
  • Posts

  • Joined

  1. [ QUOTE ]
    Please remove @Chaos King

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  2. Nice article on the pvp scene. If you continue to keep an arena section I will continue to read. Great job all.
  3. And with thier VG's tallents combined they form captain pollution
  4. Splicter , You have to update your avatar now
  5. [ QUOTE ]
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    sweet, I assume this means you guys will be joining the ladders shortly?

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    Already did, or do you mean issuing a challenge? We won't be challenging anyone for a while. Very few people have played on villains, our first official 'practice' is just internals tonight/IO'ing out builds, won't really even practice externally until after next Friday

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    Best of luck and look forwards to watching you guys gain momentum.
  6. sweet, I assume this means you guys will be joining the ladders shortly?
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    i was fooled. well played sorrows

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  8. [ QUOTE ]
    So whose left in Velocity then? Sucks to see everyone leaving =\

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  9. [ QUOTE ]
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  10. [ QUOTE ]
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    @Spec -Leader
    @Raz -Leader
    @Black Fire911
    @Robo bug
    @Rex Frigoris
    @Cool Boarder
    @Demon Seige
    @HUGE PvPness
    @.Prodigy elidgible for play Jan 16th

    [/ QUOTE ]

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  11. [ QUOTE ]
    shake shake revolution plz

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    If this helps promote an evolution of dance dance revolution by making all the players hot women that like to shake it I'm all for it!
  12. Kurgain

    PW's war journal

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    I picked up a new graphics card, a GeForce 8600 GT (costing $125 with a $25 mail-in rebate), today to fix the frame rate problems I experienced last night. After installing it, I found it was a huge improvement over the integrated GeForce 6150 SE; on "minimal" graphics I went from 22fps to 80fps, on "recommended" graphics I went from 5fps to 50fps (with intermittent drops to 30fps when doing something graphics intensive, like traveling fast or just existing in Grandville).

    Someone on Arena channel was calling for people to come to Recluse's Victory, and I thought that would be a great way to test my system performance with the new card, so I ran into RV as Police Woman (50 AR/dev blaster). There were maybe 5 heroes and 5 villains roaming around; the heroes didn't seem to want to team up, so I just ran around solo for a bit, web grenading and shooting any villains I could catch; a bit later an empath controller started buffing me and teamed up for awhile, which helped a lot too. Serious PVPers don't respect assault rifle, so I made a point of trying to finish people off with Full Auto whenever possible. It's actually pretty good DOT damage, just leaves me vulnerable to attack during the animation; villains low on life almost always are running FROM me and not TO me, though, so unless they had a buddy ready to rush me, this wasn't too bad. I actually missed the old Defiance during this encounter, there were lots of times old Defiance would've gave me the burst DPS I needed to kill someone. I tried to stay as slippery as possible, dropping caltrops and popping Personal Force Field to escape. There were several stalkers there and I found that with Targeting Drone + Tactics + Perception IO, it seemed like I could see them just barely as they got into melee range with me; outside of melee range they were invisible. If I had any toggle dropped due to someone landing a stun on me, I couldn't see them either. I think I was about even on kills vs deaths, though I forgot to keep an accurate count; I started at 0 reputation and left with 12 though. There was one regen stalker I kept tangling with and never could quite finish off; I could slow him down enough to fight most of the time, but I just didn't have the DPS to kill him. Maybe if I had a teammate with some DPS or -regen, or slammed a bunch of reds. Anyway, it was pretty fun and the new graphics card worked beautifully.

    After that I logged on Schadenfreude (29 AR/dark corruptor) and did some missions in Nerva. While there I helped a brute I didn't know with Agent Bell, an elite boss in Kelly Uqua's story arc.

