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  1. Always great fun with a good team so hope to team with you all again soon!
  2. Im game for the Venomous badge hunt but when are you doing it? Oh and if your are gunna have a stab at the reformed badge im in on that also
  3. Well I was hoping we could do this on a higher Diff setting as im trying ot lv my Tanker by only doing TF's and Trials thought it would be a little more fun to do an alt that way.

    See you all on Sunday then!
  4. Bring it on! I cant wait been looking forward to doing this TF for the last two weeks. Hope we are still doing it on Sunday.
  5. Heya im in at 2pm with Lady Deluge lv30 Tanker Invun/Energy
  6. Heya

    Just a quick post to say I cant make either of the days as im off on hol to Thailand on Sat so just thought I would post to let you know Jain Zhar wont be making it becuase she will be on hol's also.

    Hope it goes well for you though and get some badges for me.
  7. Heya peeps

    Since i missed the last one due to RL I will be arranging another hunt so that anyone missed it this time can get it next time.

    I will post it on the villians forum tho so that we may get a better response from them for some help.

    Keep up the badge'in!
  8. Shame I cant make it on Sunday now for this badge but its still going ahead anyway.

    I will have to arrange it for nxt week instead but hey thats how it goes.

    Good luck peeps.
  9. Ive just been informed that Max Powerz will help us all this Sunday at 10am GMT at the Sirens entrance.

    See you all there.
  10. Right then I will search out a villain then to help us. Lets hope this can be done keep an eye out on this post for more details.
  11. Heya peep's

    Right im looking for some one that has a villian that has confuse and is willing to help me get the Reformed badge.

    I would really appreciate any help that could be given for me to get this badge.

    Please post any interest and let me know if you can help a fellow badger.

  12. Mega gratz peeps keep them coming im getting close to another lv50 soon but im still trying to catch phil on the badge front! lol
  13. Well 1st of all I must say sorry to all that turned up when I could not make it for my own arrange RV raid.

    Unfortunatly my best friend went into labour and I said I be thier for her during those hours of need.

    Baby Reuben was born at 10.13am today and his a healthy baby boy.

    I will arrange another RV raid soon when life doesnt get in the way. Hope those that did the RV raid in my absence got a good number of the badges needed and I will see you all on hte next effort in RV.

  14. MissWhite


    Just remeber we all love you here! Come back when you can not teamed with you in age's and we need to change that!
  15. Keep it up been an SG leader and geting to lv50 is hard work. Go one get another one!
  16. MissWhite

    Gratz to Corpos!

    Gratz they dont get much better than the 1st big Ding! Hope you have many more hit lv50 on CoH
  17. Great I need all the pillbox badges and all the heaives badges! see you all there
  18. Ive found he easiest way to get rocketman is if you have inviz, its saved my butt now in the pvp zone's so much and its funny how many villains are not looking for an inviz hero.

    Great to get so many responses and I will be contacting peeps for more badge hunting asap.

    Also look at the forums I have been posting badge days alot of recent so hope to hear from you on one of my other posts.
  19. Yeah im doing some of the pvp one's now and they seem to take ages! But I just cant help myself I need them all and I cant seem to stop but make other peeps do it with me.

    Some of these badge have been hard for me since im a blaster and to be honest I dont think im gunna go for the heal badges until last since I just cant be bothered getting the heal set for them at the moment but im certain I will at some point lol.
  20. Jack there's nothing stopping you from joining us later just send me a tell and we can see what can be sorted out.

    Oh I also forgot to say its 8pm British standard time and we are all gunna meet inside Atlas Town Hall.

    Response seems good so lets hope we can get enough heroes.
  21. Well its on the test server but I understand what you mean. If the interest is high I wont change the time but if it isnt I will look into making it later.

    Funny how Sunday seems to be a popular RV raid day lol.

    Oh and we can have a pop at the AV's I was just saying that they werent gunna be my top priority for this raid.
  22. Great to see another 50 hit the charts! Well done and keep up the badge hunting!
  23. Heya peeps!

    Well the last one I set up was such a success I thought id set up another one.

    The main diffrence is that we focused on the AV's there but this time around I want to focus on the pill boxes and heavies.

    I will hold it on Sunday the 27th Aug at 8pm same as last time.

    If you have any questions send me an email or contact me at my global @MissWhite

    Hope to see all of those that came last time again.
  24. *Hold's the T-shirt up high!*

    Yeah it feels good, and I really just need to work on the last lot now, so if anyone wants to help me let me know.
  25. Well ive actually done it! I have 301 badges now and thought id shout about it. But this is not the end I want more more I tell ya.

    If anyone out there is as big a badge freak as I am, and there are (far-seer and phil, dont make me get started with you and all your shineyness!).

    Well I want you! send me a private email on here or contact me on my global @MissWhite.

    Im mainly looking for pvp to finish my collection off but send me a tell I have many more alts that want badges.

    Thanks xXx