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  1. 11
    Taken (please copy and add your guess to your post to help us all keep track):
    2, 3, 8, 12, 13, 22, 27, 30, 34, 39, 47, 57 64, 74, 78, 81, 85, 99
  2. well i think it's still nice .. it gives ppl options and you know how girls like options!
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stone Daemon View Post
    Is that all it is, a text file? Why not just take screenies?
    in this post,4971.0.html

    they mention a couple of uses one being to reimport ur character in a future program
  4. so i wanted to post this while it was fresh in my mind.. we are still doing first event and when we got to syn tf we had enough two teams.. So why not spawn Two babbages! oh yeah we did that

  5. and for those that want to know what kult is squeeeing about
    i show you Spooky X she's the one with the dual blades :P

  6. i just want to say kissy kissy to you Llydia because ur being so sweet to ppl
  7. oh use them for coasters!
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    My Peacebringer has -res procs in all of his ST attacks, and he does damage. Alternatively you could PL my Cold/Psi defender for a bit and I can slot him up with a perma HL build (what else am I gonna do with my inf?)
    Throw it up into the air and yell WWEEEEEEeee
  9. yeah when hyper starts talking about his 'thing' it makes me feel like i need to cover my eyes
    jk hyper
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MissKyo View Post
    I signed up for myself, Mionas, and Crim, since we all live together - figured I'd spare someone some postage by noting that we're all at the same address anyway, no sense mailing three cards separately.
    but what if i wanted to give you a special card :P
  11. Hey guys ty so much for the interest! I've had alot of questions/messages and it would help me out if you guys read my commission info before sending me a message.
    how to get ahold of me? well you can request my email thru PM while the forums are still up.. or you can make a DA account and note me on there.. or make an etsy account and message me there..
    kissy everyone
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blackleviathan View Post
    I did make something of my own toon long before playing I had a pic up in the thread with my ralaruu eye pic. Ive had the same toon/character long before playing CoH, but would be kinda cool too. I know i sent her pics (and i think she took some of Vigos too) just not sure where it be in the "queue" of making them.
    sent you a private note
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ozmosis View Post
    Do you have a pick of ycebergg?
    If i say yes am i admitting to being a stalker >.>
    I actually have two of him.. but when looking back at them they arent the best screenshots because someone had put an ice buff on you.. so i cant really make out how your hands are .. so if you are wanting a doll it would be grand if you could send me a few more pics and i know you have my email :P
  14. Aww TY! kissy kissy.. its too bad that i didnt make him when i was doing this video i'm working on because he would have been awesome making him dance in pocket D Hopefully you will keep an eye on me on my DA Page

    Originally Posted by SolarSentai View Post
    I just want to thank you again for the awesome work you did on the dolls I received from you. I was beyond happy when I got them, and given the recent news, I'm even more so happy. I'll always have a momento of my favorite character and it will just reinforce the memories I have of my COH life.

    So again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.


    I was going through my Facebook and came across this:

    As I said, I'm grateful for your work
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Man_From_AUNTIE View Post
    I am getting in on this, of course this will be a big order too.
    Starts praying for help
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sooner View Post
    Layla... is this in addition to the spots we reserved earlier? I think I still have a spot or two, don't I?
    yes you still have two spots.. this is me adding more work on myself to help out my fellow CoH players. The ones that reserved their spots before i closed my commissions the first time will of course get done first. I'm just increasing my list and i'm going to see about calling in a favor or two to see if i can get help cutting fabric And just let me know when you want ur other dolls and get me screenies whenever you are ready
  17. and i'm hoping to have my tank ready for the insane STF so i can say that i tanked LR before it all ended
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zaloopa View Post
    I'll definitely be up for this.
    zal is ur villain base able to run it.. Stone and i were hoping you could so me and him would join ur villain group and the three of us be the leaders
  19. Hi guys.. I wanna say TY to all the folks that inspired me. I have had a few ppl contact me and i went ahead and updated my commission info to being reopened you can find the info here
    So everyone take ur screenshots of your fav toons while you can .. just in case you decide to get fanart done by not only myself.. but also the other great artist that we have enjoyed on this forum and on deviantart.
    kissy to everyone
  20. I've had a few of you guys contact me and so i updated my Commission info

    I'm really sad about all this as we all are.. So i ask that everyone get great screenshots of their favorite toons while you can incase you decide later on you want some dolls.. art... done by not only myself but the other great artist out there.