
  • Posts

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  1. Knightly

    Coming soon!

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    I'm in the process of trying Defiant out too. Lets see what fun i can have.

    ps. I want my wings GG if your still giving them out

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    I am - just send a Tell,a nd next time I'm on, you'll get them

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    As she is always online in dead hours of night, you can contact me in more reasonable hours if you want wings.

    Oh! Also you welcome to the Defiant as well.
  2. Knightly

    Coming soon!

    Welcome to the Defiant!

    As Kindeller said, we will starting a new themed group/SG tomorrow night so if you like Medieval setting and want to join us, i will be glad.

    See you around Damz.
  3. ==UPDATE==

    Day/Time: Every Monday between 20:00 - 22:30 BST
    Starting Level: 3
    Starting Place: Atlas Sewer System Enterance
    Course of action for first session: Sewer run 'till level 6 then starting the Hollows' Arc.

    False Fiction - Unnamed Hero - Plant/* Controller
    Xemulas - Fjorgyn - Earth/Sonic Controller
    Carnifax - Guy De Flambe - Shield/Fire Tank
    Herczeg - Tormented Earth - Stone/DM Tank
    Cynic - Melissa Rapture - Dark/Sonic Defender
    Steel Dancer - Shining Champion - DB/WP Scrapper
    Uther Dracus - Minakawa Kasuki - Fire/Fire Blaster
    Sapphic Neko - Shado-Neko - DB/SR Rogue
    Kindeller - Orlagh Shk'ir - Earth/Thermal Controller
    Butik - Unnamed Hero - Kin/Elec Defender
    Knightly - Khan the Flamemaster - Fire/Rad Controller
    TRT - TBA - TBA
  4. As somethings came up in RL, i am bailing off. Good luck to you all in there.

    This is general data for this event.

    Day/Time: Every Monday between 20:00 - 22:30 BST
    Starting Level: 3
    Starting Place: Atlas Sewer System Enterance
    Course of action for first session: Sewer run 'till level 6 then starting the Hollows' Arc.

    False Fiction - Unnamed Hero - Plant/* Controller
    Xemulas - Fjorgyn - Earth/Sonic Controller
    Carnifax - Guy De Flambe - Shield/Fire Tank
    Herczeg - Tormented Earth - Stone/DM Tank
    Cynic - Melissa Rapture - Dark/Sonic Defender
    Steel Dancer - Shining Champion - DB/WP Scrapper
    Uther Dracus - Minakawa Kasuki - Fire/Fire Blaster
    Sapphic Neko - Shado-Neko - DB/SR Rogue
    Kindeller - Unnamed Hero - Earth/Thermal Controller
    Butik - Unnamed Hero - Kin/Elec Defender
    Knightly - Unnamed Hero - Mind/Rad Controller
    TRT - TBA - TBA
    Heyman - TBA - TBA

    Note: Carnifax won't be able to join us for first session. I will update list as posts come.

    SG Name: Still unclear we only know Sir Evenhand but also his looks changes according to people
  6. [ QUOTE ]
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    Ok i'm confused now. There's too much going on. Why not concentrate on playing 1 team before creating 600 different theme teams

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    It's Ok. We've sedated Knightly now and restrained him

    Medieval is the team theme

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    You can't hold me down for long. I'll be back! *evil grin*
  7. Did you read the whole thread or only look at the last page?

    If you read whole thread you can see untill my last off topic goodness we are talking about characters/backstory/MA arcs/concepts and so.

    As we fastly dismissed Villian side idea you can read it as other side of the background story now.

    EDIT: I forgot to add this side note. If everyone post their final character idea we can know what will we have and hero names etc. I will write about critical detail (like meeting time, what level your character must be and SG name ) tomorrow so you can get your hero ready by Monday. If you have more than one hero we can also invite them into SG as soon as we create it.
  8. He he! You don't want to get into my brain for a day i guess. Other than the things you counted i am planning UP reality and pictures, Defiant Boys' characters and their enemies. On the other hand trying to expand my fantasy fiction setting into more detail so finally we can start a PnP game and i can start writing another story taking place in that setting. And people tempt me to do more.

    This post brought you by Man of Ideas.

