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  1. Marak

    Is it confirmed?

    [ QUOTE ]
    Can someone sticky, "Yes, Heroes can go bad and Villains can go good so stop making a new thread asking this same question every damn day and learn how to use the search button."

    Hmm, that might be too long to fit in a thread title though.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I asked nicely for you (Not just you, but i mean, everone in general) to not flame me, I am short on time when i view the forums, and i just wanted to quickly ask, heck i got statesman to post here. No need for negative imput.
  2. Marak

    Is it confirmed?

    [ QUOTE ]
    In development.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thank you Statesman, you're truely a hero! lol
  3. Marak

    Is it confirmed?

    I don't know if this has been asked yet, please don't flame me if it has been. Have they confirmed the "hero goes evil, Villain goes good" situation yet? A SIMPLE Yes/No will do, i don't need 10 posts of 'I'm Not Sure' or 'it's still in discussion'. I JUST want to know if IT IS confirmed or not.