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  1. Hiyas Pips! Love the Hero Planner.

    I literally JUST tested it on Virtue with a female character, she pounds her palm for hours using taunt1.

    BTW, animations will break if you're in a combat stance when you try to execute them.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    *off subject sorry*
    BladeBreaker that Avatar is amazing.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Aye, I've seen it on many-a older forums too. Try doing that by hand.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    point : Extends left arm and points in direction char is facing

    [/ QUOTE ]
    AGH! I can't believe I forgot that one. Oh well.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Explain (maybe alternate for Lecture)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Akimbo is one I didn't know about. Its basically just putting yer fists on your hips.

    Explain I forgot, I guess, its different than lecture - Gesture to stop, and then gestures explain the situation, ends in fists on hips stance.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Thanks for that list! I do have a question day I typed /em bow, and instead of bowing, my character shot a bow and arrow! I only was able to do it that day, and I haven't seen it since...has anyone else seen that one or know how to get it?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I don't recall EXACTLY how this is done, but it only works with ATs who have weapons, and might only work on some of them.

    IIRC its something like: do bow, pull out weapon, do bow, put weapon away, do bow again.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    I think its great that you went through the trouble of making this thread, i dont really play the test sever, but icant wait to try some of them, i still think this game is missing some key emotes, such as the most basic one, "SIT", and no i do not consider "YOGA" to be the same as sit. To me sit is supposed to be a cofortable position you take on the floor to relax, and i dont know if you ever tried it, but yoga is not for everyone

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm afraid SIT isn't too terribly comfortable looking either.
  5. Yea, its even nice for just saying things and attaching an emote quick-like without a pause..
    "/l G'bye!$$e bigwave" and the like.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    Good news, most, if not all (can't remember) of those listed above in the top half are being added to the in-game list that you can click on with the new update currently on the test server.

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    Yes, they all are in the list. Some of them aren't very obvious(Thank you and You're welcome) but the rest are pretty easy to spot.

    There may be new ones that aren't in the list, and if anyone finds them, post 'em!
  7. I haven't seen this posted anywhere yet, so I figure I might as well try.

    The following is a list of emotes, formated like so:

    <emotename><(alternative names)> - <Short description> <(SOUND) tag if there is some sound associated)>

    Few notes:
    almost all emotes end in a stance, I kind of generalize the stance at the end of the description in most cases

    Some emotes have repeating animations(jumpingjacks, dance, boombox, burp, a lot of 'em), your characters height, and maybe build too(haven't tested it) determines how FAST the animation is after the first loop. The taller you are, the slower you move, and the shorter you are, the faster you move. This is actually true for all repeating movements, like running, most obviously.

    All emotes can be accessed using their name after the emote command(/e /em /emote /me). IE: /e salute

    If I missed anything, feel free to append to the list. Likewise if I typod one of the emote names, feel free to correct me!

    The descriptions are my best attempt at dark-thirty in the morning when I'm tired and sleep deprived, please forgive me.

    Lastly, if you are a dev, feel free to sticky this post. I hope it remains purely informational!

    Now then, the list:

    NEW(As of content update 1, as described while on Test server on 6/16 at 4:24 AM PST):

    nod - Fists on hips, nod affirmatively, hold stance

    welcome - Open arms welcomely, fists on hips stance

    score1 to score10 - Holds a black on white scorecard up, ranging from 1-10 as specified, holds stance

    angry - Fists on hips and slouches forward, as if glaring or grumbling, holds stance

    frustrated - Raises both fists and leans backwards, shaking fists and head, leads into a quick-breathing angry-looking stance

    drat - Raises fists up, then down, stomping at the same time, same ending stance as frustrated

    shucks - Swings fist and head dejectedly, neutral forward facing stance(not the default stance, same as huh/shrug)

    grief - Falls to knees, hands on forhead, looks up and gestures a sort of "why me?" look with hands, goes into a sort of depressed slump while on knees, holds stance