    PS: I am glad i got away from MA. Have 4 unfinished arcs already and deleted one (the one we tested iirc). Oh those arcs gave me more detail about UP universe so i think it is all good.
  9. Knightly


    Yeah i had that terrible lag for period of time but it was okay after some point. Sorry can't remember the exact time but i guess it is same hour as your post.
  10. He he nice to know that i am not the only one sleepless because of the game. Last night I couldn't resist charm of Citadel TF and go to bed around 3:00 am.

    Like many times before, on that weird sleepless night an idea fell into my head. I don't know what you guys will think about it but here it is:

    As you know we have 11 members at the moment. I didn't count Heyman and TRT as they didn't post anything since their first post. Also we lack any new comer posts so far.

    So i thought instead of running two teams no heroes why not start second team on Villian side. Of course villians also join hero SG with their heroes. After finishing one side players can switch to other side and start with their villians/heroes. What most excited me about this idea is possible fun challanges, like:

    - ITF challange (less deaths and fastest)
    - PvP zone races (collecting shivans faster/ getting warburg powers faster or RV challange for spawning AVs etc.)
    - LGTF challange
    - RWZ missions challange
    - Mothership Raid/LGTF/ITF co-op runs( half villians/half heroes)

    If you want another background story:

    " My greatest enemy fell into my trap and i send him into a certian death. His final blow also severed my head. It looked like our long battle ended... we both lost. At least, that's what i was thinking while lying on that dirty floor and bleeding to death. My conciousness was fading fast as my blood running through the whirling pool. "It is following my enemy even after our deaths" I thought. Then I tried one last desperate trick. Conjured a crystal globe from the whirling waters which were mixed with my blood by that time and trapped my soul in it. Followed my enemy into the endless pool of dead. Then I, Al Azeem of the Black Cadre found everyone of you. People of your times called you murderers, monsters, tyrants and witches. You brought pain and carnage everywhere you go. Now we are here, we will teach people of 21st century what suffering means, we will plauge their nights with terror. This will be our time my elite army. Choronal Plague will paint this time red... with the blood of innocents" *enter various evil laughter and savage howlings*

    PS: Sorry for grammar mistakes if there're any.
  11. Okay finally i rolled my hero. After trying to find a good concept for Mind Controller i gave it up and trying to fill a gap i see concept-wise: Vampire Hunter/Ranger Forest Breeze at your service. (Storm/Archery Defender)

    Also i forgot to answer Butik. Electric Blast fits good for air elementalist sorcerer/wizard, maybe last cleric of Jupiter/Zeus. Kinetics is one of the sets i think good for representing magic (others are Dark and Rad).
  12. [ QUOTE ]
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    I've came up with this little idea so we could all get busy while we wait 'til Monday. Following Knightly's line of thought, Sir Evenhand found this ability/way to time travel and recruit heroes in order to fight for the greater good.

    That said, I'd suggest each player creates his own Mission Arc explaining how did Sir Evenhand got to your character. You could make your character the captive, and then work the environment and foes according to your background. The MA contact would be Sir Evenhand (we would have to create his costume so every arcs have the same conctac) who would send some hero across time to bring you back to him and join his cause.

    It wouldn't have to be too elaborated. One mission should do the trick.

    Bare in mind this is not a requirement to join the SG/team. It's just a little extra something to keep you busy and entertained.

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    Who is playing Sir Evenhand?

    How has he got the ability to travel through time?

    Can someone throw up his cossie file somewhere, or PM me and I'll give them an email address for it.

    Given that he's a knight of some sort too I reckon I'll have him from the same time as my character and they will know of each other previously, in order to make the mission work a bit better plot-wise. I'll obviously need some form of McGuffin as to why Sir Evenhand is getting you to run the mission rather than him just doing it himself.

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    No one is playing Sir Evenhand. Actually i made up that name by changing a nick name of one character of story. As i said earlier it's original is Sir. Everhard

    For the sake of having same character do the following:
    1- Click on Custom Contact
    2- Create
    3- Go for male body without any modifications
    4- Choose Medieval Helmet 1 and whole Medieval set with flared gloves. Color everything in white
    5- Name him Sir Evenhand
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Quick check as it's not really been established yet: what level and zone are we meeting at?

    Outbreak at 1st level?
    Galaxy/Atlas at 1st level?

    After Outbreak in Galaxy or Atlas at 2nd level?

    Get to 3rd for an initial sewer run as Knightly suggested earlier? And, again, Galaxy or Atlas?

