Hi Everyone,
I finally decided to try a Tanker for the first time after three years of playing CoH. I have been looking through the Tanker boards for counted hours. I have narrowed it down to two builds, SD/DM and Inv/SS. I ended choosing the Invulnerability/Super Strength Tanker as my first Tank. What I need help with is good leveling build with Taunt, Air Sup, and Fly. I also wanted help with an IO build if possible once I get to the point of respecting him? Finally, I had a couple of questions below that I need your opinions on. I appreciate any feedback, and have great night.
Does the Air Sup, Fly route work well on a Invulnerability/Super Strength tank?
Does an Invulnerability Tank need Tough and Weave?
What are some of the weakness of the Invulnerability set, and how can IOs help that cover that weakness?
What are some of the powers to skip in Invulnerability and the Super Strength set?