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  1. The idea is that you didn't get hit, you just saw into the future, and what could have happened. It was just an example, you could fit plenty of things in there to justify a heal, though yes, it would be a stretch.
  2. Oh, i agree, that's not the point. It's just that something to compensate that lack of heal would be nice, instead of no heal + worst defenses.

    It's not impossible though, here's an example:

    Premonition - You react so quickly to your opponents attacks that some times you see things happen before they actually do. You may use this power to heal all damage you've sustained in the last 3 seconds.
  3. Actually, all the other Secondaries have self healing. All the other secondaries have Resistance, and everyone in the game has access to large amounst of defense through power pools and inspirations.
  4. And if you haven't read this thread yet, it goes much deeper into why Defense is inherently worse than Resistance:
  5. I'd like to ask a very simple question:

    Do you (the developers) feel that with the changes to Elude, that Super Reflexes is now balanced with the other Scrapper secondaries?

    I'd like to pitch in my own ideas very briefly on the subject.

    1. Super Reflexes is the only secondary that has no form of self heal. Yet, it is the secondary that needs it the most. Since Super Reflexes relies on defense over resistance, a SR scrapper will only be hit so often, but when he is hit it hurts a lot. I can go for quite some time with Elude on in between hits, though even with Tough, when i do get hit it is usually a very notable chunk of my lifebar. Few bosses hit me for less than half of my life. Unless i load myself down with Respites, my lifebar remains in its staggered state until the next lucky blow lands.

    2. There are a large number of power pool abilities that raise the heroes defense. While only Tough raises the heroes resistance, and only to lethal and smashing. This means that a resistance based scrapper can get very high resist, and decent defense, while an SR scrapper can only get high defense. (not to mention that there are defense Inspirations, yet no resistance inspirations)

    3. Being the only secondary to rely primarily on Defense, SR is extremely weak to enemies with Accuracy buffs. If a group of nemesis use Vengance, it basically overrides everything you have to defend yourself.

    4. For being able to tolerate the least amount of damage of all the secondaries, Super Reflex scrappers are given nothing to compensate. They have no additional utility. The entire secondary is purely devoted to raising the scrappers defense, which is an inherently flawed method, for the reasons above.

    5. A well slotted Elude completely negates the purpose of the entire rest of the SR line. Once you have Elude, and you have it slotted with recharge and defense, every other SR power becomes useless.

    Just my 2 cents,
    *crosses his fingers and prays that the devs don't think they've fixed SR already, and forgotten about it*
