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Quote:AWWWWWWw. SwellGuy.....I gotta get my wine and cheese onYou wouldn't want to bother to check out the other threads whining about the market before starting your own would you?
Please define everything and skyrocket high.
Meanwhile introduced into the game were Reward merits to directly buy items. Mission Architect tickets to buy random recipes. And most recently alignment (hero or villain) merits to directly buy any recipe in the game.
A large number of things have crashed hard in the past few months due to those game additions. -
Hey folks. I have been off COH for about 18 months. I had played up to 4 1/2 years before that..
Anyway, I remember back in the old days I could get items and IOls for decent price.
Now though, it seems like everything is skyrocket high.
What caused this a lack of supply that = huge demand?
Where would I find info on how to work this new expensive market?
Please sombody, just anybody HELP -
In a word yes. I am not into it like JLA, but this is a very fun program to watch. They even make the boring villians interesting . Not a perfect show, but very passable ..Especially since this is season 1.
Home huh
I got the Going Rouge expansion....Its fun but some of those missions are very hard if your not in teams...I am very impressed with the storyline so far. The only problem I am having is that you definatly need teams
to get around the place. Now I actually don't mind this because as a mostly controller type of player, I need teams till level 32. But trying to solo those missions in Rouge is almost crazy... I love teaming with villians that's always fun..
Here's my other question.. I played since Beta on a friends account. I was mostly in Liberty and Protector there. I got bored because I could not find folks to team with. I would like to know , what servers are best to find teams on? Which server is the Role Playing server?. He met a lot of cool folks on his account as well so let me ask what's a good social server or a good way to make friends in this community ?
I think comming back this time, I am going to be more active on these boards as well. I'm back folks, and this time Ilm going to be more than game active -
Quote:Question about buying Going Rouge..If I get the digital download, will this refelct on my account?But....you need to buy the Going Rogue expansion to do that stuff, it isn't available to people who didn't purchase it.
Inherent Fitness pool will be coming for everyone, but the Incarnate content coming in issue 19 is Going Rogue exclusive as well.
Going Rogue is the first paid expansion since City of Villains (which started out as a standalone game, but since they combined them it is effectively an expansion now). It also includes 4 new powersets that are only available by buying the expansion, they are: Dual Pistols, Electric Control, Kinetic Melee, and Demon Summoning (Mastermind primary).
Going Rogue is, in my experience, very much worth the money you pay for it, it gives you a lot more stuff to do (especially after i19 hits, which is supposed to happen later this month) and explores the "gray area" between hero and villain. Previously, you could either be the classic Superman-esque truth, justice and the Paragon way type of hero, or a Saturday morning cartoon villain. With Going Rogue you have the option to be something in between. Or even something darker.
Praetorian content is very dark and morally gray, and frequently forces you to choose between the lesser (or greater) of two evils, and very often neither choice is the "right" thing to do. A lot of people complained that the choices given to you aren't very heroic at all....but that's kind of the point. There is one particular arc where you are forced to kill one of two people, and aren't given the option to let them both live (storyline based, letting them both live would effectively end your character's story right there) I won't get too deep into it, but it's a really cool world to explore that explores morality a lot more than the regular CoH game. Tip missions and morality missions do the same thing, but there is usually a "right" and "wrong" thing to do, depending on what your alignment is.
Hero, Villain, Vigilante, and Rogue are the alignments. Hero and Villain are the classic "good guy"/"bad guy" that CoH/CoV have always had. Vigilantes are heroes who have no qualms about killing if it's necessary for the greater good. Rogues are villains who are doing it for personal profit rather than just for the sake of evil itself. (A Rogue can very much have a moral line they won't cross, villains have no such line)
A lot of people responding to returning players mention Going Rogue content as being new stuff, but frequently forget that not everyone will have it. A lot of people assume that everyone bought the expansion and take it as a given that they will have access to the content they talk about. But in actuality you have to buy Going Rogue to access a lot of it.
I ask this because I like to wipe my hard drive every 6 months and don't want to pay for another digital copy. Ill spend the extra $10 in the store to get the DVD if I have to but would like to know if I download the digital copy is it there as long as I keep up my account?
2. I see Going Rouge has a price on it. Will I have to pay the extra $15 a month on top of a COH/COV fee for this expansion? -
Hey guys/gals.. I have been away form this game for about a year and a half now. I play Champions a lot but decided to come back. Since I was last here, I remember folks doing AE missions all the time. I was just wondering if much has changed since i13 or i14 when I was last here ?
Have powers been nerffed more? Are prices at the market still very high? I also heard about the stamina pool being an inherit power pool now. What other changes that wont require a update faq should I expect?
I appreciate anyone who takes the time to view thins