    victory - Raises hands excitedly, and then again less excitedly, and then a third time almost non-chalantly, falls into neutral forward facing stance

    winner - Fist in fist cheer, right, and then left, neutral forward facing stance, but apparently holding thier breath

    fancybow - A much more elegant, ball-room style bow, falls into neutral forward facing stance

    kneel - Quickly kneels(errm, if you wanna call it that) on both knees with hands on thighs(looks insanely incomfortable), holds stance

    militarysalute - Stands in the military-style heads-high hand on forehead salute stance

    atease - Stands in the 'at ease' military position(legs spread out slightly, hands behind back) stance

    thewave - Does the wave(I assume you know what this is...), neutral facing forward stance

    sit - Sits down, legs forward, with knees bent, elbows on knees, and slightly slumped over, stance

    boombox - Summons forth a boombox(it just appears) and leans over to turn it on, stands up and does a sort of dance(boombox plays music(several different, short songs)) (SOUND)

    dance - randomly does one of a few dances, for the sake of my sanity, I won't bother trying to describe them.

    yourewelcome - bows head and gestures with hand, neutral forward facing stance

    thanks(thankyou) - gestures with hand, neutral forward facing stance **NOTE** current build on live will do bow for thanks(thankyou doesn't exist yet)


    attack - Gives a charge! type point, fists on hips stance

    bigwave(overhere) - Waves over the head, fists on hips stance

    bow - Chinese/Japanese style bow, holds bow stance

    burp - A raunchy belch, wipes mouth with arm afterwards, ape-like stance (SOUND)

    cheer - randomly does one of 3 cheers, 1 fist raised, 2 fists raised or 2 fists lowered, repeats

    clap - claps hands several times, crossed arms stance (SOUND)

    coin - Flips a coin, randomly displays heads or tails

    crossarms - Crosses arms, stance(sliiiiiightly different than most other crossed arm stances)

    dice - picks up, shakes and rolls a die, randomly displays the results(1-6), default stance

    disagree - shakes head, crosses hand in front, then offers an alternative, crossed arms stance

    no - shakes head and waves hands in front of character, crossed arms stance

    flex1 - fists raised, flexing arms stance
    flex2(flex) - a side-stance flexing arms
    flex3 - another side-stance, flexing arms

    hi(wave) - simple greeting wave, fists on hips stance

    jumpingjacks - does jumping jacks (SOUND)

    martialarts - Warm up/practice punches and blocks (SOUND)

    laugh - fists on hips, tosses head back and laughs

    lecture - Waves/shakes hands in different motions in a lengthy lecture, fists on hips stance

    rock/paper/scissors - plays rock/paper/scissors, picking your choice(displays RPS for about 6 seconds, then displays your choice)

    salute - A hand-on-forehead salute, fists on hips stance

    huh(shrug) - raises hands and ***** head in a classical "What?"/"I don't know" look, neutral forward facing stance

    stop(raisehand) - Raises your right hand above your head, stance(use in tangeant with attack, ie: "s Wait for my signal to attack$$e stop" & "s Attack!$$e attack")

    roar - Claws air, roaring, ape-like stance (SOUND)

    tarzan - Beats chest and howls, angry-looking stance (SOUND)

    yes(thumbsup) - Big(literally) thumbs up and an affirmative nod, fists on hips stance

    wavefist - Waves fist, hoots and then claps(its a cheer), crossed arms stance (SOUND)

    yoga - Sits down cross legged with hands on knees/legs, holds stance

    whistle - Whistles(sounds like a police wistle), ready-stance. (SOUND)

    newspaper - Materializes a newspaper(don't ask) and reads it.

    taunt1 - Taunts, beckoning with one hand, then slaps fist into palm, repeating stance (SOUND)

    taunt2(taunt) - Taunts, beckoning with both hands, combat stance (SOUND)