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  1. Be safe, our thoughts are with you. And I promise to buy an extra fire extinguisher just in case things get out of hand!
  2. Miss_Stabby


    I must say that's some pretty sexy booty shakin' from those guys!
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Electraflame View Post
    Oh and I say the real man contest involve something summer related. Like a bikini contest hahahaha

    How about bikini waxing?
    even better!
  4. Ele you and smoke did a wonderful job! I think it will be better in the summer though with those that are traveling and the freedom of being outdoors and all. Lornac and I are going to be supplying hot dogs (turkey and the original...umm meat?) as well as a yummy asian noodle salad and some other yummy snacks. We can't wait! Oh and I say the real man contest involve something summer related. Like a bikini contest hahahaha
  5. Put me down for either my lvl 50 dark/dark brute or my lvl 50 night widow, whichever is more needed!
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SmokeSignal View Post
    No many people. Which is the way it should be.
    Many nods and thumbs up from the LornacMcstabbypants camp
  7. I was also given the VIP badge by Meg around Christmastime. He asked if I had it and within 5 mintues he appeared and placed the unopened box in my hand. He is truly selfless and I agree with this post 100%! Yay Meg!
  8. I think a cookout is a great idea, we can't wait to come. We'll bring the slip-n-slide!
  9. I loved the retrospective aspect of the newest episode. It was so cool to hear that the devs and coh team love the game just as much as us players! Nice job OTC, keep it coming!
  10. Wow Gratz Off the Cape for your spotlight on the main page and for the shout out from the Devs! Keep up the good work!
  11. This was my first big event and I had so much fun! The game crashed a couple different times for both Lornac and I but it was worth it. And I did find out the hard way that with massive lag and a ton of AVs, Regen is not such a great scrapper secondary.
  12. Love the podcast, great job guys!
  13. So excited you guys got it up and running. Can't wait to hear more! Bravo!!
  14. Miss_Stabby

    Love that!

    Originally Posted by Bobitron View Post
    Shield Charge
    Rain of Arrows (I just got it on my Archery blaster and WOW)
    Oh yeah I love my archery blaster...buildup, aim, rain of arrows.....LOOOOOVE THAT!
  15. Miss_Stabby

    Love that!

    The hubby and I recently had a discussion about which power(s) you love and want them on every character you have. My vote(s): fearsome stare, tar patch, and energy absorption. I've only been playing the game for 29 months and wonder what are your votes for most beloved powers.
  16. Lornac and I will be attending, what can we bring?