    Then I switched to April Fool (50 thug/TA mastermind) to help a SG-mate with Zenflower, an AV-level hippie hero surrounded by Devouring Earth. We then ran a flashback of Regent Korol's story arc with a 4 player team (fire dom, stalker, robo/traps MM, and me as a thug/TA MM), with no temp powers, 3 deaths and a 30 minute time limit. We were exemped down to 45 and fighting level 47s. We got pretty badly beat up while fighting Arachnos critters (not sure why we were doing so badly; a brute and/or corruptor maybe would've helped), with one total team wipeout and assorted individual deaths, causing us to fail the 3 death limit, and just doing the story arc took 1hr 7mins, so we didn't make the 30 min deadline. But we did get the Limited badge for the no temp powers thing.

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    I was that emp troller and the Stalker was Grrrrrrrrrrr.

    Good fun
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    @Spec -Leader
    @Raz -Leader
    @Black Fire911
    @Robo bug
    @Rex Frigoris
    @Cool Boarder
    @Demon Seige
    @HUGE PvPness eligible for play Dec 28th
    @Sorrows eligible for play Dec 28th
    @SorrOmega eligible for play Dec 28th

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    Mmmmm PvP goodness
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    @Blood Nut - leader
    @Chlamydya - leader
    @Gibson - leader

    @Angus Black
    @Overload- Corrupted
    @Plasma Blizzard
    @Arctic Annie2
    @HUGE PvPness
    @Shallow Throat
    @Swallow This
    @healer hank
    @Red Widow
    @Mystical Healer


    @Fracti0n1 - Starts 12/24/2007

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  15. VIllians/Heroes ballanced
    Selectable maps
    +perc pre sirens for villians
    PvP expantion
    Fix Fury for brutes in pvp
    Cross server pvp
    better rewards for pvp
    tuitorial for newbs on pvp
    add pvp game types: capture the flag/king of the hill ect.
    Make warburg cross faction teamable
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    grow some ballz, post on ur main, coward! ROFL

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  17. [ QUOTE ]
    @blind sight
    @Healer Hank - Leader
    @HealerHank - Leader
    @Lord Iga
    @Micro - Leader
    @-Micro - Leader
    @Monkey But
    @Ms July
    @ownage's dad
    @Serial Girl
    @start running

    @ seksi ( we think will update when he can get on test) ready to play on 12-3-07

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  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Yeah, we upgraded K's status to waterboy.

    And by water, I mean booze.

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    Hey we all saw what happened while I emped sober and how much better I am at being a drunk cheerleader.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Don't play Kurgain auto win.. GG

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    I don't emp anymore Besides there is no Kurgain there is only Zuul.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
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    I'd honestly be disappointed if this became a case of the outspoken minority getting some change as a result of, as stated before, a knee-jerk reaction to being caged.

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    You stating that your opinion is in the majority is even shakier than the pseudo-polling Putz did. At least she attempted to solicit feedback and track numbers. You are just stating opinion as fact and calling it a day. What numbers do you have to back up your assertion?

    Knee-jerk? Caging has been around for 2+ years, you can hardly call the situation "knee-jerk".

    I've already said what I wanted to say regarding the issue, I'm just calling you on your blatant BS tactics since you seem to want to influence the debate with nothing more than that.

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    Whining has been around since the beginning of mankind and some of you have it down to a science .

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    My dad can beat up your dad.

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    yea, but my two moms can beat up your dad.

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    I see things are getting serious here.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    @robo bug - leader
    @robobug - leader
    @phatcat - leader
    @fatcat - leader
    @pants stealer3
    @carrot cake
    @you don't gnome me2
    @shirai ryu2
    @fusion chill3
    @mr. control
    @astral skred
    @clair esprit1 - leader
    @twisted blister - leader
    @agent embers
    @jur mawm
    @Mr Ryu
    @Happy Pill
    @scoobert doo (eligible for play 12/9/07)

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    Bout time!
  22. [ QUOTE ]
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    Gl to u guys!!

    Glad to see Max found a nice home with a bunch of good guys!

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    and Gals!

    Welcome to the villain ladder. Wewt this means 7 VGs in the ladder!

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    OOPs...I didn't see Skully on the list!!! j/k j/k j/k my friend!

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    Careful you may get an earful