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    Wish i can answer that questions, Steel. Still i don't know who brings what and who will be there (except Carni who won't be joining Monday). So while posting your AT/Character Name also post where you want to start and which level.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    I've came up with this little idea so we could all get busy while we wait 'til Monday. Following Knightly's line of thought, Sir Evenhand found this ability/way to time travel and recruit heroes in order to fight for the greater good.

    That said, I'd suggest each player creates his own Mission Arc explaining how did Sir Evenhand got to your character. You could make your character the captive, and then work the environment and foes according to your background. The MA contact would be Sir Evenhand (we would have to create his costume so every arcs have the same conctac) who would send some hero across time to bring you back to him and join his cause.

    It wouldn't have to be too elaborated. One mission should do the trick.

    Bare in mind this is not a requirement to join the SG/team. It's just a little extra something to keep you busy and entertained.

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    Heh i am happy to hear that this MA thing is not neccessary for me as i am not going near the MA buildings nowadays.

    Edit: If you want to use his original name, go for Sir Everhard
  15. Oh-kay, then i am sorry for sticking my nose to other's business. Let me know what you will roll/rolled by the weekend so we can know who will have which toon and name of the character.

    Also if you want to start a global channel for this teams/SG go for it.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    my main problem with rain of arrows is, that if you have a blaster or two in team, by the time you fire it the minions are already down, and you end up hitting just a couple lts and bosses with it, so (and this is just my opinion) archery has no decent aoe attack. the cone thingie has short range and moderate dmg, exploding arrow's KB is more annoying than useful, and rain of arrows is just too long to fire

    as for a rad defender, i played a rad/rad till mid 40s back in i11 when i started, and it was pretty blaster like. just kick in the debuffs and go do dmg. you can stay back healing of course but rad/rad is a so perfect offender set... the def debuff is uber, even negates paragon protector's elude, has decent aoe dmg and cosmic burst can disorient even bosses.

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    For Archery blaster i can say cone attack is better than blazing arrow. It took ages to fire that attack with little in return. Even a low damage team like Defiant circus kill my target before firing that blasted thing off. As i am not a fan of AoE powers i think i can change (Gah! I forgot that toon's name again so will go with the name you give him) Hawkeye with Battle Sorcerer from Defiant boys. He is a nice Nrg/Mental blaster with single target attacks. I am also didn't like Mental only nice power is Mind Probe, which has a fitting animation for a sorcerer.

    About having tank or not matter. Everyone has their preferences. I think same thing about empaths, which some people doesn't start their TFs without one.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
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    knightly, pls dont pick kin just to provide me sb, as i said earlier, i want to make this tank enjoyable regardless to what support a teammate can give. means even if you start a kin, but i dont like playing the tank wihtout sb i'll delete him. so pl only start a kin if you really want to.

    also in 5-6 man teams having two tanks seems a bit of waste, so if you want your tank butik i'll go back playing 'fender or blaster

    (my tanks secondary is currently dark, but i might change it, when i'm gonna reroll him, cause i wanna change his name. my favorite is so far The Tank That Rocked)

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    I'd say in terms of Tanks if people want to play em go for it, I can always roll something else when I'm released back into the wild to fill in any spots. I can easily reroll him as a Fire/Shield or Broadsword/Shield scrapper.

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    Answering both:

    Play whichever you like. Two tanks is better than not having one if you ask me. As Shield tanks a bit weak about holding aggro but have a nice damage output i see them near a Scranker. So having one as secondary tank and with Fire Melee is a good pick i say.

    For Kinetics, i love kinetics since i am loving playing with Araf. Yeah Psy-knight was a good starting point as a Mind/Rad for me to learn Mind Controlling but even with too busy playing style of Araf, i prefer him over Psy anyday.

    Two sets i said the ones i wanted to try, Kin/Arch will be sweet when he hits level 38. I wonder how much Rain of Arrows i can spam in one mission. For Fire/Kin everybody seems like loving them and Fire is my secondary choice on controller primaries. I deleted my Fire/Rad around level 20 as he couldn't fit into Defiant Boys also had that elven look on him.

    If you really think that way and want to try your stone tank without SB i will roll Mind/Rad again as i want to have a debuffing hero on Defiant. Too bad that Rad defender is no go again. I wonder how people play defenders, I easily got bored while playing one (Maybe kinetics will be an exception as your primary will really keep you busy and with that much damage boost your primary can mean something).
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Right Shado-Neko is born.

