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  1. As previously posted, this technique rocks the cazbah on the south side of Brickstown. I used it in the deserts of lvls 37-39, when I had run out of missions and didn't care to do the relevent TF for the umpteenth time. I also used it to get out of debt when I couldn't find a lower-level character to exemplar with, or when I would power-level a friend for an hour.

    The modifications I used to this technique are based on the assumption that you're fighting yellows and oranges, plus the occasional Red. Therefore, the emphasis here is on continual, low-risk street-sweeping, rather than intense combat excitement.


    1. Get rid of all Revives

    Normally I would carry one or two. However, you're near enough to a hospital that you can easily go there if necessary. Also, you're not doing anything time-critical that will require that you get up and fight right away.

    While this normally would be a no-brainer, you need to keep it in mind when you get drops from minions: occasionally they give you a Rez, and you need to be sure to get rid of it as soon as you see it. This will free up your slots to get a more useful Insp, such as a Luck.

    2. Always engage with 2 Lucks running

    This is the main technique. At the levels I was playing I had enough accuracy and damage that I really didn't need any additional benefit (Build Up + Aim = Dmg and Acc cap), but as a blaster I had lousy defense. Thus, the main thing was to ensure that I didn't get hit. This was the main restriction on my technique, as you really don't get drops fast enough to replenish the two Lucks you use every combat (or so). Therefore, I ended up running between two contacts, replenishing my Luck as necessary.

    3. Use Damage and Accuracy insps when you get them

    While this makes the encounters go slighty faster (build up + aim doesn't carry you through the whole thing), it's mainly there to keep your inventory open in order to gain Luck drops. The exception for me was when I wanted to use Nova, as I only had a few slots in that power, and most of were filled with recharge reductions.

    4. Keep a couple of Health inps around for an emergency

    Again, a basic tactic. No real big insight here.

    5. Keep one or two End insps for Nova

    This is just your basic Nova tactic: buff it up as much as possible, and keep a Breath around to help you keep alive if your big blast misses anything.

    6. Remember to sell

    Another no-brainer, but it needs to be said. You'll be building up enhancements, and you may as well hit Seraphina (the NPC store) every so often. It's not a real necessary tactic, but it does break up the monotony of street-cleaning.

    7. Follow the advice given here consistantly

    This may seem to be an odd rule, but I found myself ignoring my own advice on a fairly regular basis. The reason for this is that the rules given here are a bit overkill - obviously, most players can can take on small-to-medium groups of yellow and orange minions without dying. However, doing so pushes the risk out to the point where, over the course of a couple of hours, you're pretty much guarenteed to get into a coule of situations where the risk of debt is high.

    My personal form of unluck (aka "honing my stupid sense") usually came in the form of 5th Column bosses - they look almost exactally like other troops, and so I would engage a medium sized group without both Lucks running and suddenly find myself dead.

    The alternate version of this would be when I wouldn't refresh my Lucks right after a quick fight, thinking that they'll last thought the next one. The times I died were when they didn't QUITE last the rest of the entire fight, and I don't notice their absence until after the Paragon Protector buried her fist into my spleen.

    What was even more odd was that I kept doing this, thinking that the last time was a fluke. Or worse, I kept doing it, even though I KNEW that it was risky, and that there was a very good chance that I would fail and get more debt. When this happens, I decided on rule number 8:

    8. If you find yourself ignoring this advice, go do something else - you're getting bored

    This was my solution to gaining more debt while trying to get rid of debt. The tactic is sound, but only if you consistantly follow it. However, consistantly following the tactic is boring. Therefore, set yourself a limit as to how much XP you want to get, and once you get it, stop playing that character for a while.


    With this tactic, I was usually able to engage in 5-7 encounters before hitting up one of my 3 contacts in the area (two along the wall, plus that guy next to the hospital). It worked to get me though the dry levels of the upper 30's, and now that I have missions again, I'm happy to say that I don't feel the need to do it any more.