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  1. Thanks for the feedback everyone.

    As far as scrappers are concerned, would Martial Arts or Broadsword be the better primary? Most of the scrappers I see in PvP are spines. I don't really like that set, and would like something alternative.
  2. Hello everyone. I'm aiming to have atleast one melee/one ranged on both Hero and Villain side. I'd like some advice as to what I can expect from the types of characters I have chosen.

    1) How good is Ice Armor for a tanker? I have read good things about super strength for the secondary, but I'm having trouble with deciding a primary. I've also considered Dark Armor as well. Also, how do tankers compare against scrappers as far as PvP goes? On the villain side, do stalkers exclusively rely on getting a sneak attack to win their battles or can they dish it up face to face if they have to?

    2) Defender- of the two, which is more suited for PvP: Storm/Elec or Storm/Ice? On the villain side, I'm trying to decide between Ice/Dark, Dark/Dark, or Sonic/Dark for a Corruptor.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.