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In PvE they have some good and some bad. The bad is that they draw aggro on you, even if you are hidden.
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While they will draw aggro onto you if you are in the mobs line of sight, I have often found that the mob AI goes kinda nuts if you break LoS and go hidden.
They will yo-yo back and forth out of the caltops 3 or 4 times, then run as fast as they can - usually away from you. They'll lose interest, you'll lose the aggro.
Rinse and repeat. -
If they can't code around the NPC AI, I'd vote that all hostages be changed into pets.
Having to keep them alive while rescuing/kidnapping them would add a layer of difficulty and realism to these missions, as well as toss out the problems with following a stealthed target.
Honestly, when hostage missions where first announced for CoH, I think this is what many people had in mind. For me, at least, it was kind of disappointing to find out I was just walking some immortal NPC to the door.
And they wouldn't all bow when you get there -
I see absolutely no reason to have this fixed for one set of NPCs and not the other.
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One would assume it's because different code sets control "citizen" NPC AI as opposed to mob NPC AI. -
The Hostiges / Villains you are supposed to free from captors will actually attack and help when you are still hidden.
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To note: if you leave their auto-follow range, then come back while hidden, they can no longer see you; you have to turn off hide for them to start following you again.
This leads me to think that their AI locks on to you when you are unhidden, killing the mob spawn they are tied to.