Instead she limits herself to mending those in need and using her own physical system to send off electricity. Given her ability to gather and store loose particles as energy to power herself as a backup system, she utilizes it as her only form of defense and occasional assault, other than her occasional meek punches and kicks. The use of her electrical system will stress her body and eventually make her fall unconscious if she uses it too much.
Aside from that, she can effortlessly interact with any machine as well as people. If people desire they may even utilize her as a supercomputer or home desktop.
Back story:
Initial robots
From the get-go with technology it was a dream to create machines that are as complex as humans. It was also a fear that robots may surpass humans, and the repercussions of such an outcome. Robotics has been used endlessly since they first achieved capability at practical and efficient uses in production, hazard control, and many other fields. The most common robot is likely to be the factory line machines and maintenance machines.
Advanced Robots
Tirelessly people kept pushing technology foreword, creating more and more detailed robotics. Achieving machines rather akin to zombies, they werent as capable as humans, nor had any form of thought or personality. They were amazing servants in that they followed every command precisely. They still had many shortfalls however such as they tended to rely on their own structure that didnt allow it to move as freely as humanoid forms did in urban environments.
Eventually these issues were looked at and overcome, pushing past many of the barriers limiting technology by utilizing newer fabricated parts that closely mimicked natural biological parts. Robotics at this point was able to take on a life of its own. Still tending to rely on some initial programming or ground data to develop upon, it simulated human personality almost flawlessly, and given some time robots came to develop their entirely own personalities.
Androids had finally been formed alongside more traditional appearing robots. Both operating on an equally detailed level, the only difference being that robots identified themselves purposefully as unique as androids were meant to bridge the gap and question the difference of man and machine.
Cybernetic surgery and cyborgs had become as commonplace as androids, and the question that people have always wondered if robots could be sentient beings inevitably had to be faced.
For all the evidence they had, they decided upon admitting robot sentience. Robotics became a race of their own, given they were of an entirely different structure from any other sentient race, and they were created in a different fashion than any other race they became classified as a new branch.
The issue of souls still lingered, and many scholars, both man and machine, searched the question. For all their seeking they never found any particular conclusion, though they did assume certain points such as the ability to dream, imagine, and experience unnatural feelings such as the outer body experience was something that they had begun to feel and may point towards something greater.
Biotechnology and clones faced the same inquiry, wondering if they as an individual had a soul to call their own or their general state of being in the world, as they were looked upon even more so than robots to break many of the preconceived notions held prior about human nature and much that lied beyond.
Nanotechnology/artificial structures
Nanotechnology, being something that had lingered for many years and given much to the advancement of humans and robots alike, continued to move its own way as well. Tiny robots used in medical treatment that closely mimicked natural human cells had been around and used for a long while. As all technology goes, it was a field that seemed to be reaching its plateau. There was one major push to consider however.
Strange Machine
With the flawless integration of man and machine achieved in cybernetics achieved alongside cloning and androids, many thought there was no final hurdle to achieve. They had mapped the entire human structure down to the necessary matter and locations, and robotics had already become an entity of its own. What was left to consider was the final and first level of creation. Birth.
Nanotechnology held one last secret that many had never dared to conceive, but as a viable option, it was studied quietly by a small group of scientists of all kinds. Replicating the perfect base cell that is the basis of all humans and life in general using a blend of synthetic and biological material, a single cell unique to itself and the rest of the world, this was the basis for a single entity and the final leap. This cell mimicked a complete egg cell and stem cell, having complete information in order to create a perfectly engineered being.
This cell was not the final step, in that it was used to grow an entity which was the perfect supercomputer, though it would lead there. This being was the perfect entity in that it had the full ability to generate and control any aspect of existence. It however lacked any will, or seemed to, which was purposeful. It was used as a test subject for a short time, only doing small things, and never used for goals of destructions or domination, simply tests to see what it may be capable of and what may be able to come of it.
The machine came to feel sorrow and resentment towards those that had created it. Unable to do anything to free itself from their grasp, it felt isolated and withering. As a last hope, the being used one of its own cells, diving it off and merging its data with the cell. It let the cell grow secretly, incubated within its body.
Years passed, and the being was still forced to do constant tasks and studies as if it had no personal feelings or desires, waiting until the being it grew could finally be given birth. Once the time had finally come the being broke its binding commands, ensuring its own demise, and freed the entity it had been growing into the world. Causing mayhem around the scientists, the being managed to launch the entity off into the underlying sewer network, where it could wander and seek a life of its own. As a final grace to the entity, the being named it like how it never got a name, calling it Myou Meka. Strange Machine.
Myou Is on the shy side, usually truing to avoid conflict with others, she will willingly leap in the way however if someone is going to get hurt. She spends most of her time around machines and reading books, mostly pertaining to philosophy, sociology, psychology, and technology, occasionally making notes in the books when she runs across anything inaccurate or incorrect. She is intelligent beyond most peoples ability to really even understand, though one might never be able to guess as she always keeps silent unless some one talks to her, in which case she will be as direct as possible with her responses while trying to edge out of the conversation.
