Just a few things I want to hit on really quickly:
[/ QUOTE ]1) You're all focusing on the damage cap, and forgetting that we have the AoE advantage. I can obliterate a group of 10 or so +2 minions in less than 10 seconds, any Lt's will be down next with a shot or two, which leaves the boss - melee range can be avoided easily for the most part, and yeah sure they're more dangerous to us than to scrappers, plus there are the mezzes but it's part of the game, if there were no danger it wouldn't be fun.
(2) Can scrappers take on many more mobs and in some cases higher levels, sure, but it'll take 'em several times longer to kill them, while we move on to the next crowd.
(3) The suggestion to implement the 30%-dmg-not-resistant in PvE is ridiculous - we'll be back to the days of "City of Blasters" when everyone complained how fast blasters kill everything and how they don't need anyone else for support and we'll just get nerfed again.
(4) Is there a perfect balance between ATs (or even just blasters and scrappers)? Of course not, and never will be, it's impossible. Are there some blaster powerset or some particular powers that need a bit of help? Yeah, probably. Is the Blaster AT horribly unbalanced, gimped or whatever? Heck no! As it stands right now, the Blaster AT is as close to good balance as it can realisticly get, at least in PvE, in PvP there's some work to be done but we're still better off than Defenders or Scrappers (<-- powerful but horribly unbalanced).
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(1) That might be true for whatever blaster you play. I'm assuming it's either Fire/Arsenal. My AoE and cone in the Energy set won't do enough damage to even level minions to get them barely below half their health. That is with me slotting 1 Acc and 5 Dmg. if I pop Build Up and Aim I might get them to a 1/4 of their health. Only 2 of the 5 Blaster sets are AoE kings. I really wish people would remember that. Not all blasters play Fire/Arsenal.
(2) That also depends on what Blaster vs Scrapper set you pit against each other. Single target blasters do not have the AoE capability that Fire/Arsenal does. When you fcator in Scrapper Critical hits and their ability to defend themselves better, they move faster than 3 of the 5 Blaster sets.
(3) There were no nerfs to blasters ever. Just fixes to ridiculously overpowered Secondary Powers that threw any balance out the window. Caltrops was fixed early on. Remember, right after launch when it would immobolize targets and not slow. And Smoke Genade was fixed, not nerfed. There's a different between an intended 5% Acc debuff and a 50% one. Back then it was a City of Fire/Ar/Dev blasters. When Smoke Grenade was fixed the Devices Secondary was balanced out.
(4) The Blasters sets are not close to a good balance in PvE. Blasters are the only AT I feel with Secondaries that are for the most part ridiculous and offer little to no synergy with the primary sets.
As Blasters we're told to stay out of melee range but all of our Secondaries contain melee powers. It's almost like telling a Controller that his/her job is to control but then have Secondary power sets that negate status effects.
Most Blasters have learned to become "Blappers" to survive. I had to. Total Focus is my most devestating single target attack. That's a shame when a Secondary is more powerful then any of your single target blasts.
I do agree that there will never be perfect balance between ATs. I understand that and I accept it. I don't think it's fair to have the tag "Damage King" when it doesn't apply to more then half the AT.
States has said that Scrappers have the higher damage cap because they are in melee range. Ok. That's nice but they also have: A fair amount of HP, HP Augmenting Secondaries, Critical Hits and Defensive Secondaries. And what do we have? A lvl 32 power that does extreme damage but leaves us for the most part drained of end and detoggled. And for 3 of the 5 Blaster sets it's PBAoE so you HAVE to be in melee range to use the power.
We also have varying ranges within our powersets as well. Flares and Fire Blast for example have two different firing ranges. That goes back to the whole "our most damaging powers" require us to be in close range. Maybe not melee range but close enough for villains to close in on us.
Blasters damage should scale up better then it does now. Toss in a few clickable defense powers. Rework the Secondaries and we could better then we are now without being overpowered. If a Scrapper can get a critical hit with his Laser Eye Beams, why can't a Blaster?