    Dual Blade/Super Reflex rogue assassin!

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    Neat pick, Neko.
  19. Update:

    1- False Fiction: Plant/* Controller
    2- Knightly: TBA*
    3- Xemulas: Earth/Sonic Controller
    4- Kindeller: Scrapper
    5- Cynic: Dark/Sonic Defender
    6- Carnifax: Shield/Fire Tanker
    7- Uther Dracus: Blaster
    8- Sapphic Neko: TBA
    9- Heyman: TBA
    10- TRT: TBA
    11- Herczeg: Stone/Something Tanker
    12- Steel Dancer: Scrapper
    13- Butik: Tanker

    * Fire/Kin or Kin/Archery defender is one of the options for buffing stone tank and pulling AVs on STF (yeah i should really think that ahead ). If Herczeg change his idea i will fall back to Mind/Rad for healing/debuffing other team (team which Cynic ain't in).
  20. Add me to your global, Carni and i can help your leveling if this pact thing not work. I wish i can offer pact with you but still my AT is unclear. Waiting for all to say what's on their mind. I hope it will be clear by tomorrow so i can finally say which one i will roll. I am staying with controllers with 3 choices (Mind/Emp, Mind/FF or Fire/Kin for Herczeg's stone tank)

    So far we have 13 people with 2 not posted after their first posts. So we still have plenty of space.

    Wish you all the best, take care.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    Hmm. Having a hard time coming up with something Medieval looking. Best so far been broadsword/shield but i already got that :|

    Still faffing about on a concept.

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    Well some medieval looking costume and themes for the ones looking for it.

    Going with scrappers first:
    - A Samurai (you know they were medieval heroes of far east)
    - A ninja
    - A monk (yeah just like D&D monks who are able to kill dragons with fists )
    - An Arabian Desert warrior (this one is easier to achieve with female characters as they have good combination of Veil/Vest/Chinese Pants). This can be done in some ways: Broadsword/* with Arabian Scimitar option, DB/* with Scimitar/dagger option and my favorite Fire/SR with SS: A character who runs faster than desert winds and have a sword hotter than desert sun. *sings Arabian Nights (opening theme from Alaaddin)*
    - A pirate
    - A rogue, a medieval setting is not complete without a rogue. Use hard leather for pants if you are going topless male or bikini top female. Pair it with hood and cape. If you want to go for more dressed idea you can use Jester outfit which looks like padded armor. Unluckily Patent leather has that zipper on it and not fitting medieval theme very well.

    For other ATs
    - Isen Drottning: Witch queen of the north. Cold/Ice, Storm/Ice, Dark/Ice, Rad/Ice, Cold/Rad, Cold/Dark defender, Ice/Storm or Ice/Rad troller, Ice/Ice, Ice/Electricity or Ice/Mental... even Electric Blast/Ice blaster who claims she is daughter of the God of Thunder, Thor.
    - Elf type heroes: Empathy/Archery, Archery/Mental or any elemental secondary or simply anything feels like magic to you.

    If you are having hard time with costume (which is fair as i am having that difficulty as well) here are some costume parts i think fitting best to Medieval setting:

    Medieval set, Valkyrie set(also this set includes a nice skirt for females which you can match with leater top from tops with skin), Jester top and bottom, Armor Plate, Samurai armor, Oriental pants, Kilt, Rough Leather, Roman costume pieces which is not available on start up unluckily.
  22. Hey Mate!

    Nice to see another circus member on board. We still have a place as we will run two teams.

    For ATs we have two tanks for now (Carnifax and our very own Herczeg (yeah, yeah he is into tanking again )). More tanks is better if you ask me so go for it.

    For name/costume/background story i can offer you now not going tanker idea. A golem. Creating it is very easy. Pick whichever body type you desire. Pick Crittin as texture for all body parts. Color upper parts with a metallic color (gray/golden or even brass like color). If you color lower parts with that weird red (the one on the right corner) they look like human flesh without skin. It will go well with Dark/Dark tank as you can assume he is created by dark magic rituals.
  23. Knightly

    Mids Steps Down

    Thanks for your great work.
  24. Knightly

    Guess Who?

    Ha ha! I knew you will be back someday, someway. Sooner is better.

    Welcome back.