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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    That IS a nice piece . The soft golden hues on her are very well done and the form and figure are excellent.

    I would add two technical comments. You have good use of line weight in the background (especially in the foliage at the bottom) but virtually none on the central figure. Adding it would help the colors really pop, especially in a relatively low-light, sharply defined point-source scene like this. The other is the drape and hang of the mini-skirt is strangely... clingy.

    Looking forward to seeing more of your work !

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I drew the skirt as a tight miniskirt, pretty much the same as it appeared in the ref. I did show the piece to Memphis_Bill, and he didn't have a problem with the skirt, or the way it clung. His character, so I figure he knows how he wants it to look, y'know?

    As for line weights, I'll try to keep that in mind in the future!

    In the meanwhile, thanks to Memphis_Bill, and I'm happy if you like it, bud!
  2. Figured I'd share - new commission of Therra Vindicta! Pencils n inks by me, colors by Cassandra Wedeking and myself.

  3. Thanks guys - and thanks to everyone who added me or is watching me at DA! Very awesome of ya!

    Oh, and Suichiro:
    Not trying to steal credit from a colorist I hired to do a comic book cover. I never said I did the colors, just that it was the cover to my new book, which it actually is. Regardless, I edited the initial post, so as to not further offend.
  4. Thanks, I didnt realize my sig link wasnt working till I posted. Heh!
    The Monika piece was an actual commission, and The Christmas Rat is a story I illustrated for Doorways, a horror mag last month. You can check em out, and more of the art from that story at their myspace blog:
    Doorways @ Myspace
    The story was a lot of fun to draw, it was really different from what I've done in the past - and from what I know the magazine's out now.
    Happy if you like it!
  5. Hey all!
    As the subject says, I'm new to the board, so I figured I'd introduce myself and say hi!
    My name is Jay and I'm an artist and writer - Ive drawn stuff ranging from children's books, to an online comic called Power Hour at Movie Poop Shoot (that you can check out at my Deviantart page), to my new comic at Arcana Studio, Kagagi / The Raven.
    I have been playing City Of Heroes when I can for a while now, and while I think the game's awesome, I havent had enough time to really play it as much as I'd like!
    In the next few months though, I'm going to have a lot more free time, as my comic is done, so I figured I'd offer my services if anyone is looking for commissions. If that isn't okay / allowed here, I apologize, but I just figured some people might dig it, and I'd like the chance to draw some new characters, too!
    Here's the cover to my new book:
    Raven cover
    Pencils by myself, colors by JF Beaulieu

    So, I look forward to meeting you all, and hanging my hat here. You can check out more of my stuff at my Deviant Art page, and my Myspace Pics section and blog, which I update with a new sketch or piece every week. Just check my sig for the linkage!