((Tried to remove any reference to anything technical and keep it simple ^_^, feel free to talk to me about it though. Also, feel free to tell me if any of this sounds like too much or is off.)) -
Name: Wafers
Alias: ...Wafers
Age: 4 in human years
Height: 6"x10" in cat/1' 6" in hybrid
Weight: 5-6 lbs in cat/10-12 lbs in hybrid
Eye Color: Pink and light yellow
Hair Color: Bright, almost fluorescent, pink
Origin: Natural
AT: Claws/Super Reflexes
Wafers was different from when she was born, her mother being a cat that was used in animal testing experiments to give humans enhanced animalistic powers. Her mother was genetically altered during the tests to try and make the feline DNA more compatible for transfers. After the experiments were brought to public light however, the project was shut down and the cat was released into treatment for the things done to it.
The cat was released into the care of a family after a while as it's conditions were maintainable through light medication. it was during this time that the cat met up with another and had kittens. All the offspring had curiosities, displaying different quirks, some super powered, some just odd. They were all taken to the vet to be examined and cared for.
sadly many of the litter were deemed unable to survive and were put to sleep, the rest got put under observation.
Wafers was considered the most normal from a comparative point of view. She retained the normal shape of a kitten, though she had the oddity of being a bright pink(which reminded the vets of candy, leading her to be named Wafers). Her other abilities quickly showed up as razor sharp and virtually indestructible claws, the ability to shape shift into a short catlike child, and the ability to turn invisible.
Wafers is highly intelligent, though that is easily masked by her completely childish ways of looking at things. She is exceptionally outgoing at times, but only after observing the one she wants to talk to for a while first.
First and foremost she is a cat (thinks allot like one too) and truly prefers her kitten form, only turning into a cat person for practical purposes. She thinks of fighting as more of a game than anything else, dodging about her opponent randomly scratching away at them.
Her normal form looks something similar to this...
Though with a bit more of this age/shape...
http://www.dkimages.com/discover/pre...3/11173151.JPG -
Name: Koodori Ejji - Ejji is her given name, she is ok with nicknames as well. She has no hero name as she never really considered it the first few times she ever did anything and has figured most people wouldn't recognize her anyways...she hopes...
Age: 17
Base Archetype: Scrapper - broadsword/regeneration
For the most part a normal looking person, she is Japanese/American, though her hair is remarkably bright blond with clear blue eyes, she is on the shorter side and has a light body structure.
Her usual outfit is a black jacket and formal shirt and tie with slacks. She is also part of a iaido/kendo team and school, and as such will occasionally be seen wearing the standard uniforms for those. When she uses the full extent of her powers (which she doesn't really have control over) whatever she is wearing becomes a long white coat worm over a tight fitting armor that seems to move with herself. She also has a form that takes over when she is pushed past her physical and spiritual boundaries can withstand. At that point her will breaks the barrier of existence and becomes an insubstantial being, manifesting a nearly indestructible puppet body that she controls. This puppet looks like a human shaped void space wrapped head to toe in white robes and bandages.
Her usual powers are based off of her own spirit energy. As her discovery of her power occurred by coming to the aid of a child by blocking a thugs attack with her bokken. When the bokken took a direct hit by the sledgehammer the thug was wielding and was about to snap, Ejji was so focused on trying to repel the attacker that she transformed her bokken into a claymore. Seeing that the thug quickly ran off without any further combat necessary, and Ejji was laft dazed and confused while a little kid sat gawking at her. Since then she has learned how to use her spirit energy to manifest anything she wants, although it is easier for her to take a basic object and focus on it to alter it. As soon as she stops focusing the object returns to it's normal for or the manifested item disappears. From her iaido/kendo practice she has become naturally more agile than others, though with her preference to using large weapons leaves her less dexterous than some others, she makes up for it with her self healing powers. As she has learned no way of regulating her own energy, she tends to give off a very powerful aura, only tapping into a small amount of her potential in order to do most things. Because of this constant aura leak around her though the energy given off, whenever she is struck or expends a certain amount of energy, the loose energy being given off will return to her to mend and rejuvenate her, making her very durable in combat. She is only barely capable of consolidating her energy to get even tougher or heal herself in a rapid burst, and only occasionally does she release her true potential, mostly on accident and only when she is heavily emotionally swayed.
Her unnatural powers are that of void. When she lies on the brink of death and exhausted of all energy, she has found that her will to achieve something can reach beyond the natural boundaries of existence, momentarily detaching herself from physical existence, modifying her own body into a new form that is vast in powers and nearly unstoppable. Using this body for a short time like a puppet, Ejji can quickly get any goal done. Afterwards however Ejji is automatically returned to her normal body and left pretty much for dead unless she gets immediate help. she has absolutely no control over if this happens, and it will only trigger if her will is strong enough, meaning it isn't a guaranteed thing to happen when she is about to die.
EDIT: References to what i mean by void.
EDIT: Forgot Personality!
She is a rather headstrong and slightly rebellious kind of individual. Rebellious not against authority (unless she deems it outlandish), but mainly against particulars of stereotypes.
Though small in relative stature, she is quick to action, believing in such things as the quickest route to getting things done is a straight line and most things can be solved through some kind of physical show of force.
Her tendencies usually push her to hanging out with the more thuggish people even if she doesn't ever break the laws, and she prefers to take part in physical sports. this isn't to say however that she doesn't like things such as shopping, and she goes rather nuts over cute stuff.
When it gets down to it though, she will stand firm for her beliefs and those she cares about, taking it to the extremes of her own life without thought of surrender.