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  1. I want to wish my hubby Illum an
    Happy Birthday and I hope you having a great birthday
  2. Killer_Queen


    Hiya people

    Just want to let people know that it is time to hang up my cape for time being.

    I know I have been playing for a while now but my heart is not in it anymore

    I also want to thank everybody who has teamed with me .

    You never know that I might be back in the future.

    Take care and keep fighting

    BYE xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  3. Happy Birthday
    Another year older
  4. I would like to say thanks to all
    Yes I had a top birthday
    Thanks again
  5. I would like to say thanks to all the people who helped me during the double exp.

    I would like to say a great big thank you who helped me and encouraged me to get to level 50 on monday night and they are

    Angels Tears
    Ms Sky High
    Hell Flamer

  6. Maximus Prime has got his widow Ann Arkee Widow to level 50 today.

    Gratz sweetheart well done u
  7. Gratz Sweetie
    Another one to your name
  8. Gratz sweetheart and keep up the good work
  9. Huge gratz to sis for getting your first villain to level 50
    Well done sis
  10. I want to say that Maximus Prime got another char to level 50 today

    Gratz sweetheart and keep up the good work :S
  11. Gratz to Illuminae for getting another level 50

    Gratz again sweetheart
  12. Gratz to Ultimateman for finally getting to level 50

    Gratz sweetheart
  13. Finally you got their at the end sweetheart
    Glad that I was there to help you ding
    gratz on your 2nd level 50
    well done you
  14. Hiya sis gratz on your first level 50 and thanks for the wonderful team .
  15. Sorry I wasnt there to see it happened
